I love silhouettes....everything about them. I think their simple beauty is timeless and I would love to have professional ones done of my children one day. I have seen lots of different tutorials on making simple silhouettes. And as simple as they are...have I ever sat down and actually done it? Nope, I've been dragging my feet on that one. Why? Wellllllllllllll, it all goes back to my perfectionist roots I think. Here's my theory. In my desire to make some beautiful silhouettes of my own, I've let my fear of messing them up keep me from it. Isn't that just silly? Wouldn't it be better to actually try, with the possibility that they just might turn out great.... instead of not trying at all and having nothing to show for it? So, I'm taking baby steps. I made this silhouette plate from an image I found on google. I simply printed it out, traced it onto black vinyl, cut it out, and transferred it onto a 25 cent yard sale plate. Easy...no chance of failure...confidence builder!
I love this plate, but I'm already thinking of changing it up a bit. The other day I found a hand drawn silhouette of my mom from probably 30 years ago. I would LOVE to make a copy of it and replace this random lady's profile with that of my sweet southern belle mom. Now, that would be a treasure!
For this one I used my Cricut (the home decor cartridge) to cut out a chandelier silhouette.
I'm working on a plate wall for my bedroom. I've been trying to pick up black and white plates as I find them. Love me some Ross and TJ Maxx...they always have the best plates for super cheap. I was thinking I would get one more plate. But I really want that random, effortless, didn't even try to make it look asymmetrical look.

This picture from Pottery Barn is my inspiration. See what I mean about random and effortless??? Ummmmm, yeah...it is not as easy as it looks. I thought I could do something similar without being a big ol' copycat and doing exactly the same arrangement as PB. Well, that didn't work out so well. Guess who just sketched out this plate arrangement on a piece of paper and stuck it in her purse? That would be me!

What is my problem? Even when I try to be random...I cannot help myself. Can involuntary usage of symmetry be a compulsion? I think I might need professional help.

This picture from Pottery Barn is my inspiration. See what I mean about random and effortless??? Ummmmm, yeah...it is not as easy as it looks. I thought I could do something similar without being a big ol' copycat and doing exactly the same arrangement as PB. Well, that didn't work out so well. Guess who just sketched out this plate arrangement on a piece of paper and stuck it in her purse? That would be me!
What is my problem? Even when I try to be random...I cannot help myself. Can involuntary usage of symmetry be a compulsion? I think I might need professional help.

Wow...I was just thinking today that I'd like to do the silhouette thing. Only I want to put them in frames and decorate a big wall in a bathroom. Is that weird? I'm going to take profile pics, print them, cut them out, use them as a template to cut again out of black paper, and frame. We'll see how it goes...
I likes it! Using the silhouette of your mom would be too cool. I love the black and white plates. :)
There's nothing wrong with copying an existing layout (especially one as fab as that PB display!)...you can always change it up later when more inspiration hits.
That said, something about the polka dotted plate doesn't seem to fit in with the others...maybe another plate might change the result of your layouts?
Love the idea and may even try it, as I have a blankish wall over my buffet.
You have great taste.Haha! I have that plate on the bottom left with the flowers in my bedroom (I think I got it at Ross) and I just cut out that chandelier and put it on a plate for a birthday gift for a friend. I love that cricut cartridge. It has so many fun possibilities. I love plate walls. I'm collecting some for my dining area. Hopefully I'll have it up soon. I have an issue with being too symmetrical too. I can't wait to see yours.
I love the black and white plates! GORGEOUS! I've been looking for some to put in my dining room since I repainted. I haven't checked TJ MAXX yet, but I will now!
A silhouette of your mother would be so great to have. I love sentimental stuff like that.
Is your chandelier cut out on vinyl? My Cricut is brand spankin' new...what a great idea to use it on the plate!
i, too, love silhouettes!
love this idea, too! thanks for sharing.
This is just awesome. You did an amazing job. I have a silhouette picture in my bedroom, seriously you could sell these...I would buy!
Those silhouettes are so cute! I haven't made any of my kids either. It's been on my list since Christmas!!
I am copying that plate wall too! I'm trying to be just like you - lol. I LOVE that kind of squarish plate - love it!
Have a great weekend my friend!
Love, Love, Love your plates! I am crazy for silhouette's too and have been procrastinating for the same reason you are... that arrangement in perfection! Have a great weekend!
Best wishes,
If you decide that you do in fact need professional help, perhaps I could come with you and we could get a group rate. :)
I love that idea! How sweet it would be to use the silhouette of your mother!!
All of your plates are amazing! I especially love the chandelier plate you made! I so need that cricut cartridge. How did you attach it to the plate by the way? I'm thinking moddge podge?
The plate wall is going to look great, I can't wait to see it when you're finished.
love it! Who cares if you use Pottery Barn-isn't that what they are there for-to copy and do it better!?
Hey-did you ever get your cool cricut computer program?
I am curious about this and your thoughts on it. I want it, but I want to make sure it's as great as everyone else says it is. I saw on a blog somewhere-she used her cricut with that program to cut out silhouettes of her kids. It was amazing!
Let me know!!
I just found your blog and I just love it. You have such great ideas - I will definitely be back. Love your plates too!
I've been stalking your blog for awhile, but I had to comment today. I have been trying to do a plate wall in my dining room and it was driving me CRAZY trying to make it assymetrical and random yet not too random.
I LOVE your plates. You might want to try looking for a few different shapes and sizes to help you out. I added an oval plate to my collection and it finally looks right enough to put on the wall (after 3 months!).
I need to take baby steps away from perfectionism--it is keeping me from making silhouettes too!
These are awesome! I am a silhouette freak as well!! I just saw an amazing collection yesterday at a 93 year old antique collectors! She was way ahead of Martha Stewart!!! Thanks for Inspiring!!
Best, Connie
wow I love these, love love love them
You need more plates and you need to vary the sizes. Then you can make a good arrangement.
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