Thursday, December 11, 2008

Nester's Garland Par-tay!

Yes, I know I'm a little late for the party...but fashionably late, of course! I just couldn't resist joining in on the fun! Nester is hosting another fantabulous party over at her equally fantabulous blog. There are already over 150 ladies linking their beautiful Christmas garlands for our viewing pleasure. I LOVE eye candy!!! So, go check it won't regret it.

Can you tell we're going with a winter wonderland candy theme this year? Lots of glitter and lime green and red...I just can't get enough. Oh, and's my precious little felt tree from the Dollar Tree. I wish I had 46 more of these.

More glitter!

I don't know if I have this mesh stuff figured out yet, but I LOVE IT! It's so much fun to decorate with..all glittery and still my heart!


Chris said...

Oh my gosh, how fun is THAT? I love all the colors, and I'm so impressed with the dollar store goodies in there. Great!

The Nester said...

Love the Color, love the painted brick love the painted paneling! Great job!

Mrs. Gray's Class said...

Your mantle is so beautiful and festive - love all your great finds! We don't have a mantle yet and our staircase is intimidating me, so I'm getting lots of great ideas here!

Mandi Shandi said...

Hey friend! Looks like you got it figured out to me! It looks so fun, and the snowman in the middle is GREAT!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Amanda, I just love your mantel,it's so fun and whimsical & what a great deal on the Dollar store things. That felt tree is adorable, as is the candy cane. You've put it all together SO well! Merry Christmas!

Lamp Tramp said...

It's beautiful and the colors are joyous! I love the bright red netting ribbonny stuff. It's a happy experience just to look at!
Lamp Tramp

Shannon said...

Love it! I love those colors and your mesh and all that candy! So fun!!

Paula said...

Ok this is absolutely one of my favorites! Please oh please tell me you did this from the Dollar Store! Oh my goodness! LOVE IT! There is a Dollar Store within in walking distance I must go NOW!! Thanks

Unknown said...

Bright and beautiful! Very whimsical and fun. Thanks for checking out mine too!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Love it! I am all about poufy and sparkley! It does look like a fairy land.

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

This is so fun! I wanted so badly to go with a Winter Wonderland theme this year but just didn't have the stuff to pull it off. So great!

Lindsay said...

SO cute!

Anonymous said...

OMG! I absolutely LOVE your mantel! It's so festive, and colorful! The mesh looks GREAT! And who can beat the cute felt Christmas trees from the dollar store! LOVE IT!

Unknown said...

soooo cute and cheerful!

AndreaLeigh said...

i love it! it is very whimsical.

Thrifty Decor Chick said...

First of all, I am POUTING because I was at the dollar store today and nada on the cauute trees! Gone! BUT that garland is awesome! I love all the little touches. It's so festive! I am going to copy this next year for our kitchen -- I'm trying to make it more fun like this.
How is little Ella?

Judy @ In His Grip said...

I love your whimsical style.

cherry said...

I love all the is my favorite! Sooo festive! Awesome job. cherry

Jessica said...

Your mantle is absolutely adorable!

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

It looks great -love the whimsy of it all - my kids would go ga-ga!

SarahJarnagin said...

I am totally loving your mantel & garland!!! It's so fun and glitzy!

Shannon said...

I went to the Dollar Tree but didn't find the trees. :( I'll keep checking though.

Our stockings are from Ballard Designs.

megan said...

Love the garland, and adore the new blog look! I see you have a button now too, cool!
Hows the baby this weekend?

lucinda said...

This is my first time to comment, but I read your blog every day. Just wanted to say that I bought the same red mesh for my Christmas tree this year and I LOVE it. It looks so great on your mantle garland too. I didn't think of that, but it's on 50% off next week at our local decor store, so I may have to copy cat you on that one even if it only for the week before Christmas.

DairyQueen said...

I love it! I might try something more colorful in our playroom/den next year...I think my girls would LOVE all the color!

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