Thursday, September 23, 2010

Make Your Own Oilcloth Fabric

It all started with gorgeous piece of fabric from Hawthorne Threads. It is from the Modern Meadow collection by Joel Dewberry, and I am in L.O.V.E with it! I ordered 2 yards and I don't think that's enough because I want to plaster it all over the place. Anyway, back to the subject....I'm easily distracted by pretty things. I've always loved the look and feel of oilcloth fabric, but it is hard to find and the selection is small. Sooooooo, I wondered if I could laminate my own fabric. I went on a search to my local crafts store looking for a product that might do just that.

I found something I thought would work, but then I needed something to put the laminated fabric on.....enter Old Navy. I found these great little accordian folders marked 47 cents and because all of their clearance is half off, they ended up costing me less than 24 cents. Hello, that is not even a quarter! How could I pass them up?

I used this iron on vinyl material by Heat n' Bond to laminate the fabric and it worked like a dream. I must admit, I was a bit skeptical.....but it really worked!

I cut a piece of fabric big enough to wrap around the front and back of my accordian folder. Then I cut a piece of vinyl the same size and ironed it on to the fabric, following the package directions.

See how it looks glossy now? That's my new, made by me, oilcloth fabric ready to dress up my little coupon holder.

I decided to use mod podge to adhere the fabric to the folder and it worked really well. I added a scrapbook embellishment with a piece of ribbon running through it to the bottom and hot glued them on. Now I can keep this little cutie in my purse and not worry about it kicking around in there getting dirty. The vinyl laminate will protect the fabric and I can wipe it clean whenever I need to. This would also make a great alternative for diaper bags, baby bibs, tablecloths, placemats, etc. Did I mention you can also use a sewing machine on this stuff??? It is amazing.....and the creative possibilities are endless!


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Staci said...

You are such a smart, creative cookie! Your directions are so simple, even I might be able to do this! You always have the best ideas. I may be need to make my girls some special placemats or something. The possibilities really are endless, especially gor stuff for kids. Bookmarking this post for sure!

Now if I could just get you to fly to Texas and teach me how to use my nemesis... The cricut... {shudder}.

Linny Jane Vintage said...

so glad you liked the stripe wall! Oh my goodness, I will get you the link to that blog because the lady is awesome! Thanks for the comment love:) Seriously, love your blog!

joanne said...

love, love, LOVE Hawthorne Threads, in fact I just placed an order tonight for Ephemeral Antiquity...oooooohhhhh so pretty. I'm going to give this a try, thanks for sharing...

Brianna! said...

dear heaven!!! I had no idea this existed.
xoxo bB

NanaDiana said...

Cute and creative~ How do you even think of these things?>) Great job! Diana

Jess said...

That is seriously awesome. Oilcloth is so expensive!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

I actually have some of this home, with fabric all cut waiting or me to get motivated and iron it on! I've never done it before, but I also thought of all the great possibilities.

LouLou said...

Girl, you are SO smart. Seriously. I would have NEVER thought to do such a thing... I'm back to blogging after a LONG much needed break. I'm writing to myself, because I'm sure all my readers have disappeared!!! Miss you and would love to catch up soon!

Ashlee said...

I love that stuff.. but one lesson learned. I made a diaper bag and used the iron on vinyl for the outside and wouldn't suggest it. Since the diaper bag moves so much, open & close all day, pull up my the straps and all other movement it started to rip at the seams. I eventually pulled it off (like sunburned skin)ha ha.. lesson learned for me not to use it on diaper bags...but its great for fabric cup coasters!!!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Trés cute!!!! Love that pattern. :)

LightheartedinTexas said...

Very creative and chic!
Quick question...but keep it simple 'cause I am a crafting stiff is this vinyl coating? Can I use this product to make a small (but gorgeous) tablecloth?

A new but enthusiastic lurker!

Heather said...

That's a great product and an even greater idea! I'm gonna have to pick some up tonight and give it a whirl myself. The pets definitely need something to put their food and water bowls on!


Unknown said...

you're amazing! this is such a great idea... i MUST find something to use if for now.

Unknown said...

I love laminated fabric and can't believe how fab this turned out-gotta get me some of this iron on stuff and try it-thanks for the tips and love the fabric choice!

Melissa said...

Amanda! Okay, you got me all excited about Old Navy, but do you think my store had add'l 50% off? No ma'am. Darn! Anyway, I have never heard of such a thing, but it sounds like something I should buy stock in! This is just adorable AND practical. Thanks for partying with us!

Stephanie said...

You made my day! I am going to go get some of the heat bond, what a great idea! Love what you did with it and loving the fabric too.

The Pennington Point said...

Never heard of it! I love blogs...I learn so much. Thanks for the great idea. Lisa~

Kelli W said...

You are a genuius! I have looked at a ton of fabric stores and none in my area carry any oilcloth! I have been wanting to play around with making cute lunch sacks...and now I know just how to do it! Thanks for the great info!

Pam @ bibbidi-bobbidi-beautiful said...

Wow- what a great tip! I can think of a bunch of ways I'd like to use that iron-on vinyl. Could you tell me how large the sheet of vinyl was in the package?

Anonymous said...

Genius!! Love it - I've been thinking about doing this for some Alfresco Bowl covers. Perfect!

FranklyBecca said...

excellent idea! i saw that iron on vinyl in hob lob and was wondering what it did exactly, now i know that i NEED it. Possibly to finish up a project im working on now...

1 Funky Woman said...

Amanda, I gave you an award today! Head on over to my blog and read all about it!


Cheryl @ a pretty cool life. said...

I love heat n did I not know they made that?? Thanks for sharing.

Erica said...

This is FANTASTIC! I just started making (and selling) make-up bags and have been wanting to use oil cloth for the inside to keep it from getting all dirty! This is my new soultion so that I can use all my pretty fabric! SO EXCITED!! Thank you. I am your newest follower :)

Megan H Carroll said...

Hello life saver! Thank you for this great post. What a wonderful find. Will be following you now.

Bethany said...

This is a fantastic idea! So creative!

Bethany said...

This is a fantastic idea! So creative!

Jessica said...

Love this!

1 Funky Woman said...

So glad you popped over and gave your seal of approval, it really means a lot. So where have you been? I bet you have many projects going on, can't wait to hear about them.

Just been thinking of you!


LSB's Joy said...

I love, love, love your blog! Thanks for sharing so many fantastic ideas with us! I have a bench at my kitchen table that I recovered and was adorable for about 10 minutes until it became stained with mac & cheese and chocolate ice cream! Do you think this idea would work for recovering furniture? Does the fabric give enough to allow me to wrap and staple underneath? THANK YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

You have lots of nice ideas. This is nice and I want to try to make one.
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LeeAnn@Encouragement Is Contagious said...

Such great ideas! Wow- you are something special.

Thrifty Decor Chick said...

Hey girl! Jut checking in on you. :) Hope all is well!!

Amy said...

hi amanda!!! i hope you are OK. :O)

Erica said...

Ok- you are sooo creative! I love reading your posts...I need to work up the courage to try these cool things:) Thanks!

Xazmin said...

I love how every time I visit your blog, you've discovered something new for me to try! Heheh!

That fabric is gorgeous!!

Chelsea said...

I given you an award! Check it out at my blog, The Crafter's Anonymous Club.

Allison @ House of Hepworths said...

That is awesome! I'm saving this tip!

~Allison @ House of Hepworths

Chris and Suzette said...

Haven't seen any new posts in a while which is so unlike you. Hope everything is OK. -Suzette

Michelle @ Crafts and Crap said...

I just recently discovered the blogging world. Yours was the first one I found and I read the entire thing that day. Thanks for the great ideas and the inspiration to start my own blog :)

Suzy said...

Hi Amanda, I love you blog, haven't seen you here for a while, hope you and your family are ok

Jules said...

Hello from Jules at bles-id! Since I love, love, love your blog, I wanted to pass on to you the Stylish Blogger Award. I hope you will visit and pass it on! Just follow this:
Have a fabulous day! XOXO Jules

Shannon said...

Hey Amanda! I was thinking about your adorable Christmas mantle you did last year and it got me wondering how you are! I hope everything is okay and you are just enjoying life. :) I hope you have a Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

That is way to cool! I just popped over from Encouragement is contagious...You hooked me and Now I a follower. Stop by and say Hey! Maybe you'd like to follow me too! Many Blessings, Deborah

Anonymous said...

Hi Amanda! I did a post on this quite a while back and thought the same thing - limited options. I didn't realize you could make your own. Awesome! (I like your fabric too).

Merry Christmas!

Pam @ bibbidi-bobbidi-beautiful said...

Hi Amanda, I was just thinking about you and realized we haven't heard from you in a while. Are you okay?

Katie @ OhhBaby said...

What a cute idea! I will definitely be trying this out myself! :)

Pamela said...

You made it look so easy! Love the fabric you chose and the finished project is adorable--and so much more fun to use.

{darlene} said...

awesome project! I LOVE that fabric too. fantastic.
So nice to meet you.
I would love for you to come over to Fieldstone Hill sometime :)
- {darlene}

Anonymous said...

What a clever girl! Thanks for sharing!

MARY said...

That was so cool! Thanks for sharing!!

sarah @ life {sweet} life said...

Hi there! Just checking in on you...I miss your posts. :) Hope you are doing well!

Unknown said...

Love that fabric..almost turkish looking. keep up the great work!

Toyin O. said...

That was really nice, thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Just found you when I linked up to CSI (my Wood TV Frame, Barn Wood Mirror, and whitewashed wood walls.) Anyways, this post is just what I needed! Just bought a pation set from C.L. and need to re-do seats with waterproof fabric. I may try this.....after it stops snowing. thanks! xox Sarah

Diana Selby said...

Question, once you've used the heat n bond on fabric, does it ever come loose from the fabric. I like the look of the project you made and became curios that if I made something that would be used every single day, would it seperate from the fabric. Thanks


No Grits, No Glory said...

I hope you're okay...I sure miss your posts and since it's been months since you posted, I just pray that everything is ok.... :(

Doreen said...

I totally agree with you on the poor selection of oilcloth, so I love your idea of making your own! Thanks for the inspiration. Now to find my fabric must be here somewhere...I am your new follower.

Lauren @ 31diy said...

You are so smart! I never would have thought to do that. I LOVE the end result.

Heidi said...

Hi! I just refound your blog and I am IN LOVE! I had saved your monogram cupcake tower on my computer right before my little guy spilled chocolate milk and the computer died! Well, I finally went to get the pictures put on a hard drive from the "dead computer" and works! Apparently it needed a few months to really dry out. :) Anyways, I refound your blog and I am just giddy with excitement!

One quick question for you...the software you purchased for your Cricut...does it take any Cricut and make it hook up to your computer? And THANKS for the money saving tips for the Cricut too!!

Heidi Lee

Aubrey said...

hey! I miss your blog so much! hope everything is okay!

Sara E said...

I just discovered your blog, thanks to pinterest. It's sad that you haven't updated in months. I hope everything is ok with you.

I also just shared your Gettin' Crafty with Paint Cans idea on my Plaid Punch fan page...

Danielle said...

This is great! I've often wondered the same thing, but just assumed it was a super complicated and expensive endeavor. Thanks for this post, I will have to experiment now!

Unknown said...

Bookmarked and added to project list. Thank you!

Lanna said...

Huge fan of this project!

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jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

So, I found a project I want to do with laminated cotton, but my local stores don't carry it, it's expensive, and there's not a big selection. Thank you SO much for sharing this!! I'm definitely going to give it a try. :)

punkychewster said...

that's funny, i was researching about making my own oilcloth when i came across a link to this post via another website. Anyway, this seems like a fuss-free, quicker and safer way than using linseed oil. Thanks for the tip! i'll try it out and post results on my blog!


Unknown said...

where are you??? miss you!! come back! HOPE EVERYTHING IS OK! email me! XO JEN

Room to Inspire said...

This is such an awesome project - oh the possibilities!!!


Joanna said...

I love your blog too, I need more ideas! Hope you are ok. If so, come back!!!

Unknown said...

Amanda, you are awesome - I love this!

Michele {The Scrap Shoppe} said...

I love this! I have been wanting to make my own coupon holder for a while now. Pure inspiration! I linked over from Mod Podge Rocks. :)

Doreen said...

CUTE fabric! Luv your tutorial and finished project.

B.Link said...

Super awesome! I'm gonna try this tonight!

Christine said...

Fabulous idea! Maybe it will help me to be brave and use some of my beloved stash, if I know its easier to clean!

Travellers Craft said...

this was just what i've been looking for, can you tell me if its quite flexible like fabric? thanks heaps :)

Anonymous said...

I loved your post! A put you button on my flower blog:)

Erica said...

You always have the best ideas. You are awesome!

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Coley said...

This is awesome! I have been wondering if there was some way to make oil cloth because I too have some fabric I am in love w/ and was really wanting to make a tablecloth out of it. Thanks for sharing!

Brittons of Provo said...

This is so cute. I actually just bought 8 dining chairs from a restaurant that is going out of business. They are awesome chairs, but I want to paint them and reupholster the seats. I was wondering if this would work to reupholster, since I can't figure out what material to use for dining chairs with three little toddlers in the house. It's a very basic reupholstering job, just one flat cushion. I like the idea of being able to choose a fabric I like, but not worrying about it getting stained immediately. Would this be durable enough to hold up to that kind of wear and tear?

1 Funky Woman said...

Dying over this fabric Amanda wow!

Love how creative and resourceful you are. What a fab way to spruce up a coupon book!

Happy to also see your fun topiaries. I am putting up mine today. It's never too early to decorate for Halloween!


Anonymous said...

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

I miss you friend.

Amanda said...

Where the heck are you Imperfectly Beautiful!! I miss you!

Amanda R

Xazmin said...

That is AWESOME! I love it! I'm so glad for the idea - thank you!

Jeane M. said...

Whoa this is brilliant. I'm loving these homemade project tutorial, great idea for decor design. :)
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Anonymous said...

I loved your use of the iron on laminate! The file folder turned out so cute. It almost makes work fun! I use it whenever I need a wipeable surface that needs to be pretty too, like when I upgraded my 1960's kitchen step stool.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! It's never even crossed my mind to make my own oilcloth, but now I can think of about a million things I want to try this with. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! I have never heard of this before. I am new to your blog and it is beautiful! Well done!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this and I've got it linked to my oilcloth post as well today!

busanalayali said...

Thanks, it's a lovely post.

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Just Shy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Thank you for the tips! And this looks great. Good job!

Jennifer L said...

Hello, I just stumbled upon your blog through pinterest! I LOVE it so far and just started following you.
- Jennifer L. From

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Unknown said...

You can make your own olicloth fabric with help of the post here. Learn all about it
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toomanyhobbies said...

This is just beautiful! I have some vintage look map fabric that I am wanting to waterproof and create a travel washbag from, this is perfect! After seeing your finished creation im also thinking I should try making a purse.
Thanks again, im definately favouriting this site!


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Unknown said...

That is seriously awesome. Oilcloth is so expensive!
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BDS said...

This isn't oilcloth. Representing it as oilcloth is misleading. Oilcloth is made with linseed oil. This is simply a petroleum based product laminated to a piece of fabric to provide moisture and dirt protection. While the idea is useful, this shouldn't be called oilcloth. Modern day manufacturers are representing PVC based products like this as oilcloth and, they too, are misleading. The CPSIA Act of 2008 prohibits this type of material for use in garments or toys for children under age 12 due to phthalates in the material vinyl/PVC material.

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Unknown said...

Wow, that turned out amazingly! We'll have to look in to carrying this.

And to those overly protective of the name "Oilcloth", petroleum is oil, too! It's a fabric thing, you wouldn't understand.

Daniella.Hua said...

What a great idea!!!!!! I'm looking to make a playmate for my daughter where she can paint and I know oilcloth is easy clean up so what I'm wondering is could I wipe this down with water without it getting damaged?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

This made my day as I love DIY crafts, this is such a good thing to give a try. This "oilcloth" thing never came across my thought.

Unknown said...

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Kathi said...

Great idea! I bought beautiful batik fabric that is purple with dragonflies that matches my shower curtain. I rent so i cant paint or wall paper and I have 4 cubby hole shelved in my bathroom. I was trying to figure out how to cover the fabric and use it like contact paper. I bought regular laminated sheets but they wouldn't have been big enough. I'm definitely gonna try this!

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