Friday, April 9, 2010

Vinyl Lettering...Love It or Hate It???

I happen to really like moderation. My sisters hate it. Well, maybe hate is too strong a word. But they defnitely don't love it. They give our mom such a hard time because she has it everywhere. She is ALL about the wall words. She asked me to come trick out her mailbox this week with a fancy nancy script of their last name.

I think it looks lovely!

While I was there, I thought I'd snap a few pictures of her favorite wall words. This one wraps around her entire kitchen and reads...."Thank thee for the world so sweet, thank thee for the food we eat, thank thee for the birds that sing, thanks dear God for everything, Amen". This was a sweet little prayer my mom used to say when she was little.

This one, "The Fondest Memories are made when gathered around the table", is above the doorway leading down into the sunroom. This is a large addition to the house where the dining table is and where all 29 of us gather to eat as a family once a month.

My mom fondly named it, "The Gathering Place"...and it is!

And just because I was feeling all sentimental I thought I'd snap a picture of the house where I grew up. Beautiful, peaceful, and abounding with love...inside and out!

So, what is your vote...wall words or no?
Do you love them or do you hate them?
Spill it.


Kim's Treasures said...

Your mom's home is beautiful! Love the mailbox "Fancy Nancy" name and I do like vinyl words on the wall. (Hubby does not)

Kristina P. said...

I like it in small doses. I feel like it can be overdone.

JB said...

What a beautiful and inviting home! Makes me want to go visit my mama..

Andrea @ The Dawley Fam said...

The house where you grew up is beautiful! I happen to love vinyl lettering. For my home I put it on distressed wood or something similar, but I think it looks great no matter what! Have a great day!

Rustown Mom said...

I LOVE wall words and maybe I should start plotting how to get my hands on one of those Cricut machines! Oh, the possibilities! And your mom's house is lovely...

Anonymous said...

i tend to think "less is more" when it comes to wall art. but i do like it.

i LoVe your moms house! so cute!

Unknown said...

A little goes a long way. I like it fine, but not too much of it. The mailbox looks great! And I like your childhood home.


Twice as Nice said...

Of course we LOVE it!!

Just Rhonda said...

SOME is okay. As long as it isn't a horrible kid looking font. And nothing too cheesy.

Connie said...

I think moderation in all things is a good rule to live by. I agree with Nancy (above), a little goes a long ways.
As with anything you do, if you love it then that is all that matters.
I have had a vinyl cutter for about 6 years now and am always looking for new ways to use it. I love how versatile it is.

Anonymous said...

I have two on my walls. One in entry way that I LOVE and then one above family photos. I have another one to put up, but think I will put it on wood and hang it above my french doors. I LOVE vinyl!!

Chris said...

Ummm...can I say both? I love them, but I must admit that some people overdo it. Done sparingly, I love them! Speaking of love, I can't stop staring at your mom's house. It's absolutely dreamy!

Ashley said...

I love wall words, but you can definitely go overboard. A little goes a long way.

Amy R. said...

I love vinyl wall words/art. Most people do not know it's vinyl and think I painted it on. It can be overdone, but as long as you change the location of the words/sayings, it keeps it from being too predictable. Your mom's house is so inviting and picture perfect!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

I love 'em! In fact, one of the numbers on my mailbox is fading more than the other and I was thinking of redoing it in vinyl with maybe our last name initial {which is also a "P" and I like the font on your Mom's}. I love the house you grew up in! From the outside it looks like it could be one of those feel good family movie homes!

Sarah AKA The Thriftress said...

I like vinyl! I just posted this week about wanting to use it on my mailbox in fact! Your Mom's house is lovely! Like a house from a movie!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a lovely house! I happen to love vinyl letters.

Traditions By The Seasons said...

I love vinyl! I have about 4 different ones throughout my house.

The house you grew up in is adorable. Aww...memories!=)

Thanks for sharing! ~Liz

1 Funky Woman said...

Your home where you grew up is gorgeous. It reminds me a little of the house in Father Of the Bride with Steve Martin!

I don't have any wall words. I've been to people's homes that have way too many and I'm a little overwhelmed. I think a little goes a long way!

Robin's Nesting Place said...

I like them and I really like how your mom has used them!

SarahJarnagin said...

First off, your parents' home is beautiful! It looks so welcoming and right out of a movie!

I like vinyl but I think it's often overused as a substitute for decorating.

The Working Housewife said...

A mailbox is about the only spot I'd consider putting it. I guess I just don't get the appeal.

red.neck chic said...

As a sign girl that wears letters home by accident every day I have to say...

I STILL love them! Not just the words - but doing the graphics on the wall... using vinyl as stencils... "faux" wall paper!!! GREAT to use around mirrors, on dishes - anything and everything!

Your Moms' house is GORGEOUS - and I love it from the outside as well!

;-) robelyn

Nicole said...

I like them ok...I prefer them in a frame on the glass. Love your childhood home! Beautiful!

House of Smiths said...

Well... of course I like it!
I mean... I sell it every day... so how can I not? lol

But, surprisingly enough... I have LOTS of friends who just... don't care for it. Which doesn't bug me a bit!

I feel that some people live their life in words.
So ... what one person may think is a beautiful meaningful, phrase... another may think is hokey or silly.
Believe me... I'm not IN LOVE with every order that comes my way. lol.

I've found lots of fun ways to use vinyl... for home decor accents... just not words.

Like this.

But once again... all things in moderation, like lots of ladies have said.

In other words, I won't be throwing up a HUGE vinyl saying over this busy wall.

In conclusion to this massive comment... lol... I think to each their own!
Shelley Smith

Anonymous said...

I love wall words in their place. I don't want it on every wall. But I hide my words in pictures and little things I put around the house so all of them are not on the wall.

Denise said...

wall words in moderation are good.

your mother's home is lovely. she is telling a story with her words, in each room. i like her already!

Nishant said...

your parents' home is beautiful! It looks so welcoming and right out of a movie!
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Rosebriars said...

Not in my house (just not 'me' - our house is very safari exotic, think 1940s, linen tents, gorgeous safari) but I do think it's cute in others' houses.

House Queen said...

This is so easy for me to answer...LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!!!!!

Katie said...

i'll admit that i really like it, but too much of a good thing..isn't a good thing! Your mom's home is BEYOND amazing!! It reminds me so much of my home growing up! Thank you for your blog and it!

Beth Eaton said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE vinyl lettering for the walls. The mailbox is too cute and the house you grew up looks like from a fairy tale! I'm so jealous!! How could a place like that not be adorned with such wonderful sayings and scriptures. It seems to exude uniqueness...

Jen @ said...

I love it too! That mailbox looks great. I am kind of more into vinyl shapes and designs than words, but I have a few words lurking around here.

Have a great weekend!


Seizing My Day said...

Love the mail box...
and the sentimental phrases!!
gunna have ta go with yes.

Tracey said...

I love moderation! Your mom's house is so warm and inviting, what a wonderful place to grow up.

Andrea said...

SO the outside of your childhood home is a dream.

I love the sentiments that vinyl give to a house. It makes it a home. However I think it can go overboard.

Adie said...

I love the words. Wish I had some. What a gorgeous home!!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

What a beautiful home!! :) I like wall words in moderation. As long as they're not covering every square inch of a home, I think they're great. As someone who loves words, I think the vinyl lettering is a great way to bring words into your decor. I need to decide on my favorite quote and work something out with it.

Beth said...

I love wall words! Now with everyone else I think there is a limit on them. I have a cricut and I'm beginning to plan out some things for my house. I wanted to put his and hers on my closets and my husband didn't like the idea.... oh well, I'll do it anyway!
Your childhood home reminds me of the house in Father of the Bride. So peaceful and inviting!

Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

*sigh* What a beautiful home. I like wall words but in moderation. I actually don't have any in my home. I did buy some but never put them up.

Laura at Ms. Smartie Pants said...

I love quotes so I love when I see them on people's walls. I don't have any on my own walls tho, not sure why. I think it can be overdone, but I love your moms , it seems so sentimental. Tell me about this new craze, where do you buy this vinyl and is it expensive? I am considering purchasing a cricket and want to know more about it.

Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia said...

Gorgeous home she has! I happen to love the letters but in moderation. Have a wonderful weekend!

nina@themissadventuresofnina said...

I like the words but only in few places. I'm with Kathy, their home feels like it belongs in a movie...I love it. Tell your mom she lives in my dream home :)

Kari said...

That house is gorgeous! I love the vinyl lettering! I think it looks great on the mailbox - who'd a thought that?!

Marcia said...

I love it ~ but have not been brave enough to try it! Your childhood home is so lovely - and your mom seems like my kind of person - words on the wall or not.

Jennifer said...

I like it in moderation, but I've never used it before. We are moving into a new house in a few weeks, and I'd like to find one for my laundry room.

Jenny said...

Sis--I am guilty! I tolerate 'wall wards' in moderation. I hope that sounds really really diplomatic. Keep in mind--I still have 'Who Dat?!' on my mantel......maybe a mixed message?? I loved our childhood. The house is lovely but the home our parents created was truly divine. It was a happy home to live in! Love you!!

Breeana said...

Love it! I love wall words! I am a "verbal" person and communicator... I love all the wall words in your mom's lovely home!

And the mailbox is so chic and cute! I like it.

Anonymous said...

I like word walls used sparingly or as art pieces.

Lisa B. said...

I love them as well when used in moderation! I LOVE, however, where your mother used them in her gorgeous home! I wouldn't change a thing! I also love the lettering on her mailbox - great job!!

Jennie said...

absolutely love that endearing little house! It looks like it could be in a movie! So awesome you got to grow up there!

Stacie said...

Love the look of vinyl lettering, but sadly all of our walls are textured. Any tips for how to incorporate them without putting them on the walls?

Unknown said...


Diane said...

I love, love, love vinyl. If you visit my blog you will see that I have added it to everything, lol. But, alas... I haven't added it to my walls. Seeing how very pretty all your mom's vinyl is I just might give it a try really soon.

Enjoyed my visit to your blog. Diane

Jami said...

It looks just like the house from Father of the Bride.

And. I. love. vinyl. (letters)

KatrinkaJane said...

I loooove vinyl...but I don't have any. LOL How about doing a vinyl intro post for those of us who are too cheap/afraid/inexperienced to start using vinyl? Maybe sharing your favorite place to purchase pre-made online and the most cost-effective way to make it at home? I think I would go crazy-nuts for it if I could make it myself at home, but all I hear about is the bazillion dollar, can't-use-a-coupon Cricut.

Lacy Key said...

Love it, in small amounts!

Taylor said...

The house looks like the house in Father of the Bride. So classic american.

Anonymous said...

I think it's not too bad. I love it as well. Vinyl is widely use today, like vinyl siding. St. Louis friends of mine are fond of using such to preserve memories. And I must comment that you have such a lovely and inviting house. You must have great memories over there.

Unknown said...

I STILL love Vinyl Word Art! Not just the words - but doing the graphics on the wall... using vinyl as stencils... "faux" wall paper!!! GREAT to use around mirrors, on dishes - anything and everything!

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