My Dad has a gift...actually he has many. But the one I'm talking about today is his gift for creating beauty out of something ordinary. He turns old stumps, scrap wood, and salvaged wood into these absolutely breathtaking pieces of art. He is a self taught man. When he gets an idea in his mind...he will find a way to make it happen. He's good like that. Literally, he can do anything! He has taught himself so many things, it really amazes me. Let's see...he built a barn, added a huge room onto the house, taught himself the art of woodworking, photography, handcrafted the most beautiful mantle from scratch for me, built numerous pieces of furniture, married a perfect woman, raised 5 imperfect kids, he's a teacher, a giver, a father, and a friend. I love him so much and feel so blessed to have him as my dad. And each time I look at one of the bowls he's made...I feel that love ten fold! He takes great care to craft these one of a kind pieces of art and spends hours working on each one. There is a lot of love in these bowls. That's just like my dad. He is full of love...and selflessness. He is one of a kind, just like these bowls!
This is my absolute favorite. The imperfections really speak to me.
So beautiful.
Every so often he'll say...ok, everybody pick a bowl. And we all scramble like little kids to get in line. It is such a thrill every time he wants to share them with us. We feel privileged. I treasure each and every one that he's given me. This is my collection so far.
He writes or carves on the bottom of each piece what type of wood he used, the year, and his name.

This one reads..."cedar mantle piece & 2x scrap"
This is the popcorn bowl he made for my Grandpa...his Dad. And how honored am I to have it now? A real family heirloom.
This one reads..."cedar mantle piece & 2x scrap"
This is the popcorn bowl he made for my Grandpa...his Dad. And how honored am I to have it now? A real family heirloom.
I love and admire my Dad so very much. I am grateful that he passed his love for reading writing, and the creative arts on to me. He never pushed anything on us kids, but encouraged us to be ourselves. And always with unconditional love. I hope that I can be half the parent to my kids that he's been to me and my siblings. As I make this uncertain (and thankfully temporary) journey into single parenthood, I will look to his and my mother's example. They were and still are the most loving, kind, and genuine examples of what a parent should be. And I am so blessed to be their daughter!
Those pieces are so beautiful and unique! I can see he is a wonderful dad!
Those bowls are AMAZING, Amanda!
Gorgeous! I love imperfect things too!
Leanne x
Your dad really has a special talent. I love his work and understand why you treasure it so much. If I saw any of those pieces for sale, I'd jump for the chance to buy them. The imperfectness makes them beautiful!
Beautiful! I had tears reading this.
How very Blessed you are to have a wonderful father with so much love {and talent to boot} :)
I love the bowls! It is very clear he passed his love of creating on to his daughter.
What a *heartful* post about your dad... such a special man! I can tell he has a beautiful huge heart! And the talent... goodness... that bowl with all the imperfections is gorgeous!!
Aren't Dad's wonderful? I did a post on my Dad a few days ago (in my case because he is ill) but it reminded me of the great man he is. Those bowls are beautiful. Hang in there with being are never truly alone if God is with you. (tell me about it, we are officially homeless on Tuesday) My prayers go out to you :)
Hi Amanada~ what a sweet sweet tribute, if you will, to your creative father. I love the bowls, but more then that that someone whom you love made them. How special and fun. Your dad certainly passed his talent onto you. What a lucky girl you are to have a such a wonderful dad.
Oh girl....what a sweet daddy you have...The more I get to know you the more I love you. The bowls are amazing and will be a part of your family forever....I love the way he puts that info. on the back of each one....
love you....
What beautiful work! They are sure to be family herilooms
Oh, thank you for sharing this with us! Your dad's work is beautiful. . . and even more beautiful is the evident love he has for you and your siblings. This is a wonderful story.
I'm so glad you've got your family to support you during this difficult time! What a wonderful example of how families can bless one another.
Love you,
So sweet! Your dad looks like (and sounds like) a doll. :) I can see now where you get your talent! You are blessed to have him in your life!!
How wonderful! What a talent! It seems that many of our parents from this generation have a talent or creative streak ~ my Dad is very artistic and is always the one I go to when I need something along those lines.
wow, your dad's bowls are gorgeous. has he ever sold them?
What a sweet, sweet post. It makes me want to go give my daddy a give hug. Your father is very talented and has obviously raised you well.
Thanks for sharing!
Those bowls are amazing and so is your Dad! :)
The bowls are beautiful works of art! He is very talented. Thanks for sharing such a sweet post about him. :)
I am one of his imperfect kids and I agree whole-heartedly. We have a WONDERFUL Dad (Moms a keeper too). Well said Manda. Well said.
What a sweet tribute! We are lucky to know and love your Dad too :) And we are owners of a bowl and a scoop that he made as well. They are both show pieces on our table. He is so talented and it's even more special that he's self-taught. Your whole family is awesome.
You are lucky to have such a talented Dad. And he shares! Beautiful bowls!
What sweet words about your dad. He is so talented. I love those bowls. You're going to have a great colloection.
THat is so sweet. I am a daddy's girl. I can tell you have a pretty special daddy too.
What beautiful peices of work your dad makes! You most certainly get your creative talents from him. :-)
Those pieces are absolutely gorgeous, and made even more beautiful with love! Your dad sounds like a wonderful man.
There's something about wood that seems to carry the essence of the artist with it. Your Dad's pieces are beautiful and one can see some of his soul in them. What a blessing!
Sounds like your dad is as awesome as mine! What a blessing! The bowls are fabulous beyond words!
I just love the bowls. My FIL is the same way and makes some beautiful work. His latest things are making wood vases with a spattering of paint and copper on the outside. So in love with the one he gave me.
Here is a link to what he has made.
I love love love this post. I am the proud owner of a BP bowl. I love yall. so much.
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