This weekend I worked on a project that I absolutely LOVE! It was so easy and super cheap, actually it was free...I am all about the free. I'll give you the details in a minute. For now, I'd like you to join me while I lovingly gaze upon my beautiful framed mongram. I can't seem to get enough of it. What do you think?
I shamelessly copied my bestie, Lou @ Welcome to the life of Loulou. She made this gorgeous framed vinyl monogram and I coveted it and just had to make my own version. Is that wrong? Lou, I hope you don't mind. Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, right? Right! Hers is beautiful, and pretty darn near perfect. I love the big oval surrounding her monogram, but my machine doesn't have anything like that on it. I used my Cricut to cut my own vinyl monogram and used a big swirly- do- flourish underneath it as an accent.

Oh...and she totally did hers the right way. She didn't leave the frame all open and unadorned. She put a nice fabric covered backing in the frame, and actually hung it on the wall. Dangit,'re making me look bad!
This is my frame before I took it all apart. I bought it about 6 or 7 years ago with the intention of framing a big picture of my boys. That was back in the day when we only had the boys...pre girl life. Ummm...yeah, that obviously didn't happen. It's been sitting in my closet all this time just waiting for the perfect use. What a happy surprise when I remembered I had it and didn't have to go out and buy a new frame for this project.
For now my big beautiful monogram temporarily sits propped up on my empty mantle... just waiting to be all Christmased up with glitz and glamour this week. My plan is to hang it in the hallway where it will be the first thing you see when you walk in my front door. I am even considering leaving the back open to let the wall color show through. It is a nice neutral tan and I think it will look fine. If not, I'll add some fabric to back it up. I purposely did not hang it so that when my sweet hubby comes home for Thanksgiving this week...he'll feel loved and needed! He usually dreads those honey-do's, but I think he'll enjoy this one. He is bored out of his mind and needs some projects. We're alot alike in that way... ALWAYS a project or twenty going on at once. I'm sure he'll be thrilled with my lovely list of honey do's that I've been saving up for him! (Insert sarcasm)
Oh, how I love that man and cannot wait for him to be home for a few days!!! Did I mention that today is our 12 year anniversary? A little sad not to have your honey to celebrate with, but a celebration just the same. Happy Anniversary babe...I love you! Only two days and counting......
I like that yours is all open but I'm sure it would look great with some fabric behind it too.
Congratulations on your 12 year mark. That's huge for any marriage, but especially a military one (hello high divorce rate right). Congrats other one Amanda :)
Love it, as usual!
BTW, if you don't mind, I'm stealing your Snuggie pic for my blog. I completely forgot you had that post!
I adore your monogram piece! Great job :) I actually thought it looked cool without a backing! Enjoy a wonderful belated anniversary with your hubby!! God bless :)
Oh I love that!!! Looks like it would make a great gift too!!
Love it!! The flourish just finished it!
barbara jean
I think it looks great, Amanda! A little variation on what others do makes it our own. That's a great frame, too. Over my almost 25 years married I have been where you are many times off and on. Your projects will help.
Looks awesome!!! Great job!
Happy Anniversary and I love the monogram!!
The monogram looks great, I especially love the frame.
Happy Anniversary!
I love it Amanda! I may copy you now like you copied Lou! Super cute!
I'm always a sucker for a good monogram!
Oh, so jealous of that Cricut machine. I love it. It looks beautiful. Congrats on your Aniversary.
How clever are you? You are getting your money's worth out that Cricut, girl! I wish I could come over and have a Cricut party with you. :)
Have a Happy Anniversary...12 years is awesome!! :) Hope you have a special time together when he gets home. Love ya!
It's soooo how you left the back open so you can see the wall color...I have done that and just love how it looks. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Very Pretty! Can't wait to see that mantle--all ready for the Christmas season.
I really like it! And I'm glad your man is coming home! Maybe being away makes him appreciate the projects more! Probably not.
It is awesome and I LOVE IT!!!
Oh, he's coming home for Thanksgiving! Praise the Lord!
Now I'm taking a moment to feel old. You've been married 12 years today. I've been married 24 years. Ouch. Oh, well, I am from Tennessee. You know how we marry young, right? Obviously I was a pre-teen bride.
Seriously, congratulations. 12 years, 4 kids, and you're still crazy about the man. I'd say you're doing something right. :)
Oh, and I like your monogram, too! Way to go!
I love it! It looks great on the mantel, but it'll look good on the wall, too. I like the idea of it being open in back so the wall color shows through.
I love it!!! It looks amazing!!!! I'm gonna get you to do some smaller monograms for me with that cricut thingy....Between me with the monogramming machine and your cricut NO surface in our house is safe!
love you.
That is gorgeous Amanda and I can't wait to see it with all the christmas decorations! That frame is amazing!
Love it!! I've been wanting one of the decals to go over our bed but not loving the idea of having to pay $50-100 for it! I'm definitely going to attempt this. Great idea for christmas gifts for your fav girlfriends too!
LOVE IT!!! and i sooo wanna Cricut! I must tell Santa.
That is the cutest thing! I might ask for a Cricut for Christmas. You can make the coolest things. I love it - you are so clever. It looks great!
Have a super Thanksgiving my friend!
Your initials are exactly the same as my husbands and mine! And we just posted on our blog about our monogram! My husband created the graphics, and my Dad cut it out of brass with a special saw and tinsnips. He did an INCREDIBLE job! Come over and take a look!...
Thanks for your ideas! Have a wonderful day!
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