Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Little Pick Me Up...and a Giveaway!

Hey friends! I am so sorry that I have been absent the last week. We had some unexpected family circumstances come up, and full attention was needed by my family. They are my first priority, and I need them to know that! To briefly let you know what's going on, I'll try the edited version. My husband has been reassigned to an Army medical facility, where he will stay for the next 6 months to a year...10 hours away...without his family. He got the call Monday afternoon that he was to report the next morning, so he threw his stuff in the truck and had to hit the road. It all happened extremely fast and unexpectedly and we are still reeling. At least, I am! It has been a rough week adjusting to some major changes in our lives, but we are making it. I keep reminding myself that things could always be worse...because I know that's true. I am thankful that we are all healthy and happy (for the most part), and that is a blessing!

In the midst of my meltdown, I received a package in the mail. I had forgotten about the cutie patootie vintage fan I ordered from Etsy last week. It was a much needed pick me up when I really needed it the most. My friend, Kate...Centsational Girl, opened her etsy shop recently and I absolutely fell head over heals in love with this little fan. As soon as I saw that it was my signature color... I knew it had to be mine!

And because I am a loser and didn't even realize my 1 year Bloggiversary came and went...I'm having a giveaway to celebrate...a month late! It's a great little package full of some of my favorite things. The most ginormous nest you've ever laid eyes on. The BEST Martha Stewart book...Crafts and Keepsakes for the Holidays (hardcover). A sweet little apron made with the most adorable Amy Butler fabric and pom pom fringe! And a personalized Christmas ornament made by ME for YOU.

Look at these precious stockings made with old sweaters...buttons, collars, and all! This is one of my favorite craft ideas from the book. It is absolutely full of wonderful ideas. Martha never disappoints!

Seriously? Isn't this the cutest thing ever?

It has chandeliers on the fabric...adorable!

To enter to win, just leave a comment on this post...nothing more, nothing less. Easy peasy. I will leave the giveaway open until Sunday November 15 at noon, and announce the winner Sunday night.

I just want to say thank you to all of my wonderful readers, who I feel, are also my friends! I am so glad that I started this blogging journey, and never could have imagined what it had in store for me. I've met some lifelong friends who I treasure and look forward to meeting many more! I am truly blessed to be a part of something so special. So...thank you...for reading, commenting, coming back every day even when I'm not here, being my friend, and sticking with me! For that I am grateful!



Sarah S. said...

Maybe because I'm first it will be my lucky day! I love the giveaway. So generous and so adorable. Be strong for your family. Mom's are the glue.

House Queen said...

I wish the best for your family. This is a great giveaway! Congrats on the blogiversary!

Cynthia said...

My prayers are with you & your family. Congrats on your blogiversary!

Hopeful Housewife said...

Sorry to hear about your sudden shift, your family is in my prayers. Thank you for the service your husband and your family offer to protect our freedom. Thank you will never be enough. I'm excited about the giveaway! Happy Blogiversary!

Heather said...

I recently stumbled upon your blog and I just love it!

I can understand what you are facing in the next husband has been in the same type of situation where he was needed at an air force base that was far enough away that he had to live there for a year, but we couldn't go with him. I'm sorry you are having to deal with this right now.

Love your blog - - it is just great!

Queen of the Misfits said...

I am kinda new to your site, but I love everything you do!!

Beth said...

My thoughts are with you. This couldn't be easy!

Your giveaway items are so cute. Love your blog!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

I'm sorry to hear you were thrown a curve this past week with your hubby's reassignment. Of course, family comes first ~ always!

Love your giveaway! What a great bunch of items. Of course, that nest would look fantastic on my entry chest, right underneath my egg prints.

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Loves ya!! I'll be praying for you, your husband, and your sweet family. You can do this!! :)

Your Giveaway is FAB!! That Martha book looks like something I need to put on my Christmas list. :)

There's No Place Like Memphis Mama said...

I'm sorry to hear about the hubs having to go:( I will say some prayers for your family.

Love the giveaway! I am so bad about paying attention to my reader as well. Oh well we are only human haha!

I am working on my baking "skillz" and that apron sure would make me look cute even if what I bake tastes like crap haha!

Anonymous said...

I'll keep you and your family in my prayers. I know this must be very difficult and the holidays are upon us as well.

Mrs. Sew and Sew - Karen said...

Hi Amanda, Sorry to hear that your hubby was stationed so far away from the family. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Thank you for such a great giveaway. Congrats on the blogiversary. ~Many Blessings, Karen

kayduh said...

You are amazing to think of a give-away for us when your life has been crazy! This looks like a great package!

Samye said...

What a fun giveaway! Hopefully things start looking up with your husband gone...blessings come in all sorts of ways-hopefully your family gets lots of them!

Heather Henderson said...

what a great giveaway!! and it was made for me since my initials are HH :)

southerninspiration said...

So,so glad you can find all this support simply from having a blog...isn't it great? It will be a challenge, but if anyone can do it, YOU can! Hang in there.
Love the giveaway!!! OOoohhh, ahhhh....


MomBE said...

I am hoping and praying for peace for you and yours.

Miss Mouthy said...

I would love to win this prize because it's awesome!

However, I really want to thank you for your sacrifices for our country. You are in a difficult situation and I am so sorry for that. I will be praying for you, your husband and your family.

Paula@SweetPea said...

What a shocker to have your husband suddenly reassigned far away. I'm sorry that you'll have to be without him, but I thank him for his service to our country.

Your giveaway is fabulous! I love all of it!

Rena said...

Happy Bloggiversary! I love looking at your blog, you make beautiful things!

Small House said...

Good heavens....I'm sure that was a shocker to find out so suddenly your husband has to leave. So sorry!! Yet, amidst all of the chaos, you offer a giveaway. It's so darn cute.

Take care this week.

Richella Parham said...

Sweet girl--

I was just about to send an email to ask about you. You bet we come back every day--of course we do!

Amanda. Dear friend. You must be reeling right now. I know you're thankful that he's 10 hours away, not on the other side of the world, but still. What a lot to have to deal with, especially with no warning.

Take good care of yourself. I will pray for you. A lot.

I love you,

Unknown said...

what a great giveaway!

Hang in there you and your family will be in my thoughts!


Unknown said...

So it was YOU! My very dear friend collects these vintage fans and I was going to buy it for her for Christmas--but it was gone! Ah, well, at least I know it went to a good home. Congrats on the blogiversary!

Jess said...

Fun giveaway! Congrats on your blogging anniversary.

Best of luck with all the changes happening in your family.

Unknown said...

Hugs to you and your family!

Happy belated 1 year blogiversary! Count me in on the drawing...what a fabulous giveaway!


Shaunna said...

Really enjoy your blog!! Happy blogiversary!! Hope I'm the lucky winner:]

Lindy said...

You and your family are in my prayers! I can't imagine how hard that must be.

Mandy said...

Happy belated 1 year blogaversary! I would love to be entered in the giveaway - thanks for the chance and the great blog.

Mihills Family Blog said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your husband's reassignment. That has to be so hard on your family! I'm glad you are able to stay positive about the situation.
Thanks for the great giveaway and good luck in the coming year!


horse loving lineman's wife said...

I LOVE the sweater stocking with the buttons! Cute cute cute!!

Mom2PrincessJ said...

Congratulations on you blogiversary!

Deann said...

I hope your adjustment goes smoothly. Congrats on your blogiversary!

BAILEY said...

I can't imagine being away from my husband for so long! Stay strong. And thank you to you and your husband for the sacrifices you make for our country.

Happy blogiversary!

Tillie said...

congrats on your blogger'versary. I ran across your blog recently and LOVE it! Keep it up!

Pink Menace said...

That apron = LOVE! Congrats on your blog anniversary, and your success with it, it's a wonderful blog.

Staci said...

Caaaute stuff! I'd love to win!

I'll be thinking of you and your family.

Its So Very Cheri said...

Just clicked over from clean and classic interior. It's my 1st time here and I clicked to follow. I would love it if you came by for a visit and followed me too.

I look forward to getting to know you.

Kendra @ Domestic Princess in Training said...

Thanks for hosting such a wonderful giveaway and congrats on your first year of blogging bliss!!! I’ve enjoyed reading these last few months.

Lea said...

Congratulations on the year mark, I love reading your blog, so happy I found it. Good luck with the family and what a generous giveaway.

LouLou said...

Love you.... I've been scared to call until I knew your honey was gone...Didn't want to take one second away....I'll check in on you tonight.

hugs hugs hugs....

PS. I know what would make you feel SOOOOOO much better: A trip to Fairhope!!! ;)

Tami and Aaron said...

I love your blog! Good luck with everything going on with your family!

Linda@Coastal Charm said...

Sorry to hear about your hubby's move...hope you all will be fine. The giveaway is soooo awesome...count me in and congrats on your anniversary!


Breathing In Grace said...

I guess I am a lurker most of the time...and for that I'm sorry...but I do follow you and love your blog. Will be thinking about you and hope the next 10 months just fly by!!! Thanks forthe give-a-way!

Lisa said...

Love Martha. Congrats on your blogiversary! Sure enjoy looking at your blog.

Jessica @ This Blessed Life said...

Thanks for being a military family and making sacrifices for all of us! Your giveaway is amazing and that apron is too cute. Congratulations on one year!

Love the Decor! said...

On this Veterans Day I say thank you to your hubby and your family! Sorry he has to be away :(
Happy blogoversary!! thank you for a fun giveaway!!

Ann's Page said...

Hi,,I would love to be entered..what an awesome giveaway..

The Nordquists said...

Just stumbled across your blog the other day! Love reading it! Hopefully, this next year with your husband being further away will go by quickly!

Heidi said...

I am always grateful to our servicemen & servicewomen and their families for the personal sacrifices they make to keep our military strong. I will keep your family in my thoughts.

I'm a newer subscriber who found her way here via Centsational Girl. I've enjoyed reading your blogs but the one that I've yapped on & on at the hubby about is the one about painting your refrigerator. My refrigerator is old & ugly, so you can imagine my joy in finding out I had options- yay!

Heidi D.
Bellevue, WA

Anonymous said...

Hang in there sweetie! Your family is in our prayers.

And I'm thankful that I found your blog.

Jenn said...

Thanks for the giveaway! And we might have to chat--about medical stuff and the military.

Hannah J said...

Delurking to enter the giveaway and to encourage your family . . . my sister is in the Air Force and we're never sure if we can expect her to make weddings, holidays, etc.

Kristina P. said...

Hang in there, Amanda! What a sucky situation!

And you know how I love giveaways.

Melissa said...

Best of luck to you and your family.

Jess said...

Aww, I know it's hard to be separated from your hubby, especially during the holidays. I will be keeping you all in my prayers.

And...Happy Bloggiversary!

LoriLyn said...

Happy Bloggiversary!

Thrift Store Chic said...

Sending good vibes your way. You have a great outlook--things could always be worse.

I love the items you're giving away! I've been looking for a bird's nest.

Wade & Melissa said...

Happy Anniversary! Such great items! I LOVE the huge birds nest! I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

Kileen said...

Great giveaway. Happy Bloggiversary!

Bombtastic Belle said...

Happy Blogiversary! :) Great giveaway!

Brenda Baker said...

I hope your 6 months to a year goes fast. :( Happy Blogiversary! Love the give away!

tipsygirl said...

I love your blog and am sending a healing vibe your way!

Susan B said...

Bless your heart!! What a upheaval you are going through!! I appreciate your hubby and you for making sacrifices for all of us...
I love all your giveaway goodies.. the apron is too cute and loooove the ornament..

9405018--Pat said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY...My thoughts are with you....Love your giveaway....Hang in there...Pat H

Linh C. said...

Thanks for the great prizes!

Unknown said...

Happy Blogiversary! Having my SO leave so quickly like your husband would definitely send me reeling.

Thanks for the great giveaway.

Angel's Thrifty Haven said...

I so love that fan, I too just bought one at an estate sale. It maches my garbage can in my craft/laundry room. I'm new to bloggersville and have been lurking around your site for some time before I took my ever so gentle plundge. You have great go girl!

Girly Stuff said...

How understatedly stinky!

I will pray for you guys!

Leanne said...

Our thoughts are with you and your family. Great giveaway. I would look great in that apron even though I don't cook much.

Hillary said...

ok I admit to being a lurker, I'm finally coming out of lurkdom!

I really wish and hope the best for your family through this time!

Unknown said...

I am sorry to hear about your husband being called away...hugs!

Sunny said...

Throwing my name in the hat!

~Kristen~ said...

Big hugs and warm thoughts to you and your family as you adjust to this change in your lives. And Happy blogoversary!!!

Kerri said...

Congrats on the blogiversary! Sorry about your husband being so far away! Great giveaway-pick me!!

Becky @ Our Sweet Peas said...

My prayers are with you and your fam. Thanks for the giveaway. :)

erin said...

you have my prayers!
& that package looks so fun :)

What's next said...

praying for your family. Would love to wind great goodies!

Nicole said...

Wow! What a week for you! I hope things start to settle down for you soon.

Great stuff in the giveaway!

Glad you are here...I love your blog!

~Kathie~ said...

I recently found your blog and I am really love all your great ideas!!

My prayers are with you and your family.

Heather L. said...

Wow, I'm so sorry to hear about your hubby having to leave - that must be so hard! You are so sweet to offer such a nice, thoughtful giveaway in the midst of such chaos happening. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win!

Spears said...

a giveaway in the midst of such change in your selfless!!! I would love to win these goodies :)

Jessica said...

Congrats on your blogaversary! So sorry to hear about the sudden change for you and your family. Stay Strong and hopefully the time will go by fast and he will be back home :)

Jodee Leader said...

I am so sorry to hear about your hubby. That really sucks! I know you will do a great job holding down the fort for a few months without him.

Happy one year blogiversary. I am sooo glad I found you in the Land of Blog. I enjoy stalking you daily!

Please tell me you sell those adorable ornaments. I must have one. In the meantime, please throw my name in the hat for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Oh' Amanda~ stay strong through this chapeter in your life. Will you get to be w/ the hubs over any holidays Thanksgiving Christmas? I don't know how strict they are! Hang in there!!! keep busy w/ projects and your etsy shop and DIY and Christmas etc.

I AM DROOLING OVER YOUR GIVEAWAY.. you know you love me, and you just want to send it to me!!! he he please enter me! ALSO, love what you have done thus far with your room.. way to go on a budget! looks great!

Infarrantly Creative said...

Oh wow I am sorry Amanda that is rough. I can't imagine. Praying for your girlfriend during this transition.

Unknown said...

I pray you are able to make the transition without too many hiccups {or tears} ;)

So, in light of your situation, I shall forgive you {just this once} for not posting in a timely fashion. lol J/K, but I am glad you are back!

Thanks for the AwEsoMe opportunity to win this FABulous giveaway. I am so excited and REALLY hope I win.

Hang in there and know that you are "here" for a reason. :-)

Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

I'm so glad that you started this blogging journey too. I really enjoy your blog. I wish you strength during this hard time with your family.

Elaine's Semi-Homemade Life said...

Happy blogging bday!!! So sorry to hear what you're going thru, that must be more than tough. Know that so many of us consider YOU our friends, too, and we're for you!
What a great giveaway - fun and sweet and super cool....everything I'd expect from you.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the sudden changes this week - that had to be hard. I admire your attitude. All the best to you and your family. Love your blog, of course, and thanks so much for the fun giveaway!

pk @ Room Remix

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

We all understand family ALWAYS comes first!

Congratulations on your blogiversary!

Kelly said...

Love your blog!

angelnurse said...

Never apologize for stepping away from your blog to help your family, they are the only important thing! I will be praying your husbands 10 months away flies by and that all of you adjust quickly. I can't imagine how hard that is.

Your give away is adorable!

Marci @All Things Wonderful said...

Thinking of you! I am so sorry for this new change with your husband. I am so thankful for families like yours, who serve our country to keep us free.
Love the giveaway!

Laura Horne said...

Those are some very big life changes! Best wishes.

I think your giveaway is pretty great too.

Amy said...

I enjoy your blog! Keep up the good work. Amy

R @ Rebecca's Roundup said...

Love the inspiration....happy anniversary!

Philip, Melissa, & Summer said...

Hang in there. I am sure it is difficult.

I am thankful for all who serve us. Thank you for your sacrifice.

I also love the giveaway and love the Martha book.


Stacey said...

I never realized you all were a military family. We pray for you all daily. THANK YOU to your husband for his service and to you for being that special wife at home so that he can do his job for us. We are truly grateful for you guys! Now that we know we will say specific prayers for you. Many hugs!!

Shan @ Design Gal said...

just stumbled upon your blog and i love it! so cute!

Jen @ said...

I will keep your family in my prayers. What a fun giveaway! You are so amazing!


Domestic Goddess..Diva sometimes said...

I'm sorry to hear he will be far away from you. :( Military life sure isn't easy.

Love your giveaway. Very nice of you. :)

Vindiciti said...

Happy belated blogoversary! Sorry to hear about the hubby, but I can feel your pain...sort of. Praying for you.

Brittany said...

yeah for a giveaway! i love the ornament. i LOVE all things monogrammed. i've NEVER won a giveaway, maybe ill get lucky!

joanne said...

love your lurkers? Well, love me baby 'cause I'm de-lurking to say Congratulations on you bloggy Anniversary. I never dreamed I would have so much fun or meet so many wonderful people when I started blogging. Sign me up for that sweet prize too.
Hope things start to settle down soon and you find your 'new' routine. Take care...jj

Barbara Jean said...

Such sweet prizes.
Congratulations, and thank you for including us in your celebration.


barbara jean

Wendy said...

Your family is in my thoughts and prayers!

Thank you so much for the Bloggiversary giveaway! What neat items!

Anonymous said...

congrats on the blog anniversary. please enter me in your giveaway.


April @ PolkaDots n' PinkySwears said...

Happy Anniversary!! This is such a neat giveaway!! Everything is just so cute :)

yukonmom said...

I totally love your blog! I am so sorry you are going through a rough time. Hang in there...

Mandi Shandi said...

Oh friend, I know it could be so much worse, but I can not imagine how hard this is on y'all. You can do this though! About everything else, love the fan.
Congrats on the blogiversary. I'm so glad you were one of my very first blog friends. Making friends like you in the beginning made it easier to keep at it. Love you girl!

Pam Walter said...

I love the stockings and the apron! They're both something different and special and could be given as gifts. Thanks for the great ideas.

Katie said...

Congrats on your Bloggiversary. I love your blog, and you have some of the cutest ideas.

Katie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Melissa said...

I'm sorry to hear about your family circumstances, i hate when things come unexpectedly.
I'm so excited for your giveaway though. What fun things and i've been eying that Martha book for a year now. I hope i win! said...

Love your blog! Love your decorating......awesome!

Shannon said...

Oh I'm so sorry to hear about your husband! I pray it will be a very quick assignment. Congrats on your one year blogging anniversary! You are so sweet to hold a giveaway for it. Great loot too!

Jenny said...

Amanda---I LOVE YOU!! Your sisters love you and are ready to help as needed. XXOO Jen

randee said...

amanda - i'll be praying for you & your family that the time will go quickly & the days will be joyful in spite of his absence.

love the goodies in your giveaway. i'd love to win ;)

peace -

Jill said...

Thinking of you and your family. I hope the time flies.

Lan said...

Bless your heart! I hope the time away from your hubbie flies by fast. What a wonderful giveaway!

knittingknirvana said...

I'm sorry to hear the unexpected major change in your husband's job. Welcome back, I've missed you! :)

Aubrey said...

I love your etsy goodies! :) I'm sorry to hear your family is to be seperated...I'm an army wife as well and get to experience my first deployment in March when my husband is expected to leave for Afganistan:( Glad to have "stumbled" across your blog this morning:) God Bless~aubrey

Kasey said...

Wishing the best for your family. Thank you for the simple entry to your giveaway!! Makes it a lot less work for everyone I think!! Great giveaway by the way. You are one talented lady!

Mel72 said...

My thoughts are with you and your family.

Suburban prep said...

What a special giveaway.
I wish you all the best on your blogging milestone.

Unknown said...

Oh honey, I am sorry that you are dealing with such sudden change. I will keep you in my prayers, girl, hang in there!
Great giveaway, you must pick me 'cuz I love you the MOST! :)

momma-o-minnie said...

Prayers are being sent your way... As a former Air Force wife, I know full well how deployments can throw you and your family completely off... how desperately you try to keep things stable and how it always seems that the moment your husband walks out the door, appliances commit harri-karri, the car develops a mind of its own, your children turn into monsters from the deep, and you can't sleep for weeks.

Lots of us are out there praying for you.

Chris said...

Thoughts to you and your family. Remember God is in control and His plan is greater than ours. (Simple for me to say, huh...)
Congrats on the LOVES your giveaway...fingers and toes are crossed!!!

Anonymous said...

Know that my prayers are with you and your family, I know it must be difficult especially when the holdays are around the corner. Thank you for taking the time to blog, I look forward to reading it!! You give so much inspiration and encouragement. Keep your chin up!!!!

Unknown said...

My prayers are with your family! I can't imagine having my husband gone for that long, but the Lord will definately provied for you all during this time!

Your giveaway is adorable! I love it!

Anonymous said...

So sorry about your hubby, I can't even imagine how stressful that would be. Hugs & prayers to you!

Thanks for doing such a fun giveaway during such a hectic time in your life. :)

Anonymous said...

Love following your blog and love the giveaway! Congrats on being a big 'blogger' for a year now! :) I'm hoping to follow in your footsteps too! :)

Unknown said...

Hi! Love your blog!

A Southern Rose said...

I'm so sorry to hear that your husband is having to go for 6 months. God bless him for protecting all of us! I know that you will miss him. I love your blog and I read it everyday. Sometimes I don't have time to leave a comment but just know that I do enjoy reading it everyday. Happy first blog anniversary!

Lee Laurie

The Malko's said...

I just realized I wasn't signed in when I entered the giveaway! OOOPS!

sweet stuff and tiny said...

Sorry to hear about your husband being so far away. Especially at the holidays. I just love your blog. Happy blogiversary!

Beth said...

Oh how fun! Please enter me too! Best wishes!

All Things Cherish said...

Sorry to hear about your crazy, stressful week. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Great giveaway, I absolutely adore that chandelier print! Congrats on the blogiversary!

Katie Lewis said...

i hope i win! :)

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Hi Amanda...

So lovely to meet you. How could I have missed your blog before? But, happy to have found you now.. Awesome giveaway!

Warm blessings,

The Clines said...

I hope your husband's reassignment is a short one. Congrats on your blogiversary!

mommyto2 said...

I read your blog faithfully, but have never commented. Love it!
Natalie :)

Stacie said...

Goodness gracious, Amanda--never apologize for making your family a priority. We know you love your readers, but we wouldn't love you half as much if you didn't take care of your family first! Super cute giveaway stuff btw!

Tracey said...

I subscribed recently and love getting your updates in my inbox. Hang in there girlfriend, and thanks for the giveaway!

Kendall@ Finesse Your Nest said...

Happy Blogiversary! Love your blog MUCHO!

RWilson05 said...

That fan is adorable! I can see why it was a "pick me up"! I hope the adjustment will go smoothly for your family. Having been married to the military before, I understand completely how hard it can be, especially with children! With Veterans Day being yesterday I want to say THANK YOU to YOU ALL for the sacrifices you make daily, for my family, and this country as a whole!! It truly is humbling. Reminds me of this quote that I love, "There are only two forces who have ever offered to die for you. Jesus Christ and the American G.I. One died for your freedom, the other for your soul."-Unknown

Things will get better, I'm sure of it! Happy 1 year blogiversary too!

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

Hi Amanda! I want you to know that I'll be lifting up you and your family in my prayers. What a crazy thing to have to go through. I'll be praying for strength for you all.

Definatly love the giveaway! Funyn story about that book - I have my grandmother's copy of it (she is now in a nursing home with alzheimers and hasn't known who any of us are for years now) so that book is extremely important to me. Well, two Christmas's ago, I left it sitting on my couch and a dog that we were baby sitting chewed the binding right off the book! I was soo upset. The book is still usable and good but boy was I ticked at that dog!

Lemondrops Simple Stuff said...

i am sorry your husband has to be so far away. my best wishes to you and your family.
happy belated blogiversary :)

Sandi (Meme) said...

I can see why you fell for the fan, it's so adorable! Sounds like you are handling the changes very well in your life. There's always another challenge around the corner when you have kids, though! Enjoy your week/weekend, and please sign me up for the GREAT giveaway.

Sandi (Meme) said...

I can see why you fell for the fan, it's so adorable! Sounds like you are handling the changes very well in your life. There's always another challenge around the corner when you have kids, though! Enjoy your week/weekend, and please sign me up for the GREAT giveaway.

GRITS said...

Family definitely comes first. Glad things are better and hope I win the giveaway!

Lisa said...

Sorry to hear about your husband having to leave so suddenly. I'm sure that is a bummer for all of you!
Congratulations on your blog anniversary!

Christie said...

Congrats on your 1 year!

Unknown said...

Happy Bloggiversary! Congrats and sorry about your upturned current family situation. Love you attitude (it can always be worse). Keep the faith. Love your blog. Thanks for doing a fun and GENEROUS giveaway!

Angie :)

lise said...

Happy Bloganniversary and I'm sorry to hear about your husband. Mine left as well. It's going to be a lonely holiday.
I love your give away especially the nest and ornament.

The Birds Nest said...

Congrats on your one year blogiversary!! I really enjoy your blog, and the items that you make are the cutest!!

Lisa B. said...

My prayers are with you and your family.

Well, congrats. on your blogiversary! Wow, whoever wins this package of goodies will be very lucky!!

nina@themissadventuresofnina said...

Beautiful give away!

Nadir @ Hodgepodge said...

I'm sorry to hear about your husband's new orders but I'll be praying that it will be a quick transition for you all. It won't be easy but the Lord will bless you for being faithful in the end. Happy Bloggerversary too! Blessings!

lovinsanta said...

I'm sorry to hear your news and hope that the adjustment becomes easier.

Thanks for making this giveaway offer in the midst of your news and adjusting.


Heather in IN

Kathy said...

Bless your heart with all you've gone through in the past week! I hope things get into a good "new normal" routine for you soon--how great that your family knows they're top priority!

Happy Blog-iversary! It's fun to follow your blog.

Debby said...

Happy Blogaversary!!! I know how you feel about your husband...being so close, yet so far! That was my situation this past summer, only mine was just for 2 months. You can make it!

The Tate Family said...

Wow! This is a great giveaway! Thanks for doing this!

Jennifer said...

Happy Blog-iversary! Good luck to you and your family -time will just fly by!!!

adb said...

i love your blog! hope you have a good weekend...& next week WILL be better!

Melissa said...

Oh my goodness, Amanda! You have so much on your plate right now~hugs and prayers being sent your way as your husband is not near. What a great giveaway~

Deborah in Atlanta said...

I'd be thrilled to win even one of your great giveaways. How generous you are. I recently discovered your blog and I'm going to subscribe. LOVE your blog! LOVE your giveaway even more.


Anonymous said...

I would love to win this.

Lorin and Heather said...

I just found your blog, love it!!

Keri Lyn @ She Saved said...

YOU rawk!! I am so impressed with everything that you do ... and now even more so!! Hang in there ~ you have those darling kiddos to keep you smiling!! HUGS & Prayers!! Keri Lyn

Kirsten said...

Happy anniversary on your blog! Great work! Best wishes and prayers to you and your family while you adjust to your new situation. Lots of thanks to your husband and your family for your sacrifice.

Kim at TennisFixation said...

Happy 1 year of blogging!

mrsatch said...

A blogaversary!? Wow! I hope I have one someday. I check your blog daily, hoping for more from you!

Brooke said...

Here is a little comment love! And also some love for martha and that darling apron! 2 definite must-haves for any holiday party. Hope I win!

(my family blog is private, but my email is brookiebrown at {gmail} dot com)

Bamagirl said...

Happy anniversary! The giveaway is wonderful, especially the apron.
Keep the faith.

Unknown said...

Happy blogiversary! Love teh giveaway items - I'd love to get my mitts on that Martha Stewart book!
- Danielle

Boutique Girl Gifts said...

thanks for your blog...I find many inspirations in ways to decorate my house to make it a home. that big nest is fabulous!

kristal said...

congratulations on your wonderful year (and a month) amanda!! you know i lOVE your blog and i LOVE this giveaway! all the best to you.

Michelle said...

I have been just pouring over your blog and posts since I surfed in from someone else's blog.
Happy 1st blogiversary! I love your dad's ideas and the bowls are absolutely exquisite! Luckily, I too, got my dad's creative side.
I also love your fabric seam discovery. I am going to have to look at my local HL for this stuff. Huh, too cool. Thanks for your creativity.
I am now a follower!

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