Saturday, January 17, 2009

Quick & Easy Valentine Frame & a Shout Out

This one is so easy I feel like I cheated. Maybe I did. So, anyway...who hasn't seen those super cute handmade greeting cards at Target's dollar spot? I always admire them, but never buy any. Until....I had a lightbulb moment while perusing the dollar spot the other day. I thought, how cute would that be in an old chippy frame? Pretty cute, if I do say so myself.

You may need to trim it up a bit, depending on the size of your frame opening. Other than that, nothing, no work, nada!
Easy peasy.
Now go and frame a $1 store bought card and wrap some candles in scrpabook paper and ribbon.

One of my very dear bloggy friends was the Saturday Spotlight at SITS ... Megan @ Little Bella Bean. She has the cutest etsy store ever and she is giving away one of her precious appliqued onesies. Just click here to visit her etsy store, then go to SITS and leave a comment telling which one was your favorite to be entered to win.
Megan handcrafts the most precious baby things...onesies, t-shirts, tutus, burp cloths, washcloths, and blankies. I love her creations almost as much as I adore her.
Go visit her shop and show her some love!


Kika said...

I love the frame..youre very creative.

Mother Hood said...

How cute is that?! I'm all for cheap and easy!

Marci @All Things Wonderful said...

I LoVe the frame! So Cute!

Anonymous said...

You made the economy look not so bad after all. What a great looking setting! Good Job!

Tanya said...

I love your frame. How cute! I also love the Little Bella Bean clothing. Now if I only had a wee one to put them on!

Jodee said...

That turned out soooo cute! I am headed to Target today! I will have to borrow that idea!

Kim said...

I Love it!!! And the candles look so pretty too!

mommy4life said...

I love the candles!

SarahJarnagin said...

Very cute project! Don't you love Target's Dollar Spot V-day stuff?

AmberW said...

Oh so very cute... and I LOVE the candles also :)
Great idea!

Unknown said...

Love it, great ideas! I have some thrift store frames that would be perfect, so I'll try it.
Love the etsy shop too, but how do you get a 6 year old to wear a onesie?

Unknown said...

How CUTE is that! I love it! And I know what you mean in your earlier post about "feeling the need to be crafty and get into some modge podge.....just love that stuff.

The Phillips Place said...

great idea! i'm sure we all have a frame laying around somewhere that we could do this with-- and your candles are so sweet!

thanks for sharing!! :)

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

Those candles are CUUUTE. I just love how you wrap them in paper and bows.

I did enter the giveaway. I checked out her store and just about died with how cute her things are. And so inexpensive! I'm hoping the stork stops by my house soon so I can go buy myself wonderful goodies at her etsy shop!

Shannon said...

Genius!! Love it!

Nicolle said...

I'm totally copying you. I just bought the same card at Target. Thank you for such a cute idea!!!

Jess said...

I 'LOVE' your V-Day decorations!!

Valarie Lea said...

Cute cute cute!!!

Shannon said...

I find my nests all over really. MOstly gift shops and little boutiques.

Free Art Printables said...

This is very cute! I had to stop by and say hi because I loved you blog name!

Terry said...

Your frame is really cute! Keep experimenting, I love your ideas!

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