Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sass it up!

With what you ask? Well....I bet you can guess. With ribbon, of course! I don't know if I've ever mentioned this before (ha, ha), but I love ribbon. In fact, some might call it a wee bit obsessed. I prefer to call it FABULOUS. Let's take a look at all the different things you could sass up with some sassy ribbon.

Let's say you have a picture already hanging somewhere, but think it needs a little something extra. Take some pretty coordinating ribbon, tie a big ole bow, and fake it to look like it's hanging the picture.

Have you seen those lamps they are selling at Hobby Lobby now, with the big luxurious ribbons tied around the shade? Have you noticed the price tags? Even with the half off, they still don't fit into my budget. And can I just say for the record that I was doing this long before they started selling them? I apologize for tooting my own horn, but I had to put it out there... toot, toot.

Even empty glass jars look good with a little bow.
Or that topiary from the dollar store that screamed potential and forced you to buy it and then you got it home and hated it and had no where to put it...tie a sassy sassafras ribbon around it and you're good to go!

Are your plates or platters looking a bit tired? What's a girl to do, you ask?
That's right...fake it to make it.
Fake that big ole ribbon to look like it has a real purpose other than being pretty.

If you're not down with wrapping every available surface of your house with ribbon...you could wear some on your feet.
I personally like to do both.
But, hey...you do what works for you.
Edited to Add:
The ribbon on the lamp was purchased from Trees N' Trends in their after Christmas sale. Yes, friends it is Christmas ribbon.
As for the flops...I wish I could take credit for them but I can't. The brand name is Yellow Box. They are sold locally, but I am sure that you could google the brand and find a source!


Nancy Hood said...

pray tell us how you did the flip flops! I just love my flops!!!

Amanda@Imperfectly Beautiful said...

Nancy, you're funny girl! I wish I was talented enough to beribbonize my own flip flops. They're made by Yellow Box.

Mother Hood said...

Toot away sister! Your ribbons are wonderful and oh so much fun!

Jodee said...

I love ribbon too!

Mandi Shandi said...

Girl, I am also a ribbon junkie, but where oh where did you get the ribbon on that lamp? I MUST have some of that! My mother in law got me lots of great martha stewart ribbon after Christmas at k-mart for 75% off. And don't you just love those yellowbox flops? I also live in a climate where I get lots of use out of flops.

That Girl said...

I would love to know about the flip flops too!

Anonymous said...

PLEEEEEESE tell us how you did the flip flops. You are a "Ribbonesta".

Sherri James said...

Woohoo! Another Yellow Box girl....love my yellowbox flip flops. I think I spent the whole summer in them last year. Your blog is great girl :-)

Shannon said...

I love ribbon too and I'm working on hanging some pictures with ribbon soon. :)

Unknown said...

Toot that horn all you want, those are some great ideas! Why do I always feel like I need to go shopping after I read your posts? Now I need more ribbon, a topiary from the dollar store, some lemons for my jars...

Valarie Lea said...

I am with you, I love me some ribbon!

Reborn said...

Lovely! I was reading some 9 year old martha stewart magazines last night (heehee) and I saw the fake bow hanging trick. The extent of my ribbon decorating has been tying them around ugly doorknobs, but I think I need to "fake hang" some pictures now! :)

Jill@Barnes Yard said...

Ribbon makes everything fabulous!

Unknown said...

I don't know what Yellow Box means....can you enlighten me?! :)
also, I'd love to know how you ribboned up your flops too!

frillsfluffandtrucks said...

Love the vignette with the empty apothecary jars and the Dollar Tree topiary--looks great! I think I may copy you on the ribbon around the jars look. :) I have some tied around the knobs on my tiny jars, but my big jars need more oomph!

~ Sarah

{Rebecca Fellows} said...

I'm a sucker for ribbon too!

Laura @ My Thoughts-Uninterrupted said...

Very cute ideas! Just came over from SITS to hi!

Nicole ~ said...

You have such cute ideas. I also love ribbon, it is amazing what it adds to an object!

Thrifty Decor Chick said...

UH that big ribbon on the lamp is freakin awesome!! Why didn't I think of that?? That ribbon is GORG. Where did you get that? My wheels are turning...

The Phillips Place said...

your lamp is making my lamps jealous with that big lush ribbon wrapped around it!

DairyQueen said...

I love what you've done with your ribbon! It's great to give everyday stuff a special touch!

Angie said...

I totally agree with you about using ribbon! Just makes something ordinary look cute and sassy! I'm off to see where I can add some more ribbon!

Betsy said...

Me and ribbons...we too are friends. That means you and I would make great friends...with all our ribbon glory.

Unknown said...

I need to get me some ribbon and soon! Everything is so beautiful!

Chris said...

A girl after my own heart. I love ribbon. I'd put it on everything if I could!

A Southern Rose said...

I just found your blog for the first time. I saw it on 'Nicole's Treasure Chest'. She has you listed on her blog list. I love your blog! I love how you decorate! I love the ribbon ideas! I looked at your profile and saw that you are a Mississippi girl too! I should've known that! What part of Mississippi! I live in Summit. About an hour from Jackson.
Come visit me sometimes at asouthernrose.blogspot.com

Lee Laurie

trish said...

I just love the touches that ribbon give!! Your ribbon additions are beautiful! :o) I need more ribbon!
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

Ribbon, oh be still my heart. There is nothing that ribbon and a bow can't make so much prettier.

I have a bloggie award waiting for you over at my neck of the woods!

megan said...

Fake Bow!!! YES! Here I was thinking, hmm, then I have to attach it so it holds, and re-hang it, and oh the work, blah blah blah. And here you have it- it doesn't get any simpler!!

I need some ribbon...

I have some ideas just waiting to be posted! I will get it done soon. =)

I like the flip flops, I have been looking for some comfy ones to replace my 4 year old flo jo's, and I need to google that brand. After my nice ones, old navy ones hurt my feet. But you COULD add ribbon to Old Navy ones! Oh, the ideas are forming now...


AndreaLeigh said...

ok, you forced me to go to hobby lobby and get some ribbon to tie around my bedroom lamps. it is your fault! hahah. or so I said to the husband. lol.

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

I have 2 daughters - lots of ribbon around the home. I love hanging things and think you have done it Perfectly Beautiful.

OH MY #6 said...

I ran across your BLOG through Jodee's. Love it!


Misty said...

Love Yellow Box flip flops!

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