Yes, I have lots of bags, but this is my one true love. I have never loved another bag like I love this beauty. I have faithfully carried her for over 2 years now. I never stray. Back in the day I would change my bag on a daily basis...until SHE came into my life. My sisters call her my bowling bag. They like to tease, but I think they're just jealous because they don't have a big, giant ,beautiful, the most lovely shade of aqua, glorious in all her beauty handbag. I know I would be. She is really on her last leg and should be replaced, but I can't bring myself to even look at another. None of them compare. I will keep her and be very gentle.
She makes a fabulous diaper bag too...multi-talented. Guess what? I DESPISE diaper bags. I have never and will never own one. I don't know what I have against them really...they're just not me. I have managed to get along just fine without one through 4 babies. It is a plus that I prefer very large bags...they work well. BTW, did you know that the bigger the bag you carry ...the smaller your butt looks? It's true, Carson Kressley from How To Look Good Naked says so. And I like to think he's right!
But, just like the bags, I have my favorites. Most of the time I wear those Yellow Box flip flops right in the middle. They are ultra comfy and the ribbon straps are just too cute. You know I love me some ribbon!
So, now you know a couple more of my quirks. I'm quirky. Some call it weird or obsessive. I prefer to call it quirky.
A very heartfelt thank you goes out to the gorgeous AndreaLeigh from My Chihuahua Bites. She gifted me this "You are Truly Beautiful" award. Isn't she just too sweet? I think she deserves this award way more than little ol' me. Thanks my friend!

i love your aqua bag and your pink heels! i, too, am a bag and shoeaholic!
Amanda, I sooo feel your pain. We suffer from the same illness...I too ADORE handbags, in fact bought a new one yesterday, have bought 4 during the holidays...hey, they were ON SALE!!!! Love me some shoes too....perhaps we can form a least we aren't obsessed with cars and boats right!
I am sooooo in the same boat! My two year old daughter is well on her way too!
LOVE your aqua bag....I'd carry it all the time too! I also love shoes and MAY have even more than you. I won't allow myself to add them up but my college age niece loves to "play in my closet" and probably knows the count. :)
Well if your quirky than so am I, because I have so many shoes they are now taking over the house. My excuse is I have two daughters who are 18 and 14 and they wear the same size as me, so the shoes get three times the wear. :)
What total eye candy this post was! I just organized all of my handbags and shoes the other night. They are glorious, aren't they? Boy I want to go shoe shopping right now....
So that black peice that your bags are hanging off it one of those looooon/talllll bench things that would go like in an entrance way? If it is what I'm thinking, I covet. I pine. I yearn and need one of those beauties. If not, whatever it is is pretty rockin!
That aqua bag is really cute! I can understand why you do not want to give her up!
We are family, its offical. I too love handbags and shoes...I think them because no matter how much weight you gain they still look fabulous!
I love this post! I too had a problem, but now that I'm trying to spend my New Year cleaning out the old, I just sold a ton of my purses in a garage sale this weekend...along with many pains of guilt and tears!! I never heard Carson say this about the bags, but I love it because I've always said that the bag size had to match the "girl" size. Everyone thought I was crazy! I LOVE IT! Maybe if I buy slightly smaller, I'll start to lose some!! Doubt it!
Thanks for the entertaining post!
Too funny - you have some gorgeous handbags, but you're right, why stray when you have come upon the best. It's great!! I have been carrying a huge red WIlson leather bag now for 2 years, but I must move on. It's become a junk pile since it's so big, and I can never find anything. :)
I love your aqua bag. Beautiful!
Handbags and shoes. How can a girl go wrong! I love all your beautiful handbags!
I *heart* your aqua bag!!! So cute! I am the same way... my main obsession is shoes with purses being a close second!
I have a sickness when it comes to shoes....
What a fun blog. I'll be sure to visit again soon! Happy New Year!
I'm an official member of the huge purse club too! :) It is my purse and diaper bag all in one, and I don't know what I would do without it!
Oprah said that she ain't a little woman, so she ain't carrying a little purse...that's the line that sold me!
I am sooooo drooling over your aqua bag! She is beautiful!!!
OMG I love all your shoes and purses!!!! I'm a shoe and purse freak too, but for some reason my hubby doesn't appreciate it as much, and I have curtailed since I have been married to him. You make me want to go out and buy one right now!
i just found your blog and I just have to say ,, I'm in love,, with all those purses that is.. I too am a purse addict.. love them!!!! and I switch as often as i drive to work. But I can see why you love that aqua one,, WOW!
I have the same 2 addictions!
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