I love these glass jars. I've been building my collection for a while now. At Christmas time they were a lot of fun to fill...there was so much to choose from. Now I'm absolutely at a loss as to what to fill them with. What is wrong with me? I see these beautiful pictures all over blogland of different things people have done with theirs, but I am stumped. I have a big beautiful mantle that is empty right now. How sad is that? What a waste. Help a sister out. I would love to hear your suggestions and ideas on what to fill them with. Let's brainstorm together. Come on...it'll be fun!
Guess what I did last night? I bought another glass container...I just couldn't resist.
I think I may have a problem.
The good news is that I know exactly what I want to put in this one. I am on the hunt for the perfect nest...my very first!
Wish me luck.
I was actually going to post about this! I got some for Christmas and haven't found the perfect Valentine's goodies for them yet, so I actually have pictures in them at the moment and it is a lot of fun!
Oh oh oh!! OK...in the kitchen you can do "faux" lemons, limes, apples, pears. Elsewhere, do decorative balls -- moss balls, twiggy balls, etc. (that sounds so R rated). Or just fill them with moss or decorative rocks or...I don't know what else...ahhh! I'm putting wine corks in some of mine, and just filled some with bath stuff in our bathroom. FUN!! I love yours!!
So I love all of the suggestions you already got, but one I did not see mentioned was raw cotton. Living in the south you could probably get some from a field. Just follow this link (http://granvillehouse.blogspot.com/2009/01/100-cotton.html)to 320 Sycamore and look at hers. They are gorgeous. Let me know what you think. I also might put bath salts in one to set beside the tub. Good luck, and let us know what you decide.
Love your glass containers! Where do you find them all? DO TELL. I think a nest is perfect!
I found the 3 large jars and the covered pedestal at Ross, all at different times. I didn't pay more than 9.99 for any of them. I LOVE Ross! The 2 little ones were garage sale finds.
Mine all are sitting empty right now...but I have plans for some of them! My little apothecary jars will be getting some Valentine candy in them with a little bow tied around the top knobs.
As for my big ones...well, I don't have plans for them yet! ;)
~ Sarah
Nests, nests and more nests!! :) Did you know I would say that? :) Bird figurines maybe?
Oh I don't know!!! Go with Sarah@Thriftydecorchick she has awesome ideas!!
I'm on a simplicity kick right now. I'm burnt out on cluttery decor thanks to Christmas. I'd just enjoy them empty for a while! Take your time and you'll find the perfect filler!
I found a pretty cool jar at Ross right before Christmas and bought it for myself...hehehe! I had it filled with cream and lime green matte Christmas ornaments and I liked the look. I was thinking about changing it up soon (it' doesn't look TOO Christmas-y right now--but I'm ready for a change!) I was pondering red hots---if it's not too expensive, or conversation hearts; maybe just some dried black beans or kidney beans to go with my black/red theme.
You've got a lot more jars to fill than me...so maybe sticking with the faux fruit would be more economical for you. Happy New Year from Texas.
Hey, Amanda, oh my you do have some shoes! I'm definitely going to declutter mine I'm tired of a messy closet. Thanks for fessing up! I know there are plenty of shoe nuts out there besides me.
I got some jars for Christmas,and you're right, they're easier to fill at holiday time. But, I did put some epsom salt in one to look like snow and then nestled a candle inside. I put some sand and shells in one, not exactly a winter look, but it reminds us of the Outer Banks, our yearly vacation spot. Also, check out the pixies at The Shabby Nest.
We are so on the same page. I saw the picture and before I read, I was thinking "a nest, a nest!"
Oh the possibilities! Have fun :)
I just posted my jars on my blog...I have collected a few and just finished my little display. I chose potpourri, candles in the potpourri, and dried roses. Also, pretty dishes. I think anything you choose will be fabulous!!!
I think candy hearts would be perfect!
I'm totally with you! I've been wanting some for a while, but couldn't find some cheap enough. I bought a 3-pack of small/medium size ones today and can't decided what to fill them with to coordinate with my kitchen. I love seashells, but that would totally clash with my red kitchen!
Hi Amanda!
I don't have any jars but I would like to find them, I have a lot of ideas. On a home show I saw them make small terreriums (spelling right?) out of them. Fill partly with soil and small plants, water. The lid makes a little greenhouse effect. Could be jazzed up w/ some raffia. Perfect for summer... Let us know what you come up with. Love the shoes, just my style :-D
Beautiful jars!
Hey I am Ashley, I have just started following your blog and I LOVE it! I have a few apothecary jars too that I am having a hard time filling, I can't wait to see what you come up with ;)
Oh, by the way...the 3 pack of jars I found were at Big Lots for $20! I thought that was pretty good considering the large ones I've seen start at $25
Well, here we go...
For Valentine's Day, you could fill them with different candies (hearts, etc.) and you could put fake rose petals in another. You could also spell out L.O.V.E. on some V-day cardstock and put a different letter in each jar on your mantle. I did this at Halloween with the letters BOO and loved it. Put different grains or legumes in the smaller ones for your kitchen and put large pasta in the taller ones. What about lemons and limes? Seashells, bird nests, pinecones, moss balls (a favorite of mine), the list is endless. Play around with them. You'd be amazed by what you already have sitting around the house that would look great in them! Good luck and keep us posted!!
I have collected quite a few jars now myself...In my bathroom I have 3, one with bathsalts and a wooden scoop, one with seashells we collected while in Italy last summer, and in the one like your last picture (did you get it at TJMaxx?) I have a snowman soap that stands up..soon to be a few heart shaped soaps!
Yesterday I found 2 huge jars in perfect condition at Salvation army for 1.99 each plus 1/2 off! Yippee!!
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