One of my all time favorite traditions is taking the kids to see the "redneck" Christmas lights. Don't get me wrong...I mean no offense. I LOVE the redneck Christmas lights. Seriously, it is one of the highlights of the season for me! These pictures do it no justice. It is absolutely amazing. They probably have several acres all decked out. It is not something you just drive by, you MUST get out and walk it. There is a fenced and lighted trail all the way through it, with different hand painted wooden scenes all along the way. I cannot imagine all the time, effort, and love that is put into this display every year. This family has been putting on this magnificent show for the last 18 years. I'm sure it started out small and grew from year to year. There is no charge. They do it out of the kindness of their hearts, because they love doing it. I love that! They are the nicest little old couple you've ever met.
Hands down, this is my FAVORITE part of the whole set up. There is a hand painted ornament with every family member's name and birthday hanging from this tree. I LOVE that!
My little girl was in heaven! She is a little obsessed with Christmas this year. She knows all the carols and corrects us when we sing them wrong. She also likes to make up her own Christmas carols. She cried when we got ready to leave.
It's the little details like this that make the whole thing so special! Are those elves not PRECIOUS?
Only in the south would you see Santa driving a John Deere tractor and pulling a trailer full of toys!
Unfortunately, pictures cannot capture the beauty of these lights. They are a sight to behold... amazing.My oldest couldn't resist jumping in the shot at the last minute.
What's up with the "gangsta" peace sign???
Can you tell I have a couple of pranksters living with me? I don't remember the last picture we took where someone wasn't goofing off. Hey, that's us...that's how we roll!
From our family to yours ~
MeRrY ChRiStMaS Ya'LL!
Oh my goodness! These lights look fabulous! What a fun family tradition!
I hope you have a great Christmas with your little pranksters!
How amazing!!!! That is so crazy that it is someone's personal light display! We went through a local park that has a light festival and it looks like this is maybe better. :) Merry Christmas!
Wow! I bet that it is really pretty in real life! I loved the little elfs in the tree! Cute! I hope you have a great Christmas!
That looks like so much fun!! And a Valentines swap would be wonderful! Now what do we do? Lol. =) Maybe if I search it online I will find out more.
Merry Christmas and God Bless!!!
Oh my goodness, your kids are adorable! So are you lady! Those are cool -- we have a local company that does this, and it's probably a quarter mile of light displays. SO COOL!
You are so darling, always doing fun things and sorts. Makes me want to have little babies and take them to do fun Christmas things.
....just give me a few (ten?) years.
Oh my gosh! My hubby would love this! He's so redneck. :) In fact, every Sunday morning we are listening to Jeff Foxworthy's country countdown. I'd love to see those lights in person. Hope y'all have a Merry Christmas!
Wow! I love Christmas lights so I would so enjoy seeing this in person! Thanks for the clipboard tutorial! This is a project on my list of things I want to make.
Merry Christmas to you all too! Love the pics of your precious kids. You got 2 of each you lucky girl!
Wow, very cool!
Merry Christmas! :)
what fun!! there used to be something similar to that near us...they had fires to roast hot dogs and marhmallows, and hot chocolate. It was all free too. They took donations to off set the prices. Unfortunately, they had to close down because vandals wouldn't leave it alone.
Looks like your family had a blast!
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