First off, I need to thank my dear sweet friend Mandi for giving me my very first award! How exciting... I feel so honored and undeserved! I should have posted it days ago, but things have been a little crazy as most of you know. So, Mandi ... please forgive me for taking so long. I love ya girl!
Next, I need to give a HUGE shout out to Joanna at Southern Girl Blog Designs for my new look. Isn't it beautiful? I think she did an amazing job! If any of you need a face lift, she's your girl. Go check out some of her other designs and you'll see what I'm talking about. Thank you so much Joanna!!!
Lastly, I want to thank all of you sweet ladies for lifting my family and me up in prayer these last few days! Truly we have felt each and every one of your fervent prayers. And here is an update on baby Ella. She has made significant progress over the past couple days and they were able to take her off the ventilator. She is still being treated with antibiotics and is responding well. Part of her treatment is "bowel rest" for 14 days. After that they will reintroduce her feedings in very small doses. The surgeon came to check on her yesterday and told my sister that it didn't look like they'd be needing him. MIRACLES! Ella is getting back to her perky, feisty little self. We are so thankful for the many many people who prayed for her...friends, family, strangers, church family,and those who we don't even know of. I am so grateful for a loving God who knows each and every one of us personally, and hears and answers our prayers! What a testimony of the power of prayer and faith this has been. We are truly blessed!
Much Love and Thanks ~ Amanda
What amazing news for baby Ella! I love the new blog look as well.
I am so glad she is doing better. I will pass the news on! Can you please email me at dalenandmegan at hotmail dot com so I can get your address? I have a gift for Baby Ella.
Blessings and Prayers,
That's such great news about Ella! I'll keep on praying for her though. I'm so so so glad to hear that she's doing better. And congrats on your award!!
I'm going to break with the trend here, and say that I like the new blog design.
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