Friday, March 20, 2009

The Polls Are Open.

Ok, just for fun...let's take a vote on which arrangement you like best. In your comment let me know which set up you like and why. Choose from the following 3 pics labeled A, B, C.


Isn't this lime green reindeer moss the prettiest thing you've ever seen? It just screams SPRING to me. I would really love to slather it all over every surface of my house, but it is a bit pricey. I splurged on 2 bags. I was feeling very generous and wanted a treat!
I think it is the perfect addition to my birdcage. And of course the cute little nest makes it even sweeter.

Thank you all for your lovely comments and suggestions about what to do with the birdcage. There are so many wonderful possibilities, and they are all beautiful. I am not going to paint it because I actually fell in love with the bright white color. This room is a deep chocolate brown with white trim. I am adding in more white accessories little by little. It needs some lighter tones. And it is spring, which means I feel the need to lighten and brighten things up. I LOVE this birdcage and want it to be a focal point in the room. What better place to put it than my big beautiful mantel that was custom made for me by my brilliant and talented Dad. Thanks're the best and I LOVE you!

Don't forget to vote! I love to hear what ya'll think.


Kristina P. said...

I'm going to go with A. It immediately caught my eye, and I like the birdcage front and center.

These Are The Days said...

Hate me, but I think they all look a little too crowded. I do like all the stuff thoough, it's all super cute! That bird cage is a gem.

Jennifer said...

I like C the best. I think the birdcage is not substantial enough to be the central image you see when looking at the mantel. I also think that with all the varying heights in option C, there's more visual interest and this option is more eye-pleasing. In my opinion, the heights of all the objects in A and B do not vary enough.

Les said...

My vote is c. It seems most balanced... needed something a little heavier in the middle. Very cute moss! Love the birdcage.
I'll admit, I'm a lurker!

Staci said...

Another vote for C. To me, the apothecary jars need to be together. I like the look. And I agree, the birdcage seems to work better not being dead center. Love the moss!

Christine said...

I'm leaning towards C. I like the weight of the framed pic in the center and the dark frame seems to connect with the darker color on the walls, just pulling it all together. On C though, I'm not crazy about all 3 of the apothecary jars on the right. Could one of those find a new home somewhere else in the room?

You would be so proud of me. I spent the better part of the day spray painting and repurposing some decor items. Since visiting your blog, I've really been impacted by this whole imperfectly beautiful idea. I have so many picture frames, garage sale finds, pieces of great fabric just waiting to be used because I can't decide exactly where to hang this or that - or just how I should paint this thing - or how this window should be dressed. The heck with it all - I'm using what I've got and just going for it. These lovelies that are gathering dust in my garage & laundry room will certainly look better misplaced in my home than in a cardboard box. I, too, am letting go of this notion of perfection and just having some fun decorating. Thanks so much for inspiring me!

Angie said...

I vote for C. That birdcage is awesome!

Victoria Hayden said...

I think C is the most balanced,however it does seem a bit overcrowded. Maybe the apothecary jars grouped on one side and the Birdcage on the other side. You could keep a couple of the books with the jars in front and add a candle on top. The bunnies would be cute paired together in front of the picture. Just my own thought, all that matters is if you love it. lol. I do love the reindeer moss, I found some a year ago and like you I am hooked on it! The green does add the Springy feel to it all. Thanks for letting us see what you did with it, I do love the white cage too! I went to Hobby Lobby to get one (you were my inspiration) and they were not on sale anymore, but...I did find the cutest metal cage in the garden section 50% off, can't wait to show it on my Spring post coming soon!

Hugs to you,

Shaam said...

B it is the most proportional, balanced, and aesthetically pleasing because you have the two large canisters on either side which gives it symmetry. And it doesn't look cluttered. I like A too but it just looks too clumped on either side and B is less clumped lol.

All the best,

Jenn said...

I like A the best, and C is a close second.

Here's how I would change them though: A--what if you added some solid, dark scrapbook paper behind the bird cage? I think that would bring a little focus to the mantle and break up the lightness (and it wouldn't be permanent). C--I'd change the color of the picture's mat. It also needs to be darker because of the lightness of the mantle and brick.

Just my 2 cents.

Anonymous said...

I vote for A. C was my 2nd choice.

A feels the most full and interesting to me.

Wendy said...

My vote is for C. I think the weight of the picture balances it out. It also give it the appearance of having different heights.

kristal said...

wow! you have some savvy readers! i was gonna vote for A just cuz i liked it best:) i don't have any reason or suggestions....just A:)

so glad you're getting such joy from your birdcage. it's beautiful!

SarahJarnagin said...

I think I'm in the minority... I like B best and A second!

Mandy said...

I vote for C. I like the picture in the center. It seems much more balanced. I immediately thought, "ooohhh she needs something bigger in the center when I saw picture A".
I love the apothecary jars, moss and of course the bird cage is great.

Anonymous said...

i vote for c. it seems balanced to me. i also really like your cage more now since you adding something inside - gives it life. your mantle looks great.

Amanda said...

I like C and A equally! Loving the lime green moss!

Jennifer said...

I like C the best. I think the framed picture in the middle anchors it all nicely. I also like the jars grouped together.

A Southern Rose said...

I like 'c' the best. The picture really pops and you needed that for the center of your mantle. It looks so springy. The green moss brings out the green in the picture. It looks really good in the jars and the birdcage. The candles bring out the light colors in the picture. The little bunnies look perfect where you have them. Makes me want to look at the picture again to see if there are hidden bunnies in there. They could be playing hide and seek in the flowers!

I love it all!

Lee Laurie

P.S. We will have to get together one day at Hobby Lobby! It would be fun and I know that you could give me a lot of new crafting ideas!

Cassandra said...

I like A...looks casual. B looks too OCD-ish. Didn't care for C as much either...

Lindsay said...

I vote A. It looks balanced, but not planned that way. I think if would look great if you stacked some books and put the birdcage on top of the stack so that its taller and is more the focal point. Just an idea. What do I know anyways?

Kelly said...

At first I was going to say A because I like it better than B but then I got to C. LOL I think I like C the best but either way, you're mantle is awesome!

hannahshirley said...

Def. C!!

Kim said...

I like C the best. I like the picture added to the arrangement.

Marci @All Things Wonderful said...

I like C, also. Beautiful the lime green moss.

tammy said...

At first I thought 'A', but now I'm thinking 'C'.

Candy Graber said...

B is my favorite, because it seems to be the most balanced and I'm very anal when it comes to that! I also like B because the bird cage is the focal point, and I just love your cage! My 2nd choice would be C, I think you have a winner with either one.

Life with the Lees said...

I like C the best. I think that the picture gives you a little extra height which I think is needed. They are all beautiful though! You definitely have a talent for decorating!

southerninspiration said...

I am sitting with the C votes, too. I like the dark frame contrast in the center,(it draws the eye to the center) and everything light and white to the the green moss!


Grammy Suzzy said...

I really like C the best! Though I am a very symmetrical person at heart, I really like the set up where that adorable cage you bought is off to the side. I just love your blog so much! And yes, I have been a lurker...your brought me out of hiding! (please ignore the hubby's new blog and my old one got mixed up when I set his up!)

adb said...

definitely go with C! i love the bird cage. i saw several i loved in hob lob the other day. kicking myself for not purchasing one! might have to make another trip!

Becky@Beyond The Picket Fence said...

I like A the best. They are all nice, but also busy, maybe don't go with your new mission statement. I like the green.I also think it would look good if you elevated the birdcage, maybe on some books wrapped in bright green paper.

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

I like B. But, I have to say one thing. The white urn on the left...I think it's competing for "front and centeredness" with the birdcage. The height in the photo almost looks eye level with the birdcage and because it is a solid white piece, my eye is drawn to it almost a bit more than the birdcage. I like that the birdcage is front and center...but can I be honest? I like the arrangement of objects on mantel C. Gosh, I'm no help, am I??

Amanda said...

I'm going to comment before I read everyone else's, so I'm not swayed by the other votes!

I like C and here's why. The arrangement is more pleasing to my eye because the height of the middle piece is taller than everything else. I also like that the birdcage is against some of the brown wall. I think that makes it pop more. That may be why I liked it on your piano so much - because the background was darker.

Anyway, just my humble opinion! And I looooove that lime green moss - so cute and springy!!!

It's Always Something Around Here said...

I prefer C it just seems to be better balanced with the picture in the center.

Mandi Shandi said...

I am gonna vote before I read what everyone else has to say because I don't want to be swayed. I'm gonna go with C, for no reason other than it caught my eye the most. Honestly they all look great, but C is my vote. Now I'm gonna gop see what everyone else said!

Shannon said...

I love that moss! My fave is B. I like the symmetry and the "dead" space between the items. It makes each item stand out more. Very pretty!!

Teri said...

I vote for C.

Nora said...

A is my choice. It makes a great statement. Good luck deciding :)

anna said...


Suz said...

C! It needs that big picture in the middle I think!

Small House said...

C. I like C. Such pretty deco items.
Have a good day.

Jess said...

My vote is for B. I'm just drawn to it. When you're done you can come and do mine! lol We have been in our house for a year and can't decide what to do with our mantle. Thanks for so much great inspiration.

Lisa said...

I like B the best because it looks the least cluttered but it seems to be missing something. I like C with the picture as it adds interest but the sides are too cluttered.

Please don't take this personally or take it to heart. This is all in fun ~ thanks for asking us though!

Val, Brax and Harper said...

i like C... the picture in the middle completes it!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

I like C the best b/c the painting in the center weights it, but really I like them all. Can you come decorate my house?! ;) I really like the candles with the decorative paper (?) wrapped around them, but I LOVE the apothecary jars with the moss. I am still on the lookout for some, but haven't had any luck with our crummy thrift stores. Great job!

AndreaLeigh said...

I like B first, A second. Just because there is a little more space in B. I love the moss - where did you get it? I must find some.

just wanted to remind you my blog has moved to

mary said...

so C seems to be the most popular, but i have to say i like the simple balance of A.

Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

I like C the best because I really like the framed print in the center. I think the apothecary jars look the best together as well as the candles.

lani said...

I am thinkin A. ANd I just love the candles! I gotta go try that right now!! Thanks

Lori said...

Hi! I just found your blog and I love it! I will definitely be checking it out often for inspiration and ideas!

Christine M said...

I've been a faithful lurker for awhile now...time to come out of hiding :) I like A the best, I like the balance of it and it has just the right amount of decor. LOVE your blog!!!

Unknown said...

I think I may be the only one who likes B the best!!

mommy4life said...

Absolutely A. Balanced but not too balanced like B. I like the birdcage as the anchor too.

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

I like C the best.
I left you something on my blog.

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

I like C the best.
I left you something on my blog.

Wendy said...

Hi Amanda,

I LOVE my Silhouette. I also have the Cricut and never use it. What I love about the Silhouette is,
1. It cuts every font that is on your computer. The Cricut you had to buy a cartridge for each font. My computer has over a hundred of fonts to pick from
2. Quickutz has a library of different dies you purchase for $1.99. You don't have to buy a cartridge, you can buy just one shape. Their library has hundreds of shapes for every holiday, boxes, etc. They also have all of the cute sayings to make wall words.
3. The Silhouette does so much more than the Cricut. I know I'm not using it to its full capacity.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Wendy :)

blog said...

I like C! A seems too crowded and i liked B until I saw C with the pretty picture. Just gives it a little more color or something... :)

Trina said...

I am really liking A. I like the birdcage in the center and I like the order of the items surrounding it better in A.

Georgia Girl said...

Yep has to be C! Love all the different ways but C just hit me like a brick...your pic really helped bring all the other things out to me...I am no decorater but blogger is teaching me a thing or to...hehehe

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