The November issue of Country Living had a whole spread on plaid. And I LOVE plaid, so I was thrilled! Decorating with plaid, wearing plaid, eating off of plaid, wiping your dishpan hands on plaid, accessorizing your furniture with plaid...6 beautiful pages full of lovely. I might be one of those old school girls who never stopped liking plaid, even when it wasn't cool. Well, now it's cool again. Apparently, it's hot this's everywhere. From the ultra fab pages of Anthropologie to the cute and cost efficient aisles of Target.
I died and went to heaven when I saw this absolutely gorgeous belted jacket. Oh, and I'll take that model body to go with it...thankyouverymuch!

I am loving this rosette necklace! I found a tutorial on how to make these, but I doubt mine would look so amazing. I.Want.That.Necklace.
Too cute ruffled plaid shirt. I can do without the couch

Yes, this is a bit much...even for a plaid lover like me. What drew me in was that fabulous bag sitting on the floor in the left hand corner of the picture. Adore!

On the other hand, this gargantuan clutch that is ridiculously long and 147% impractical...I could do without! But I'll take the gloves, and the pants, and the sweater.

These drawer pulls from Anthropologie are too stinkin cute.

Anthro jacket....beautiful and ridiculously overpriced.

The quails on this dishtowel have plaid cute is that?
You've featured some great stuff. I just might jump on the plaid bandwagon.
And I must say... Girl, you're rockin that hat! You're a hottie, mama!
PS I'll be emailing you an invite to view my blog. I recently went private.
PPS hope you were able to get some use out of that halloweeen tutu!
You are adorable! I love your hair!!! I went red about a year ago and I love it. Well, pretty red anyway.
Love the plaid too. Those drawer pulls are swoonworthy! And the plate too!
Your hat looks perfect!
Being a plaid lover myself, I am all over this post! I want those jackets on the coat rack!!!
You look so cute in your hat! Cute I tell ya.
I've always loved plaid too. You look adorable in the hat!
I love your hat! Better than a baseball cap, right? I like plaid in small doses. I remember my Mom had a plaid throw, years ago. I could do a throw.
You are so cute! I saw that section of CL this month too. Cute. Love your new hair color. It's great for fall!
I love the red! Kind of looks like strawberry blonde from what I can see. I get my hair colored a dark red sometimes during the fall and winter. It needs it again!
I love all of that plaid. I have a lot of plaid in my closet that I have held onto for years. Now I'm glad to see that its coming back! I will have something 'new' to wear! LOL
Have a great day!
Lee Laurie
I'm like you--some plaid I love and some plaid isn't my thing at all. That's a clutch? I thought it was a present! Ha! :) Love the sassy red hair!
I love that plate with the plaid and distressed was very interesting. WHERE did you find that precious hat you're wearing?? I'm ready to be brave and try a hat or two! It's so humid down here in southern Bama, and I could cover up the frizzies on a bad day!
I think your hair looks great!!! :)
And I love that necklace.... my goal is to own several bold necklaces this fall and wear them with all my old clothes. ;)
Thanks for visiting my Halloween blog - did you recognize any of those ideas?? ;) Thanks for being such an inspiration!
Hi Amanda~ K- I am digging the plaid this year too. I already bought the cutest pink, grey, black, and white plaid hat at Tar-jhay "Target" as well as the cutest crinkle scarf~ black, white, grey, and red! Ohhh' I love them. I love that cute jacket you are showing! P.S. cute hat and what a cute you too!
i love that first jacket and your hair looks great!
Love your hat and hair! You can pull off that hat like I can only dream of!
Love the plaid inspiration too! It's so winter-ish to me.
That hat is fabulous on you...I could never pull it off...I love hats...but they don't love me:( Thanks soooo much for sharing all the plaid!
Ok now this is how you do plaid! I was getting SO SICK of it there for a while because every teeny bopper store was throwing up plaid. But those gloves and jacket.. I MUST have now!!
I am loving all of that plaid and I am not that much of a plaid person! I think you convinced me! Your hair also looks great red! I am glad to here that I am not the only person who puts on a hat to cover up my hair!
oooooooooo i love that necklace! great post! may i have the link to the diy of the necklace?
You look so darn cute! I love plaid too.
I Love the hat, and you are so beautiful!
im digging all the plaid!
I love the hat <3
You are too the hair, love the hat!
I can't believe you stole a picture from my modeling portfolio...that first picture is totally me. ;)
I am the unfortunate owner of a plaid couch. I'm not sure what I was thinking, except that I got it back before I really knew what I liked, my mom was buying it for us, and SHE liked it. 'Nuff said. Methinks a slipcover is in the future....
I thought that long clutch was a gift at first and thought how much I'd love to have some plaid giftwrap. :)
I love all the plaid items, but the knobs are terrific!
As you can imagine, I double-triple-even quadruple HEART the red hair! I think it looks terrific on you!
You saw my plaid hat last week, right? Wish we could get together and wear our red hair and our hats out somewhere!
I love plaid!! I am loving your new red hair too!! I am envious you can pull off a cute hat...not me. Amanda you are just so darn perfectly beautiful!!!
Hugs and love friend,
oh, I love the belted jacket...and your hat is ADORABLE!
Oh, Amanda, you are just adorable, love that red hair! Thanks for sharing the plaids, I love those drawer pulls too!
AMANDA!!! You won our vinyl giveaway!!!! Email me at and we will get you set up!
Your hair looks Kick Awesome!
These are really cute! And the hat...I thought all mommies did the hat thing when they had carpool and had to run to Wal-mart first thing! Love it!
Never been much for plaid, but I do love the ruffle blouse. And your hair. I love red hair. I dyed mine once in high school from dark brown to strawberry blonde.... it was cute for three days then it turned purple!!
LOVING the fab plaid sensation!
I am pretty sure redhead have more fun...I am proof :) Rock on with your plaid self.
Oh I love love love plaid! Your post had me wiping a bit of drool from my mouth. I just bought a pair of black and red plaid shoes from Target. I love your red hair!! I didn't recognize you at first. It looks great on you! Makes your skin very peaches n cream.
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