Ok, so it took me a little longer than I expected to get my Halloween stuff up. Sue me. I put it off all weekend because I didn't want to get lost in the abyss of that closet. So much to declutter...so little time! I finally kicked myself in the hiney yesterday and lugged out all those heavy holiday boxes. Of course, the Halloween box was on the very bottom of the stack. I got most of it put up last night, but couldn't let myself post those pictures. Something just wasn't right...it all felt...off. So today I spent the day redecoranging and tweaking it and doing it all again. I know...I have a real problem. Finally, I am somewhat happy with it, but I'm sure I will continue to change it around and in a week it will all be completely different. It's a sickness, I tell ya!
I found these fun sticker labels at the dollar store last year. I wish I had bought more of them to have on hand. Creepy, but fun...right?
More dollar store accessories all spookified!
I like to call this look "Spooky Chic".
Love me some scrapbook paper wrapped candles...the perfect way to change up those neutral candles for any holiday!
Couldn't let the powder room feel left out of the holiday fun, now could I?
More white pumpkin love/obsession!
A rare full price splurge at Tar-jay...totally don't regret that purchase. I had forgotten about it, and actually squealed when I pulled it out of the storage box!
I'm like a kid in a candy store when it comes to Halloween decorating. I LOVE it. And I love this mantle set up so much I want to marry it, except that I'm already married, and it's weird to want to marry your mantle....right?
Pearls...the perfect accessory!

This is by far my favorite thing I've used to fill up these beautiful glass apothecary jars. White pumpkins, gourds, mini skulls, skeleton hands, and spiders...all from the dollar store. It just goes to show that you don't have to spend alot of money to have fun and fabulous holiday decor. The dollar store has a wealth of options to choose from. On their own they may not look like much, but paired together and with nicer things, you can achieve that high end look. All you need is a couple bucks, a good imagination, and things you use around your home everyday.
This is by far my favorite thing I've used to fill up these beautiful glass apothecary jars. White pumpkins, gourds, mini skulls, skeleton hands, and spiders...all from the dollar store. It just goes to show that you don't have to spend alot of money to have fun and fabulous holiday decor. The dollar store has a wealth of options to choose from. On their own they may not look like much, but paired together and with nicer things, you can achieve that high end look. All you need is a couple bucks, a good imagination, and things you use around your home everyday.
Love it. You are like a young Martha with your Halloween decor. Martha Stewart, that is. Just in case you were thinking biblical on me. :)
Thanks for sharing!
I love it all! The pearls on the crows, genius! I think that I have about 3 Halloween decorations. I would love to more this year...must. go. to. the. dollar. store. Thanks for getting these posted!
"Spooky Chic" is the perfect name for what you did. You really found some great buys at the dollar store, I am impressed!
Love your apothecary jar filler and the pearls on the ravens! Great idea to put some scrapping paper around your candles ~ I love the way that looks even for every day display.
Ooh, I love the "spooky chic" very nice!!
Soooo spooky! Great job. I love your Tar-jay find! too cute.
pk @ room remix
Love your decor!! Too fun! And, seeing those items remeinded me that I have some more Halloween stuff put up in the back of my closet--I had forgotten about it! Thank you!! Have a fun day!
"Spooky chic!" I love it!!! Fabulous decorations you've got there!!! :-)
Amanda, where did you get that gorgeous tray? Me want to buy one! Also, I'm SO glad I'm not the only one with that "sickness". That's another reason I love blogging so much - others just like me.
Okay, that whole table with the mirror? I want to box it up and unpack it exactly as is at my house. I love everything!
It is all so adorable! I've never really been into Halloween decorating, but just yesterday I bought a Halloween cookie jar for the kids. (Well,Garrett...he is the only one at home now) I got it for only $4.00 at the Vendor's market. I'm off work today so I'm gonna look through my storage and see what I might have to decorate with. I will probably be making a trp to the dollar store too!
I love your "Spooky Chic"!
Lee Laurie
love it all, i've never seen that target picture before, which is odd since i live there, but it's georgous.
LOVE IT! As always, you're genius, girly! I did some more Halloween decorating on Sun but since my daughter has had strep throat since then... it might be Sun before I get the pics up. It's funny, I have a few of the same items as you - we must have visited the same dollar store! :)
Oh, and I spraypainted some pumpkins white last wk... love, love them!
Now... when do we start talking Christmas decor??
Everything is FABULOUS!!!! I am so glad I'm not the only one who squeals about Halloween decor. haha Do you clap too? I am so letting my 15 year old daughter read this post. She thinks *I* am the only one crazy about Halloween.
I'm lov'in the whole jar thing this year! And I love your Tarjay splurge,you so can make something like that as well!!And the white pumpkin in the nest is cute!
I love your spooky chic decor! The mantle is great!
wow!!!That's what I call "classy Sppok!" I love it all!
I love your Halloween decor. Perfect spooky chic. :-)
Oh' my gosh Amanda probably some of the cutest stuff I have seen. I adore your mantel stuff.. I want all your same things... so cute! I had to blow up your mantel to get a better look, GREAT JOB!
Amanda---I tried so hard to get my Halloween Mojo going....and guess what Toby did last night??? Yes, our beautiful Web is a heap on the porch!! I will try again today. I almost cried.
"Spooky chic." This is why I love you, Amanda.
Seriously, everything looks--well, how shall I say this?--spooky chic! It really does! I think you've done just what you set out to do! Thanks for showing us what you did and how you did it. :)
And don't worry--if you don't get things done quite as quickly as you'd like, we'll still be here. We'll wait for you.
You outdid yourself!
Everything looks awesome!
Oh, that's it.. I go just one post back, and you've won my heart. LOVE your Halloween decorations and skills! (0; I'm officially a follower!! ~tina
Your house is the coolest ever!
Love your decorations, Amanda! Everything looks great!
I just love you. The pearls on that crow are totally spooky chic...that term needs to go in the dictionary. Love it! :) I got some good ideas from this post...thanks so much for sharing your pictures. :)
WOW... you have a great imagination! It all looks so great. I LOVE those bottles with the cool labels... wonder if they would have them around this year too??
super cute. love the feathered wreath & set of 3 prints. maybe i need to hit up dollar tree??
wow, you are good!
spooky good!
Love it all - perfectly spooky!
Great Job! I love it all. I seem to be really behind - - I don't have a single pumkin out yet. I need to get me you know what in gear!
I think I need YOUR imagination because I could never get it to look like that on my own! That little mirror in your bathroom...did you etch it or did you buy it that way?
My boys would love looking at all your "spookies"! I stick with just boring pumpkins at the dismay of my kiddos. Love it all!
Oh my gosh I love it! I love your halloween chic! So spooky and cute!
All the best,
I love the black and white with the occasional splash of orange. Very chic! www.satisfiedsole.com
Amanda, girl, I'm a little creeped out by you right now! :)
You do have an obsession, a really cool obsession. Want to come decorate my house?
Your Halloween decor is darling! I love those candles with the scrapbook paper. So pretty! And those dollar store labels are great!
Have a super night!
Spooky chic!!!! Love it! Great decor my dear. And your porch pumpkins? Awesome. Watch out Martha !
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Rajat Jain
Your mantle looks great! I just love your Witch and Pumpkin Man boards! Thanks for sharing.
Best wishes,
You did a fabulous job with everything! So very spooky and fun! Your mantle is amazing!
Good job! Everything does look great! And the pears on the blackbirds are a unique touch!
YOU are officially the QUEEN of Halloween!!
Omg you did NOT put pearls on that crow!! I love you!! That is my favorite part. ;) I have those fillers from the $ store too but I'm not sure the bub is ready for them. He's not crazy about the skulls. Now I may have to get them out -- maybe he won't notice. ;)
IRONIC...No...WEIRD...I just bought those hands and skulls at the dollar store (LOVE DOLLAR TREE!) and I also just found you blog today! Coincidince? I THINK NOT!
New follwer by the way! OH! And I featured/Linked your blog!
Now THAT is the way an apothecary jar should look!
I love it all! Especially the Target purchase!
I love Halloween and I just adore your decoration ideas!!! OMG! You have such great taste. I look forward to future posts! Thank you.
I love it every bit! You are awesome!
I love the skull and the poison bottle arrangment. So spooky. And the apothocary jar looks fab. x
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