Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Funky Traditional

So I've decided that my new decorating style is funky traditional. And yes...I made that up. My tastes have always leaned toward the traditional side, but lately I'm bored with it. I need a little funk to spice things up a bit. I wish that I was more of a risk taker, but I'm baby steppin it people. (Bob would be so proud)

This is what I call my funky traditional mantel. I moved the cheap wall art I showed y'all how to make (in this post) from above the sofa and propped it up against the brick wall. I like it much better here. But now I have a semi blank wall to fill. Oh joy...another project in the making! And before y'all say it...I know it's a little matchy matchy. I have such a serious addiction to symmetry it's not even funny. Once again, I'm baby steppin. For real...I AM working on it!

This was the boring before. See...I told you it needed some funk.

Most of the accessories on the mantel came from Hobby Lobby's 80% off section. Unfortunately, they were a little TOO gold for my taste. See the picture above? They were all shades of this bright gold before I started the makeover. Now, don't get me wrong, there is nothin wrong with gold. I just wanted a softer look. I really liked the shape and size of the finials and frame, and knew I could change them up with paint. And for pennies on the dollar, they fit my minuscule budget perfectly.

This little bottle of $1.27 acrylic paint worked wonders on the goldy gold. It's made by Folk Art and the color is Metallic Taupe. It turns the harsh gold into a subtle shade of champagne...gorgeous! I must give props to the brains behind this idea. Kate ... Centsational Girl, gave me this one. I'm new to her fabulous blog...she is so talented and has such great ideas. You must check her out.

From garish gold...to sumptuous champagne.
Easy, inexpensive, and beautiful...3 of my favorite things!


Kristina P. said...

I like funky traditional! Love the colors.

Were you ablet o coordinate with Emily, finally?

Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

Love funky traditional and am going to swipe that phrase.:)

Jen @ tatertotsandjello.com said...

Hi Amanda!
I love funky traditional too! I love that vignette on your mantle. So refreshing and fun!


Kate Riley said...

Gotta love craft paint ! Love your gold to champagne transformation. I think you'll like my "funky traditional" staircase revamp, coming next week. :-) Kate

Shaam said...

Awesome! They look good now. Great idea!

All the best,

Beneath the Eaves said...

I think your funky traditional is great! The color combo is stunning.

Jess said...

I'm liking the funky! The new and improved mantel is FAB!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Love your mantel with the changes, Amanda! And I'm with you, Kate has some great ideas. Your funky traditional is a good thing to be! :)

Meg said...

Funky traditional works. I found your blog last night and love it! I go to CG's blog all the time and have gotten so many fantastic ideas from her. I love some of the things you do, you give me fantastic ideas. I am going to try to make your clipboards sometime in this coming week. :)

Thanks for the inspiration!

Kat said...

LOVE the mantle!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

I LOVE how you describe your style--I think it fits you to a "T." :) Your mantel is fab!! :) I love that big aqua plate that you have front and center? Where'd you find that beauty?

Made In The South said...

Oh my gosh, I love it!!! Can you take a vacation over to my house??? And I love it, you have a Camo Man too (in the picture)...

Tamara said...

I love it! Don't you just love when you change an area you feel like your refreshed the entire house.

southerninspiration said...

Love the look whatever it's called....and I love the champagne...hiccup..I promise! :)


Ken and Meag said...

Hey Amanda,
I have a question for you! I recently decorated some letters to hang our baby's name on the wall in his room. I used modge podge & scrapbook paper, but I am now stuck. Should I modge podge over the letters to seal them, or just leave them with unfinished scrapbook paper? Also, I read on some tutorial that you can file excess paper on the edges of the letters with a nail file to give them a worn look.
Anyway, any thoughts? I love your stuff and trust your opinion on this! Thanks!

Stacey said...

I love your funky traditional decorating! The colors work so well together!!!

Cynthia said...

I love this funky design. Mantel is the hardest piece of "furniture" to decorate.
You're not alone not liking the color gold, to me personally, it's like a disease! ha just kidding! :)

Unknown said...

Love both mantels, and the aqua color is great! I however, love the jars w/ lemons, the vases, photograph, and bird! mantel BEST! that is more me! Great eye and job on both!

Unknown said...

KEN AND MEAG! just to help, even though you weren't asking me... I have done lots of mod podge stuff, and you totally want to go back over it and seal it! also you can file things with a nail file or I have just used a steak knife to give it the work look! GOOD LUCK!

Unknown said...

Baby steps are always good! I'm also addicted to symmetry, but it's fine, really! :) And I love your style, I'm more of an funky shabby chic girl, myself. :)

Unknown said...

Love what you've done with the mantel! I'm a baby steppin sort of gal, too. You're certainly steppin in the right direction! Love the colors, too. Thanks for the inspiration...


Enchantresses Three said...

So you have totally inspired me to funk up my style:) I love your blog so much, thanks for all the kick awesome ideas!

Stacie said...

I love it! And I, being addicted to symmetry myself, think that the 2 sides of the mantel are just different enough that you don't really notice the symmetry--it's like "undercover symmetry!"

kris said...

funky traditional is totally my style too!! we have a lot of family heirloom-style antiques mixed in with some modern pieces, and it just works for us! and totally digging the gold makeover, it's so much better in the after! :) i feel the same way about gold and shiny brass!

Patricia said...

I love it
Now there is a name for it
I enjoy your blog so much
You really inspire me to think outside the box

frillsfluffandtrucks said...

I'm matchy matchy too...I can't help it--it makes me feel more balanced to look at things that are balanced and matched. :)

~ Sarah

FrenchGardenHouse said...

What a great change! Love the colors...

Kim @ Everything Etsy said...

I understand the symmetry thing...I have the same thing. It's so hard for me to break from that! Your mantel looks great girl...so stylish! :-)


Unknown said...

Oh. my. goodness. I think you've put a name on "our" style!! I LOVE your mantle, and I'm thinking that "funky traditional" describes exactly what I love, but could never find a label for!

Nicole ~ said...

Hey Amanda, I love your changes!! You always do such a great job with everything.

Richella Parham said...

I know what you mean about needing a little funky to go with your traditional. And I think your babysteps are great steps. Very cool!

Free Art Printables said...

I love what you did with your mantel!

knittingknirvana said...

Funky Traditional is right up my alley. I think I am Funky Traditional Modern. Ha! :) I love the brown and blue together too.

janet said...

i love your funky traditional mantle, looks absolutely awesome!!! i also love your blog, endless fantastic suggestions. I have you saved on my favorites and i will add you to my blog list, hope you don't mind. I will be back when i can go through all your ideas and jot them down. Thanks for offering such a wonderful blog.

Dawn said...

Very pretty!

Stop over and check out my latest post, there's a surprise there for you!

Pam Walter said...

I love it! Putting contemporary with antiques is a great combination and I love the colors. Thanks, also, for the tip about the paint to tone down the gold. I have several items that I need it for.

Embellished Bayou said...

Your mantel looks fab! Great job, thanks for stopping by my blog!

SarahJarnagin said...

Your mantel looks great!!! Love the idea to dull bright gold. I have a few pieces set back that were needing something to dull them.

A Southern Rose said...

I love how you changed up your mantle! I'm not into the 'funky' decor yet, but you never know...tastes change!

Have a great 4th!

Lee Laurie

Anna O'Reilly said...

I love the before & after, good work!

Gwen said...

I call my style funky traditional too! I nearly fell on the floor the time when my hubby, looking at a traditional mirror that we bought, said "how are you going to funkify it?"

Liking the new look on your mantel.

Girly Stuff said...

And better yet...the new mantel makes you look 10 years younger! Yeah for funky traditional!

I love it!

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