Friday, June 12, 2009

Recovering from Vacation

I think I forgot to tell y'all that I was going on vacation. For the 5 people who read this...we've been in Utah for the last 9 days. We had a wonderful time visiting with family we don't get to see very much. I think we packed in about 3 weeks worth of stuff into 1 week. It was crazy busy, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. I miss it so much already. Especially the unseasonably cool weather we got to enjoy. We probably wore hoodies every single day. For me it was an absolute treat...the best trip gift EVER! I am all about nice cool weather. Yes, this southern girl HATES the heat. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else, but I deplore the unbearable heat and humidity. Do you know what we came back to? 96 degrees with 95% humidity. Do you know what that feels like? Yucky, sticky, sweaty...ALL.THE.TIME. Let's just say I can't wait to get our hillbilly pool back up and running! Oh sweet relief!

I have some Utah yard sale finds to share, but I think I'll wait for my new friend Kennesha's Junk Party on June 18th. Yes, I found the time to hit some yard sales while I was there. My frugalicious cousin Seth and his sweet girlfriend Sierra invited me to go thrifting with them Saturday morning. We didn't have much time, but we had so much fun. I hated having to pass up some big ticket items, but I just couldn't justify shipping pieces of furniture home. I did, on the other hand, buy an extra suitcase to bring some treasures home with me! There are some awesome stores in Utah...Tai Pan Trading, Rod Works, IKEA, and D.I....just to name a few. I could have filled up numerous suitcases with everything I WANTED to buy...but I didn't.

And last...but certainly not least...I'd like to introduce you to a new blog friend of mine, Kennesha. She is a fellow southern girl from neighboring Alabama, who now resides in Hawaii. She has the most adorable blog,
and is hosting a Junk Party next Thursday June 18th. You know I am ALL about looking for, finding, enjoying, lovely junk. So I think this party will be a ton of fun, and well worth the visit. Hop on over to Me & My House and show Kennesha some bloggy love. I'm telling ya, you won't regret it. There is plenty of eye candy to enjoy! And mark your calendars for June 18th's Junk Party!


Kristina P. said...

I am so sad you aren't here for lunch tomorrow! Next time you are here, we need to meet.

I even made David Hasselhoff nametags!

Made In The South said...

Even though I havent posted, I was wondering where ya been. Glad your ok. If ya didn't know already I am the resident blogworld worrier LOL.
Can't wait to see what ya got...

Callie Ann said...

Dear Amanda,
I live in Utah and am PRETTY pissed you didn't tell me you were coming to this neck of the woods.

Unknown said...

I was wondering where you were. I thought maybe my feeder was broken or something. :)

Jenn said...

I was wondering why you slipped so far on my blog list!!

Glad you had fun!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

I thought you'd just plain disappeared! I missed your posts, chick! So glad you're back and can't wait to see your treasures from Utah. :) (PS. I hate the heat too...reason #675 why we must be related somehow!)


Liz said...

Hope you had a great vacation! I was wondering what happened to you:) Can't wait to see more projects!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Dear FA (Fellow Albino), I have NOT tried the Dove Energy Glow. I may have to give it a whirl...the Jergens turned me orange!!!

Sara said...

Ok, since I'm the 9th know there are more than 5 of us that read! Glad you're back...although now I'm going on vacation!

Shaam said...

How fun! I love Utah and have family there too.

All the best,

My Precious Peanut Designs said...

Glad to hear you had a super vacation! See there are definitely more than 5 people who read your blog! the link right? When I clicked on the link in your post I couldn't find anything about a junk party.

Jess said...

Welcome back. I was wondering where you were too! Can't wait to see all the cool junk!

Tausha said...

So glad that you loved the crappy weather here. We "Utahn's" are SOO sick of it! I am ready for some sunshine. ANy-will do.
Can't wait to see what you picked up here. Glad you are home safe-even if it is HOT!!!!

Pam Walter said...

Sounds like a great vacation and I too am looking forward to seeing what you found when you went "thrifting" (What a perfect word!)

Ashley ~ said...

I used to LOVE the HOT summers of the south, but the older I get, the more I enjoy cooler days/nights. Your trip sounds great*! _Ashley ~

Amanda@Imperfectly Beautiful said...

Thank you Precious Peanut Designs!!! I left out a word in the blog address and linked to the wrong blog. Oops. It's fixed now, so go check it out.

mommy4life said...

Vacations, especially to see family, are always good things! Thanks for the tip on the junk party!

Jen @ said...

Hi Amanda!
So glad you had a fun trip! It has been unseasonably warm here. Today it rained all day long.

I lived on the east coast growing up and remember the humidity.

I can't wait to see the treasures you found!


My Precious Peanut Designs said...

You're welcome! Looks like it will be a fun party! Can wait to see all the cool "junk" and get some inspiration!

Callie Ann said...

Ogden, of ALL places?! Psh. I should just STOP following you RIGHT now for not telling me. ;)

KIDDING. Of COURSE we can still be friends.

kristal said...

i was TOTALLY checking in everyday and wondered if you had a major personal crisis or if you were quitting imperfectly beautiful! SO GLAD neither was true and super happy you're back!!

Shannon said...

Glad your vacay went good and I cannot wait to see what you found!

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