We've all seen them, possibly had them in our homes {{{gasp}}}. Yes, I'm talking about primitive country crafts that were all the rage in the 80's and early 90's. You will find them abundantly at thrift stores, yard sales, and you might possibly have one or two in your attic or basement. I vividly remember the one that hung in our home growing up. In fact, I found one similar at a yard sale recently and decided to take the 50 cent risk and bring it home for a makeover.
I started by sanding the top down with my power sander. I wasn't taking any chances with those country hearts and houses showing through my paint job. I gave it a light coat of spray on primer, then brushed on 3 coats of aqua blue latex paint.
Now comes the fun part.....fabric and mod podge! I coated my fabric piece with mod podge, let it dry, then cut out the fleur de lis using a stencil I already had. Did you know that when you mod podge fabric, it allows you to cut the fabric without fraying? It's an awesome trick!
I used more mod podge to apply the fleur de lis to the board. When that dried, I brushed on two coats of mod podge ever the entire project.
I am in LOVE with this fabric! Remember last week when I told you about the fabric I'd ordered from Hawthorne Threads? Well, it got to my house two days later and let me tell you.....it is beyond gorgeous. I can't wait to get started on the pillows for my couch!
I decided to put the half moon plaque above my front door. I absolutely love the way the aqua blue pops off the brown wall. And the bold floral fabric really adds some personality. {Sorry for the glare off my black door....the sun was wicked bright this morning!}
Today over at The CSI Project we're kicking off our weekly challenge, "Mod Podge". Already there are over 80 creative projects linked up....shoes, jewelry, furniture, art, and more! Our guest judge is Amy from Mod Podge Rocks and there is a fantastic prize package of Plaid products up for grabs! We'd love to have you stop by and check it out. And if you have a mod podge project you'd like to submit, even better!
What a great transformation. Cute fabric too! Thanks for sharing!
I'm not gonna lie. I was skeptical when I saw that piece and wondered how you would pull a makeover off. But you totally rocked it. How could I have ever doubted you? ;)
What a great idea, Amanda! Honey, I got married in 1985--can you spell C-O-U-N-T-R-Y?? I'm sure I still have some choice pieces around here somewhere. . . and if I can find them, I'm going to follow your lead!
Here's a fun fact for you. Before I got married, I chose a theme for my kitchen--you know, so that people could give me appropriate gifts. I registered for dishes and cutlery, of course, but what I REALLY wanted was. . . geese for my kitchen! Yes, ma'am, my country kitchen was elaborately decorated with geese. Flocks of 'em. Lord, have mercy.
so fun Amanda! I love the bright color that you used! I just bought a long thin country hanging from DI and haven't figured out what to do with it yet. So cute!
So cute! Love the colors!
Love it!! It has my mind running all over the place looking for tacky goods to recreate!
Heather {WhipperBerry}
Hallelujiah! Those old country pieces are just NOT my style. (That's my polite reaction.) I like what you did with it. That fabric is FAB.
Great makeover! I always look at those pieces at the thrift store and then don't buy them. Next time, I might buy one and see what I can do with it. I love that fabric!
Well, that made me smile!
I love it over the doorway!!!
Cute makeover! Thanks for the tip on Mod Podging fabric. My first apartment had all sorts of country do-dads. I wonder what I did with them??
CUTE!!! I love the half moon shape! the color is so pretty! :-)
That looks great! I love where you put it!
I love it! I didn't know about the Mod Podge no-fray fabric trick; thanks for the tip!
P.S. I LOVE the color of your walls!
very beautiful decor, very good looking images, i really like the way they lighten up the whole area
Looks great Amanda. I love how you put it above your door too. Love the fabric.
What a great transformation! Great change and love the punch of color above the door!
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