Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Life Changing Purchase!

So many of you asked, so I thought I'd add some more info on the spray grip.
I purchased it from...{gasp}...Walmart! It is made by Rustoleum and costs a whopping $2.42. I have not had any problems with it falling off or not fitting onto the can right. Today I used it on 3 different brands of spray paint and it worked great on all of them. I hope this helps for those of you wanting to try it out. Good luck and let me know what you think!

Can I just tell you that this is the BEST $2.42 I've ever spent? Seriously, I feel like I just won the lottery. (well, maybe it's not that good...but it's pretty darn close) The Rustoleum Spray Grip is fantabulous! It fits any spray can and makes quick easy work of big spray paint jobs. I had seen it around blogland, and to be honest, I was a bit skeptical. But, for under $3 I was willing to try it.

I will never go back to spray painting without this little contraption.

I have a small confession...I don't really enjoy spray painting, and I'm not very good at it. I usually try to pawn it off on my hubby. He is the spray paint king! He takes pain staking care and his attention to detail is nothing short of amazing. You think I'm kidding...but I'm totally serious. Everything he has ever painted for me is absolutely perfect. So you see why I try to get him to do my work for me, right?

No more! From here on out, I WILL do my own work. The spray grip really does make it a whole lot faster and much easier. And on top of more spray paint finger. You know, the trigger finger covered and coated in whatever color you're using that is also throbbing in pain from holding down that tiny little nozzle for an hour? more of that.

On a side note...Hobby Lobby has a huge selection of housewares for 80% off. I got some great stuff today to revamp my mantle. First I have to give some of it a tiny makeover. I'll show you what I'm doing with it later this week!


Unknown said...

I am a new lurker! I too have a problem with perfectionisem (is that a word?, well it is now) lol! I have been doing some spray paint projects and the spray can get's a little annoying. I will have to find one of thes spray handle gizmos! thanks for letting me know! P.S. love your plate grouping!

Unknown said...

I've been wanting one of those! So it really works, huh? I'm awful at spraypainting...though, it probably doesn't help with impatience. :)

Unknown said...

Where did you get it??? I want one toooooo! I'm going to the city on Saturday to pick up other supplies and I plan on doing some projects on Sunday. I could get one of those thingies! Can you get them about anywhere? Thanks!


Kristina P. said...

I have seen those! I'm sure it makes spray painting go by lickety split!

Anonymous said...

Hubby is the official spray painter in our house. He has far more patience than I do and does a much better job.

But that little gadget is fab - I may have to try it :)

I hit HobLob earlier in the week but didn't find anything I couldn't live without.

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog, you have some beautiful ideas on here. I need to get one of those spray trigger things since I keep finding more stuff to spray paint. I've gone through 4 cans of paint in the past few weeks.

A Southern Rose said...

I bought one of those a couple of weeks ago and can you believe that I left it outside and my sweet 'chow' dog ate it? He eats everything! Now I have to get another one! I did love it! It helped a lot.

Kim said...

No Amanda - YOU rawk for sharing that awesome tip! I am sick to death of getting spray nozzle finger -and yes, it hurts like heck! So thank you thank you thank you (did I remember to thank you?)
Now, about that Hobby Lobby thing - I don't have one around here!!! Waaaaaa! That's me whining. :)

Anonymous said...

What a dear you are...thank goodness I found this post! I needed this baby days ago but Im sure I will need it soon enough again. Im going find myself one of these lil darlings asap!

Victoria Hayden said...

This is good to know! I just bought one of these about 3 weeks ago and have not used it excited to try it! I have a big spray for my latex paint and love it, hope I feel the same about this! Have a great week Amanda!!

Hugs to you,

Unknown said... I WANT one. And thanks for telling us about them...I hadn't heard about it! WHERE have I been?!?!? I like to paint but hate the messy fingers you get with spray paint...even gloves don't help! YOU Rock (aka RAWK...LOL!)

Melissa Miller said...

Cool! Your hubby sounds exactly like mine when it comes to the details. I have zero patience...

I can't wait to see your mantle!

Kathi said...

Oh yeah! Another little gadget I need/want now! Thanks for sharing the fact that it works! I've been wondering about that...
Still lots of painting to do over here!

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

I had to laugh when I saw this post! My husband & I just saw something like this today... he thought we should get it and I wasn't sure if we really needed it. I think I was wrong! LOL It sounds great!!

Unknown said...

OMG, WHERE did you get that thing?!! I never knew such a wonderful thing existed! Had I known I would have saved myself from an hour of agony, painting one stinkin' fluer-de-lis! I must get one right this very second, well in the next few seconds, after you tell me where I can find this amazing marvel of spray paint glory!

Thrifty Decor Chick said...

I have one too, but right when I'm in a groove, the can falls off the bottom. Does yours stay on OK? Drives me BATTY!! OOOOH I love the plates on the wall, and that globe covered with chalkboard is soooooo cool!!! ahh!!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Ooooo---good review! I used to make T spray paint too. I am very, very sloppy, and pretty impatient when it comes to second coats, drying, etc. Do you think they carry those babies at (gasp!) Wal-Mart?

Girly Stuff said...

I had no idea of its existence! I feel happy at just the thought of purchasing it!!

Can't wait to see your mantle!


I bought one but couldn't make it work with the larger spray nozzle thingy on the Valspar paint cans. Maybe I was doing it wrong or it was the wrong kind. I wanted it to work because I'm tired of my right index finger being paint spattered.

Susie Q said...

WALMART carries them??? I am OVER soon as I can. I just hated paying $5 for it at Lowe's as I need two so Sunshine can help me paint.

Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

My husband has used these for years and I just didn't bother. Just today I was painting something, and the color I needed still had the sprayer on it from whatever his last project was.

OMGosh. The scales have fallen from my eyes. Awesome. (And? I saved my nail polish.)

Anonymous said...

I bought one of these a few weeks ago and you're right, it does make spray painting much easier. Plus, no more black fingernails. Woohoo!

Mandi Shandi said...

GIRL!! I am heading to Wal-mart later today! Somehow I have not seen these around, and heaven knows I go through the spray paint. My index finger thanks you for the tip. Can't wait to see your mantle.

Melissa said...

Hi Amanda! Last year I got one of these when Joy and Kimba were talking about them~have loved it, but now all of a sudden it's not gripping like it used to. But if I have to get a new one every year, it's still worth it, right? I'll have to pick me up a new one~you've re-inspired me :) Have a great day!

Unknown said...

sorry for the spelling typo (hate those) on my first comment to you.. it was "those" p.s. THAT pinwheel you like on my porch is from a local owned home decor store (THAT I ADORE) here in Sunny St. George, UT. where I live! its called Krumpets! I lucked out and got it for 50 percent off of 18.00 dollars. Thank for stopping by!

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

You took the post right out of my mouth. No word of a lie...even down to the title. I bought that thing and it REVOLUTIONIZED my life. So if you see a post of mine soon that looks similiar to's because great minds think alike. And that trigger is the best thing EVER!!!!

Shaam said...

Wow great suggestion! I'll try it!

All the best,

Anonymous said...

I think I need to go to hobby lobby tomorrow! and buy this little contraption!

Pam Walter said...

Thanks so much for the info. One of the reasons I don't paint more items is that I really suck at it and always make a mess and get hand cramps. It looks like the Grip will really help with that.

Kathryn-nannygoat said...

My sis told me about the spray paint trigger after she spray painted a crib and couldn't feel her finger for days after. Seriously that invention IS life changing... when you paint as much as we girlies do.
LOVE the chalkboard paint with the cute frames. That is why I'm looking for a funky frame, that's exactly what I want to make, LOVE IT!
Thanks for stopping by nannygoat and the kind comment. :)

anythinggoeshere said...

You are an angel. I must have one of these things. What a GOOD idea;

The Phillips Place said...

So you got yours to work?? I snatched one up when I saw it a few months ago, and thought I was going to blog about how great it was. Till I tried it. Every time, my paint can fell off mid-spray. ANNOYING!! But now I can't remember if I was using Rustoleum brand paint, or a different brand. Maybe it only works with its own paint cans.

I am glad it's working for you though! Sometimes at the end of big projects my hand feels permanently kinked in "painter's claw" position :).

Stacey said...

I never knew there was such an item on the market. I am going to have to get me one of those. I am not good at spray painting either and I never thought to pawn it off on my hubby. I tell are the Queen!!! I don't know what I would do without you!

Gwen said...

I just bought one of these last night. I went to try it out, was in a hurry and it popped the spray nozzle off of the can. I am not giving up yet though. I will try it again when I have more time.

I just started using spray paint last week and I love it. My only problem was that my finger was killing me. Hopefully, this will take care of it:)

K@The Thrifty Teacher said...

Thank you for posting about this...I stumbled across your blog a few weeks ago and stashed this tip in my mind. The next time I was at the Wallymart- I picked one up. My spray finger thanks you!

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