First of all, let me say thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who left me thoughts of love, support, and comfort on the post about my precious Noah. Your lovely comments had me in tears.....the good kind. You'll never know how much it meant to me. It was such a wonderful experience to be able to share that piece of my heart with you and I am so grateful!
Now, on to not so serious matters! I absolutely must share my killer deal of the week with you, in the hopes that you too can have gorgeous patio furniture at a small fraction of the original cost. Tuesday night my husband and I went out to dinner and to Target. While looking through the remains of the outdoor furniture clearance, the manger came up to us and said if we saw anything we liked to let him know. He wanted to make us a deal and get rid of it. Ummmmmmm, hello? What store are we at? We proceeded to pick out the most gorgeous patio furniture on the planet. Stuff that I would NEVER even look at otherwise. Even with the discount, I didn't think we'd be able to afford it. But just for fun, we asked him what kind of a deal he could give us. He gave us $200 off the clearanced price....$1500 worth of furniture for $580. I just about died and went to heaven.
Smith and Hawken's Windsor Collection

Comfortable deep seating that is plush and oh so very chic!

The table has the look of stone, but is very light weight......gorgeous!

And to top it all off, the chairs have this caning detail that mimics my absolute favorite pattern right now......quatrefoil.
We have spent the last two days hard at work in our yard getting our new patio set put together. And trying to make our poor neglected yard, not so ghetto! It is definitely a work in progress, but we are making some headway. I think I could possibly invite people over and not be completely humiliated to have them come in the backyard.....maybe! We still have more work to do outside, so I have to run. It sure was nice to come inside and take a break from the excruciating heat and humidity.....thank you little blog, thank you!
Now THAT is an amazing deal! We need some patio furniture now for our new home!
I've had my eye on that very same set! BA-NANAS! So happy for you!!!
wow! And summer is just begun! Now you can look for a sale on a margarita machine!
What a deal!!! Fabulous! I was quite proud that I found the set I've spent 2 years trying to find second hand at a garage sale this summer - for a whopping $100. :) It totally needs a coat of teal paint and then it will be to.die.for.
I'm SO loving your new patio set! Mind if I drool for a minute? ;)
Congrats on the deal!!! Nothing like a little retail therapy, huh?
what a great deal! im so jealous! congrats! the furtiture looks beautiful, cant wait to see a post in your yard!
I am SOOOO happy for you! That is awesome that you were at the right place at the right time. I might just have to go head down to my local target and see what they have. I can't wait to see how it all looks.
Can't wait to see your "deal of the century" in it's new digs! We all love a good buy even if it's not our own!
on my way to Target!! Great deal and oh so pretty...
You are the luckiest woman on the planet! Quatrefoil seating??? Now I really do need to visit you!
I only hate you a little bit right now for that amazing deal. ;)
Oh my gosh! Seriously?!?!?! That's insane! Ok, that's it, you officially win the award for steal of the year! I can't wait to see how it transforms your yard. Lucky you :-)
Oh my gosh! Seriously?!?!?! That's insane! Ok, that's it, you officially win the award for steal of the year! I can't wait to see how it transforms your yard. Lucky you :-)
I can't believe it! It must have been meant for you the way that happened. That would look amazing in any yard. Enjoy!
WOW!! What a great deal! I can't believe it. I wish that would happen to me at my Target! :)
oooh, I am JEALOUS!! Good for you, I hope you enjoy it!!!
I'm a longtime reader who rarely comments but just wanted to say thanks for stopping by to view my portico project the other day!
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