Today I want to celebrate the life of a sweet little girl named Sirri. In 2008 she was diagnosed with cancer after they found a potato sized tumor in her tiny chest squeezed between her heart and lungs. Two years later she is healthy and cancer free! It is truly a miracle and act of God that she is alive today. In an effort to give back and hope other families can have the outcome they now enjoy, all of the ladies in Sirri's family and some close friends have chosen to participate in the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life this summer. They have all come up with their own way of raising funds, with a goal of $5000.....and they are halfway there! Sirri's Aunt Cindy started an etsy shop called Button of Hope, selling the most adorable hair pins, earrings, and necklaces....with 100% of the proceeds going to the cause! To help her get the word out and try and meet their goal, we are having a giveaway. Cindy has so graciously offered one lucky winner a pair of earrings, a set of hair pins, and a necklace from her etsy shop! Here is just a sampling of the absolutely adorable items from her shop..........

My dear readers, I would be so honored for you to help support this family and the worthy cause they're involved in. I have been so touched by this sweet little girl and her family and their story of survival. What a gift they have been given. I just had to share with you what Cindy had to say on her blog about her neice and their experience......
"Our family feels so blessed to have Sirri with us today. For me personally, she is one of the lights and joys of my life. She is my "little squish" and someone I can't imagine life without. She is a healthy and thriving 6 year old who is constantly making us laugh, loves her first grade class, playing with her friends, performing for her family, and painting her fingernails.
With your help, more families will be able to enjoy the outcome we now, so gratefully enjoy."
With your help, more families will be able to enjoy the outcome we now, so gratefully enjoy."
Please be sure to stop by Cindy's etsy shop, Button of Hope. What a wonderful way to support other families dealing with the heartbreak of cancer. Now, to enter the giveaway, you can do one or all of the following things, with a chance to have your name in the drawing 3 times! Please leave a seperate comment for each thing you do to enter the giveaway. We will close it at noon on Monday the 28th and choose the winner using random.org...........
1. Comment on this post
2. Blog, Facebook, or Tweet about the giveaway
3. Make a purchase from Button of Hope
Wow, such a neat giveaway and for such a worthy cause!
I'm off to check out the etsy site!
What a great story!
Wow. What a wonderful aunt.
Cute and sweet little girl - I see girlies at the hospital I work at - it's nice to see them move on with life after cancer. The mommas, in particular, are so strong! I thank God every day my peeps are healthy!
What a sweet miracle! She is adorable! I'll go check out the etsy shop...
Please enter me in your giveaway. What they are doing is wonderful!
Oh, I also just placed an order for earrings and a hair clip. So cute!
What an amazing story! What a great cause!
THANK YOU so much for doing this for me! It is SO appreciated.
Relay for Life was just this weekend and we are just a couple hundred dollars short of our $5,000 goal . . . but we have until August 31st to accomplish it! So, we're still pushing for it hard.
THANK YOU to those you who have made a purchase! It is amazing what can be done for those suffering for cancer with such a small amount of money!
What an adorable girl! Love that necklace!
How amazing! God is so good... what a beautiful little girl, and the shop looks great. I'm gonna go check it out right now. :)
sweet story!
love the necklace and earrings and everything... obsession!
What a great cause, thanks for posting about this sweet little girl!
tweeted http://twitter.com/momof2dancers/status/17142632550
That is so sweet Amanda. I am heading over the to check it out!
I'll put it on my sidebar!
isn't this just cute as a button?
Thank you for introducing this wonderful cause! Lovely story and such lovely pieces to fall in love with at the shop.
What a great cause, headed over to her etsy right now!
Beautiful! Thanks for highlighting this. I'll pass it to all I know.
Wow! That is such a neat story. I hope they make lots of money.
Great giveaway! I love the necklace but there isn't any in the shop. Can't wait for a update!
that is a wonderful story and a very special family!!!
I mentioned this great giveaway on my facebook!
Such a inspiring story. I love the etsy shop...it's been added to my favorites.
I tweeted as well (@elysiepiecie)
What sweet hair pins! and a great cause!
That is such a touching story. I'm so glad that Sirri is cancer-free. I will def keep her and her fam in my prayers. I will also make sure to add this to my post today, and I am definitely going to be purchasing some of those adorable button hair pins.
What a great cause. How nice of you to do this for Sirri and her family!!!
Happy Sunday, friend!!!
just beautiful -the story and the shop!
That is such a sweet story! What a great store for a great cause!
This is a wonderful way to earn money for such a great cause.
I just participated in our Relay for Life event in Corona CA. What a touching story and adorable jewelry,
Thanks for an opportunity to win and for letting us know about their Etsy shop.
ooo what a great cause,and giveaway!
uch a neat way of helping a good cause - thanks for hosting the giveaway...
What a great giveaway!
awe! What an amazing story and cause!
Uuummm crazy, I have been a blog lurker of yours for a little bit and was suprised to see this post. How do you know Cindy. She just married my baby brother (who really isn't a baby anymore). What a small world, but not really with Cincy, Trav says that she know everyone!
I have purchased from button of hope but I am about to do it again, she just added the "Kristen" hairpin and earrings!
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