The other night while on a hot date with my honey at Big Lots, I scored a killer deal on these beautiful silver frames. They almost look like mirror or silver leaf...they are so gorgeous! The beaded detail really makes them extra special. I have priced similar frames to these and I would say they are $40 - $50 frames, especially since they are matted as well.

Can you believe $7 for these huge 11 x 14 frames???? I seriously thought they had mismarked them and that when I went to checkout they would discover their mistake and mark them up. I grabbed all they had, which just so happened to be the exact number I needed. I'm printing an 8 x 10 of each of my four children in black and white to hang in these beautiful silver frames! I cannot wait to get them up on the wall!
Can you believe $7 for these huge 11 x 14 frames???? I seriously thought they had mismarked them and that when I went to checkout they would discover their mistake and mark them up. I grabbed all they had, which just so happened to be the exact number I needed. I'm printing an 8 x 10 of each of my four children in black and white to hang in these beautiful silver frames! I cannot wait to get them up on the wall!
Isn't it gorgeous? I may have to stalk Big Lots now, so that I can find just one more of these frames. I am loving how it looks, paired with my mercury glass candle sticks on the buffet in my kitchen! I the only weirdo that gets excited to go on a date with my hubby to Big Lots??? It is seriously one of our favorite places to go together. He scored a bunch of great stuff for boy scout camp, while I drooled over these frames. We were both in heaven......I guess there really is a lid for every pot!!!
Off to Big Lots I go...
WOMAN! I am on a budget here and you are not helping me! hahahaha Off to Big Lots, I need one for our wedding picture!
I love the frames!
We live in a small town and when we go on dates we end up at good old Walmart haha It is a family joke that a great date consist of getting gas and going to Walmart.
Great find! No you are not the only "weirdo" to go on a date with hubby to stores like that! Saturday night was my husband's birthday. We went to a couple of stores including a thrift store. The kids kept calling asking when we would be home and he told them to stop "bugging" us because it was his birthday and he was doing what he wanted to do ha ha. I guess we could have went to a fancy restaurant or out, but we had just as much fun going thrifting!!
Those are so pretty!!! I took some pictures of flowers in my yard this weekend so I could blow up in black and white and put in frames exactly like these. I gotta check out Big Lots. Thanks for the tip. Love them.
Actually, probably out of most of the retail stores around, Big Lots is somewhere neither partner will groan about going to. I think it's great and if you're both happy, it works, right!?! The frames are great; they do look more expensive especially for that size. Great find and I think black & white pics will great in them!
Those are really neat frames. No wonder you grabbed all they had!
those are awesome!!! my husband LOVES big lots, and i always make fun of him...until we go together, and i find something awesome, and then i have to eat my words =)
Ya know what I did BEFORE I posted this comment? Google'd Big Lots to see if there was one near me. The closest is 14mi away...I think I will find an excuse to go the extra distance.
Those frames are fab! They would look so perfect for a wall mural I am doing. What a great score! And I am so glad you had a fun hot date with your hubby! Shopping and dating...the best of both worlds! :)
Those are beutimous!!! Love 'em!
New follower. Discovered you from the CSI site. Love that site!
I'm a MS-girl, too. :) I'm up Northwest, moving back to the Northeast as soon as we can get our house sold. Aren'tcha just lovin' this heat & humidity?
My hubby and I love finding deals when we're out on our "dates" too. Dates in our house = yard sale shopping! It's fun to be able to go somewhere you can both find great bargains!
Well if I made you laugh, then my job for the day was done. Hope all is well, because I've been on one of those days...for a week now :)
Look like Pottery Barn to me!
Beautiful frames! Hooray for big lots!
That is a crazy good find! Good for you! Maybe you can paint them as well - I'm thinking hot pink..?
♥ Maria-Thérèse ♥
Beautiful frames. I always check Ross for great deals on frames, but I may have to stop by Big Lots.
What a steal! Big Lots never lets you down... ~Sam
Score! T is not much of a bargain shopper, but I do like to go to Border's with him. He looks at manly sports/motorcycle/hunting magazines and I look at chick lit. ;)
Wow, those are awesome frames! Makes me want to plan a big night out at Big Lots! :)
"A lid for every pot"... love it. So true! I often marvel that it's a miracle my husband and I wound up together with some of our similar quirks.
Can't wait to see how you put the frames to use!
They do look great with your pretty things!!
I love those too!!!! Do you want me to look at Big Lots here for you????? I will...hehehe
You are not alone, my hubby and I go to Big Lots and Half Price books for dates, good times!!! Can you imagine going back to the beginning days and saying to your girlfriends "he took me to Big Lots" and being excited about it???? lol I went the other day and scored 2 huge mirrors for the bathroom, for 20.00 each, they have the BEST deals!!! Big Lots Rocks!!!
Beautiful frames. I love Big Lots too!!! You never know what you will find. :)
Tuesday To Do List: Big Lots.
Honey, I get excited to go on a date with my husband ANYWHERE.
Love your big beautiful frames! Have a wonderful day!
Big Lots is awesome! love the frames : )
I'm running to Big Lots! Those frames are fabulous!!!
I'm searching for my "Lid" - lol
Love the frames, and your arrangement looks beautiful.
Check out my website, please! If you love candles, you're gonna love this!!
Don't we just love big lots.
Your blog is great.
Please stop by and visit love to hear your comments.
I love it when Big Lots gives you a big happy like that! It looks great!
Awesome find, I miss not having a Big Lots close! Can't wait to see your kiddos!
oh heck no you're not weird for the Big Lots date! My hubby and I go on dates at Lowes, Home Depot, Target and Big Lots!!!
Smokin' deal! They are gorgeous.
I love Big Lots!!!! They have the cutest stuff these days. I remember the formerly known as 'Pic n Save' being not nearly as great....In fact, the stuff found there used to be pretty crappy!!!! They have a really awesome new home line there at Big Lots now. I love the color combos. Just want to say that the brown and aqua color combo in your house is fabulous. Totally one of my faves. Keep up the beautiful work!!!
I love Big Lots!!! They have the best stuff!!!! I remember the formerly known as 'Pic n Save' not being nearly as awesome!!! I actually remember the stuff found there being pretty crappy. Have you seen the new home line there? The color combos are so pretty. Speaking of color combos, I love the brown, beige and aqua color scheme you've got going on. It is totally one of my relaxin' and beachy....Keep up the beautiful work!!!
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