Sunday, February 7, 2010

House Tour and a Super Bowl Celebration Giveaway!!!

Before we get started with my sister's house.....I just have to say.....WHO DAT! GO SAINTS!!! We are so unbelievably excited and proud of our Saints tonight. Their first ever trip to the Super Bowl and they not only won, but they played a kick butt game of football! GEAUX SAINTS! Now, on with the tour......

This is my sister's lovely home. She so graciously allowed us to take a virtual tour and peak inside. Am I the only weirdo who loves to see inside other people's houses? It is seriously one of my favorite pass times, and probably one of the main reasons I got into blogging. It's a sickness that I'm not proud of, but whatever!

This is what we like to call the "family entrance" or, the back door. Family entrance just sounds so much fancier and more inviting, huh? I particularly like the camo hunting gear and jumpsuit hanging on the coat rack! Remember, this is south Mississippi, people.

Right inside the back door are a half bath and laundry room. The very large cabinet in the middle acts as a mudroom of sorts. Inside is lots of great hidden storage and a cubby for everyone in the family.

As much as I love the look of a perfectly organized picture perfect, everything in it's place mudroom...I really love her take on a mudroom. The idea here is that everyone has a a good sized cubby for their stuff to go in as soon as they come in the door. No worries about making it look perfect or pretty. We're talking function here. As long as their stuff makes it in there and the doors are shut...we're good to go. And honestly, this approach is much more realistic for a busy working family!

The dining room is also here as soon as you come in the back door...I mean, family entrance.
Gorgeous wall color, beautiful drapes, and lovely antiques give this space a classic simple beauty.
Sometimes, I think we go overboard in decorating. But when your space already possesses such beauty and elegance, there is really no need to overdo it. My sister subscribes to the theory of less is more, and I think she's onto something!

Especially, when you're lucky enough to have such amazing details in your home! This is a new construction, that they built about 2 years ago. It is a craftsman style house with lots of detail. This kitchen is my kind of heaven. Let's take a look around at some of the details that make it so special.

This may not look special to you, but to me it says, "come in and stay awhile, make yourself at're welcome anytime". My sister is one of the most gracious hostesses I've ever met. She comes by it honestly...we were raised by a very proper southern belle! This home is always open to friends, family, and anyone in need of a hot meal and a little southern hospitality. I want to be my sister when I grow up!

I don't think I'd mind doing dishes if I got to do them here everyday.

They named their stove "Wolfie". LOVE that backsplash!

I am obsessed with all the angles and other craftsman details in this house. And the molding.... absolutely stunning!

This built in hutch holds some of her beloved green collection. There is even more in the living room. In fact, the color green is probably her signature color. It makes an appearance throughout the house. I love a subtle statement.

I had to give you a nice close up shot, just because it's so darn pretty!

Even the refrigerator is pretty.

This antique buffet was repurposed into a storage cabinet for all things little boy....mostly legos.
And it serves as a nice space definer between the kitchen and the living room.

The coffee table was originally a dining table she used in her previous house. Instead of getting rid of it when she got a new one, she decided to repurpose it. My dad cut the legs down to an appropriate size and a beautiful new/old coffee table was born. Much better than a piece you could buy off the showroom floor, right?

The stairway and landing.

Built in bookcase with beadboard backing at the top of the stairs.

Looking into the playroom. I love this shot because it showcases the beautiful doorway and the cute little craftsman style windows.

There is an identical window seat on the other side of the playroom. Can you tell this room gets a lot of action? Legos and silly bands and army guys galore!

These plantation shutters in the master bedroom are one of my sister's favorite details. They are big and tall..... and they actually open!

Sorry about the bad lighting, I accidentally used my flash...yuck! Her bedroom furniture is large and very grand. It could easily be overdone in here, but it's not. Again...simple elegance won out.

There are his and hers sides in the master bathroom. This smaller one, of his. I adore all the antique bronze fixtures and hardware.

All the bathroom sinks are like this one. The raised base is absolutely beautiful. Again, with the details!

I hope you enjoyed our little tour today. Thanks you to my wonderful sister Jen, for inviting us in. She so graciously offered to host a giveaway to celebrate the big Super Bowl win! How sweet is that? To enter, just leave a comment on this post. The winner will receive a collection of Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day aromatherapeutic household products. If you have never tried this stuff, it is awesome! It smells yummy, comes in cute vintagey looking packaging, and it's environmentally friendly. The giveaway will stay open till Tuesday night at 10pm.

Happy commenting!


Ms_Pea said...

Oooh, first comment? Maybe it'll be the "lucky" number! I'd love to win the Mrs. Meyer's products! (Thank your sister for the chance to win...she has a beautiful home!)

Room to Inspire said...

Your sister has a beautiful home! I just love all of the details in the molding and the soothing colors throughout the house. Thanks for sharing!


rachel said...

I'm in! Sign me up. :)

RachAHansen at msn dot com

Jeanette said...

I am in also. Your sister has a beautiful home.

Karen said...

You are not alone. I love looking at other peoples houses too. Thanks!

Cindy said...

Thank you for the tour of your sisters lovely home. Now that I am done drooling, I will pick my lip up off the floor and say " I'm in on the drawing".

It's hard to believe all the details in your sisters home, usually don't find that kind of craftmanship in a new construction. LOVED it...

The kitchen was a favorite, even with all the "dishes" out. Shows she is real! Again, thanks for sharing.

BTW...does your sister blog? If so, if not, Why not?

Have a blessed Monday!

Celeste said...

This is literally, literally my dream house! Did she build or buy? It's just so darn perfect! And I have officially changed the name of my back door to "the family entrance."
I had really hoped the HOUSE would be the giveaway, but... I'd settle for the products. :o)

Anonymous said...

Love your sister's home. It is just so beautiful!

Jodee said...

Holy cats! Your sister's house is FABULOUS! I want to move in!

Linda@Coastal Charm said...

What a beautiful home...luv her kitchen! A giveaway for that awesome SAINTS WIN...I'm in for that...we are celebrating here at COASTAL CHARM too:)


Linda@Coastal Charm said...
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Paula@SweetPea said...

I loved the tour of your sister's home. You can tell that they thought about the details when they built it. I can't even pick a favorite thing about it, there's too many!

Beth said...

Your sister's home is beautiful! The craftsman style is what I dream of.

Jenn said...

That house is gorgeous! Absolutely amazing.

And who doesn't love Mrs. Meyer's? Did you smell her Iowa Pine at Christmas? I could eat it, it smelled so good!!

Valencia Jones-Edwards said...

Fleur di lis FOREVER!!!!! I screamed so I lost my
The house looks beautiful and I adore those green dishes.
Oh yeah...WHO DAT!!!!

Roxanne said...

I am a sucker for household cleaning products! Hope I win!!


Heather Henderson said...

wow, i love your sisters home. It looks amazing, even with kid stuff everywhere.

I really love the kitchen tile, I've been into hardwood lately, but I think your sister just changed my mind.

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

I want to move in and be her maid. ;) Your sister's home is seriously fabulous. I might as well be living in a cardboard box! I love her kitchen!! The blinds above her sink are what I've been looking for. Love!!

Dana D said...

Craftsman style is my fav!
I want to be your sister when i grow up, too! :)

Stacie said...

Beautiful house and congrats to the Saints!

Decor To Adore said...

What a gorgeous home! It is very evident that love lives there.

Ok, I need your help. Last Friday I posted a plea on my blog. I will be visiting New Orleans in just 3 short weeks and would like a list of your favorites. Pretty please?

Also, in needing to decipher the local venacular what does "Who Dat" mean? :)

1 Funky Woman said...

I'm drooling I want her kitchen and I love her green dishes. I even think her house looks great even when it is messy, lol!

All Things Cherish said...

Absolutely beautiful home. I love all of the solid wood doors, they're gorgeous!

Andrea said...

Your sister has a beautiful home! And, I share in your LOVED getting to peek inside her space! Thanks for sharing.

Richella Parham said...

Jen's house is just beautiful! Thank you for the tour.

My youngest son was really sad about the Colts' loss--he's a big Colts fan--but you really have to give the Saints credit for that ball game! They played the game to end all games, didn't they? Wow!

Thank you for the giveaway. Maybe today's my lucky day! :)

The Clines said...

I love her kitchen and all of the Craftsman details throughout the rest of the home. Thanks for sharing!

Kristina P. said...

That kitchen is to die for!

Ann's Page said...

ohhhhh.I love her home.What a great giveaway~! congrats to the Saints~!


luciahames said...

Love, love the house...isn't it wonderful to be best friends with your sister?? Best wishes on Saints' big, big win!


Beverly said...

Her home is so, so, so pretty. It is done so it look homey and comfortable, but still elegant. Bravo!!!!

blogginbaby said...

I'm like you. I love to peek in other people's homes. It's so much fun!! Thanks to your sister for opening up her amazing home! Love the giveaway! Hope I win!!!
Many Thanks,

Unknown said...

Lovely home! Your sister is one lucky gal!

Bombtastic Belle said...

I love lookin at other peoples homes - we don't own, and probably wont for a while, so it gives me inspiration for when when we do. *lol* I'm in love with her kitchen - I'd take it in a heartbeat!

jamie@midcenturymania said...

Do you think your sister would mind if I moved in? I won't take up much room and I promise to be really quiet. Is there a maid's quarters?

Beansieleigh said...

Well yes, thank you to Jen for the lovely tour, and please do enter me for your giveaway drawing! I'm afraid I was routing for the Colts, but have to admit I really do like the Saints' quarterback, and the team's great spirit, so I had to congratulate the team and all their fans in my own post today! (0; I AM glad to hear YOU'RE happy with the big win! I just can NOT imagine the celebrating that's going on in New Orleans now, but almost wish I was there to see! ~tina

Brandy said...

I love your sister's house. I too love to see the inside of people homes. I have never used this product before, but would love to try it.

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Your sister has a beautiful home, Amanda! I especially love all the built-ins.

Suz said...

Such a beautiful house! I would love to try the Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day! Way to go Saints!

FrouFrouBritches said...

Oh my gracious! Your sister's house is amazing. I love the kitchen and all the hardware. the buffet is amazing. I love the chest on the landing.

Thanks for sharing!

Lisa said...

your sister's home is truly beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

selah said...

What a beautiful home! I would move in there tomorrow! :)

Unknown said...

Thank you for the tour! The home is stunning! Tell your sis thanks, too.


Ashley said...

Gorgeous house. I am a huge fan of the kitchen. Professional quality stove? Yes please.

Anonymous said...

I too have that fascination with seeing into other peoples homes. You've inspired me to possibly do a home tour of my own house one day soon. I just have to clean, I mean, its only gotta be clean long enough for me to snap a picture, right? :)

Tammy said...

I have been wondering about the Mrs. Meyers products. I would love some to try out!!!

Kristin said...
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Kristin said...

I love Jenny's house and she definitely is a gracious hostess! Your whole family has that southern hospitality, I love it!

hannahshirley said...

My favorite part of our house:
the raised sinks, brick floors, and stained doors. Geaux saints!!! Wish I could have been there for the party :( Miss yall!

Beth said...

Oh my gosh, what a lovely home! It gives much such great ideas...thank you so much for sharing it!!

Lori said...

Love the Saints, love the house, love your blog! Thanks for sharing!

Ang said...

Jenny's house is GORGEOUS! It wasn't finished when we were there...maybe you can do a little tour of Beth's remodel too!

Jeremy and Jennifer said...

Your sister has a beautiful home! I love the chest on the landing. Thanks for sharing!

Jboo said...

What a beautiful home!


Melanie said...

I also love to see inside people's homes. You make me feel better about myself. Your sister's home is beautiful. I would love to know the paint color in her dining room.
thehooksfam at yahoo dot com

geek details said...

Love the way the wood doors look with the white trim! Thanks for the photos. Hopefully it'll convince the husband to let me strip our doors to wood!

Jeramey, Stacie Jaylee & Alexis said...

I LOVE all the molding & the dining room color is beautiful!! Your not the only one that loves touring others homes:)

Melissa Miller said...

~WOW! Her home is stunning! Thank you for sharing Jen and Amanda.

Spears said...

thanks for the tour, and the giveaway :)

Gwen said...

Her home is so inviting and I just had to laugh at naming the stove. I had a suitcase named "Wolfie" when I was a kid, it was tweed and on rollers.

Emily said...

Her home is gorgeous. I absolutely adore the craftsman style!! I loved the brick floors-SO pretty!

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

I was so hoping that you would post these photos today. Your sisters house is GORGEOUS! I love the flooring and the doors. For her home being only two years old, there is so much charm and character. I loved every single detail. Tell her thanks for hosting the giveaway. Truly a sweet southern belle!

Jessica Bene said...

Her house is beautiful. I love the mudroom cubbies and the bathroom sinks. So pretty! maxmj at sbcglobal dot net

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Oh my goodness... her house is gorgeous!! I agree with you... it is fun to see inside other houses! :)

frillsfluffandtrucks said...

Your sister's house is beautiful!! I love peeking into people's houses--but Craftsman homes are my very favorite of all!

~ Sarah

extreme personal measures said...

This is my idea of a dream home! What a fabulous home!

lovinsanta said...
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lovinsanta said...

Beautiful home! Would love to win!
Good job Saints...from a Colts fan :)

Heather in IN

CharityMay said...

i adore craftsman style homes, they did an amazing job on their place.
and i love mrs. meyer's. i use the lavendar scent all over my home.

CharityMay said...
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Robin said...

Love the details!

Grace @ Sense and Simplicity said...

That's a lovely, welcoming home your sister has. I've never tried Meyer's products before but they look pretty.

9405018--Pat said...

Your sister,has a beautiful home. Thanks for sharing..Pat H

Nicole said...

Beautiful house! I have never used Meyers products.

I am curious about those brick floors...are they real brick? Are they hard to keep clean?

Luke's GiGi said...

Beautiful home! I agree with her in that sometimes less is more.

SailingVol said...

Two things I am obsessed with: 1. This house! Pottery Barn would be proud! 2. MRS. MEYER'S!!! It's the only stuff I use! Please let it be me!

Rachel said...

So happy the Saints won!! Yay! Your sister's home is so gorgeous!! Amazing! Love it!!! Can I move in?? :)

Shanelle said...

Ok, so..I have been stalking your blog for some time now:) I love all your creative ideas. Your sisters home is beautiful, we are fixing to some small remodel jobs to the home we are in and i am going to get my husband to stain all our doors!! Hers are gorgeous!!!!

Kelly said...

I am new to blogs and actually found your blog site while looking at a site created by a highschool friend. Wow, I love your site. Reading your bio was really great - loved all of the perfectionist remarks (I think I am a closet perfectionist). Your sisters home is absolutely beautiful. My favorite room would have to be the kitchen. It made me want to grab a cookbook and make a delicious dinner party meal. I really enjoyed your site and will continue to visit to check out all of the great decorating ideas.

Unknown said...

How stunning! I love every niche. Honestly, I really wanted to become a realtor just to see in peoples houses too!

MJ @ 517 Creations said...

Beautiful! :) I love that you referred to green as her "signature color". It is DEFINITELY my signature color...I just didn't know to call it that. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

MJ @ 517 Creations said...
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Crystal M said...

I LOVE THIS HOUSE!!! and ditto about her being probably the most gracious hostess ever (and the hubby too!), I learned a lot down in the South! I also was rooting for the Saints and super glad they won (although I did still cheer ever time Collie caught a pass, BYU at heart of course). But I think you need to do a part 2 and show Hannah's loft! After reorganizing Feb. 2010, I would be glad to show all your readers what a humble college students can do with a desperately old neglected apartment :) I miss you all already!!!

ragamuffinbeauties said...

Such simple elegance, I love it! I TOO love to see home tours, so FUN!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful home!

comfortjoydesigns AT gmail DOT com

Pam said...

Such a beautiful home and great give away!!! I've read so much about Mrs Meyers products.


{Rebecca Fellows} said...

Gorgeous home! I think Martha would feel very comfortable there ;). And, Amanda, embrace that sickness! My husband and I go look at model houses almost every weekend. And we're not even in the market for a new house!

Kimberly said...

We are currently building our dream home in upstate NY. Imagine my surprise this morning when I stumbled onto your blog and found that it is the same house as your sisters!!!!! It was so fun for me to see the finished product. We are just finishing the sheetrock so it was great to see the end result. Some of our finishing choices will be a little different and we changed the kitchen wall where her stove is and added a laundry/mudroom to the back of the house. I will be posting pictures as we go. Tell your sister to visit my blog and see!!! Thanks for the tour...I LOVED it!!!!

Becca said...

Oh how I wish this was the style of homes in Phoenix, AZ. This is our dream home! I am so over stucco . . .

Jen @ said...

What a beautiful home! I love all of the details. Beautiful woodwork! Really really stunning!


Blondie said...

Just gorgeous! I love all the details and the way it looks elegant, yet lived in.


Janice said...

Totally enjoyed all of the photos of your sister's home! Thanks for sharing!

MARY said...

Window seats feel like a retreat from reality where I can think, read, pretend the house is clean. I really need one of my own.
Lovely warm home!!

Unknown said...

OH my, what a beeeeauuutiful house! I love all of the moldings and architectural details. Just gorgeous. Can I be your sister too? :)

Deborah in Atlanta said...

What can I say that others haven't said? Your sister's house is drop-dead gorgeous. The details add such character. And her decorating tips "less is better" are certainly great.

And thank you for the giveaway.


Melissa Priest said...
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Melissa Priest said...

How wonderful is your sisters home! Love the simplicity and elegance of it all! Thanks for sharing!


Dawnisha said...

Beautiful! I looove looking at other peoples houses too!

The Nordquists said...

I love your sister's home! I agree with the less is more sentiment! Gorgeous!

Anna :-) said...

This house is beautiful! And GO SAINTS!! I love the green wonderful :-)

Vicki said...

Hi!! My name is Vicki and I am a lurker. That's the first step, right? Amanda, I have read your entire blog, in about 2 days. Love your crafitness and your imperfectly beautiful philosophy. I too am a recovering perfectionist -- I have issues. But alas, I digress. Love your sister's house, the white molding and built-ins are to die for!!

A Southern Rose said...

Your sister has such a beautiful home. I love all of the special details. My favorite room is the kitchen. I would be cooking and cleaning all of the time if I had that kitchen!
Lee Laurie

Unknown said...

Such a beautiful home!

Debra said...

I love your sister's home. Especially that kitchen! I also LOVE to see other people's homes.

Amanda and William said...

I AM SO GLAD YOU DID THIS! LOVE JENS HOUSE. I want to be you and your sisters when I grow up too! Love yall!

Wood, paper, glue and nails said...

I would never leave there!
Every detail is amazing!


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful home!! I am about to redo my kitchen and just LOVE the paint color in her kitchen...Would she mind sharing the color?
Thank You!!!

Elaine's Semi-Homemade Life said...

Beautiful house, love the tour. We picked plumbing fixtures today for our new house... Moving 2010 is underway and we're so excited! Every house gets better and better. I share your obsession with looking at other people's houses.. :) Thanks for the tour!

The Veigas said...

I love the details. Such a beautiful

Anonymous said...

What a pretty home your sister has! THanks for sharing it with us and for the fun giveaway!

Jenn said...

I'm guilty of the same obsession as you. I LOOOVE to peek into other people's homes. I visit the local Parade of Homes EVERY year, just to see what they look like :) Thanks for sharing!!!

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