I want to introduce ya'll to my good friend Kim. She just opened a brand new etsy store called The Lavender Road. She sells the most beautiful little lavender sachet pillows in a wide array of gorgeous fabrics. This is her second store on Etsy. You may know her from her other store, Flashy Fish, where she sells the most adorable hair accessories. Let's help her out and give her new store a holiday boost. She is offering a set of lovely sachets from her current inventory as a giveaway for my readers! And free shipping on all orders if you mention this post when you check out. Thanks Kim...what a generous offer!
This set was featured on Etsy's front page this week, so you know it must be awesome!
Look at all of the beautiful colors in her fabric choices. So vibrant and cheerful!
What a great gift this hanging sachet would make. I just adore this one..."Love never fails"... such a sweet reminder!
My absolute favorites are these two with the soft frayed edges. Yumm!

Isn't this christmas one with the bird absolutely adorable? Who wouldn't want a few of these hanging around their house? Kim describes these best herself...here is a snippet of what she has to say.....
This beautiful and lovely smelling sachet would make a wonderful gift for yourself or a friend.The sweet little Christmas bird is topped off with holly and a velvet ribbon hanger. They look beautiful hanging from lamps, door knobs, cabinets...anywhere! Each lavender sachet is made from 100% linen, hand stamped, and filled with lavender and a touch of flax seed. The flax seed makes them feel great...nice and squishy! Each one measures 5 inches.
A few more benefits of these Pretty Little Pillows:
** They make a great hostess gift to keep on hand
** Linens smell fabulous when used in a linen closet
** Freshen your car
** Eco-friendly
** Display near your bed to aid in sleep
** The scent lasts and lasts, just give a squeeze
** Natural moth repellent
** Freshen your closet and clothes
** Smelly boy's rooms...ha! I have two of them!
To enter to win a set of these lovely sachet pillows, leave a comment telling us what you would do with them and if you'd keep them or give them as a gift. And don't forget, Kim is offering free priority mail shipping on orders from The Lavender Road when you mention this post! I will leave the giveaway open until Sunday evening at 10pm. Good luck!
I can almost smell them! I would use them in my night stand, so every night when I get my book out to read or my "Stop my brain from moving notebook" I would smell them! Love your blog,
Oooooh, just hearing the word lavender brings back memories of my trip to France over 10 years ago! I would have to keep the sachets for myself to remind me of the trip and to put in my linen closet to keep towels and sheets smelling wonderful!
I would love to win this! I think it would make a sweet gift for one of my dear, dear friends!!
I would definitely keep them and I would hang them in my closet and in my spare bedroom! I love lavendar and these are so pretty!
I just love Kim's sachet pillows! I would display them in our living room! I love her colorful fabric choices!
I love lavendar. I think I'd give them to my mom. She got use a special gift.
Lavender reminds me of my great grandmother! My mom would love getting this as a gift!
I love the scent of lavender ...I would gift the sachets to my daughters for their drawers.
I would put it on my closet door. It would make me want to keep my closet clean, having such a pretty sachet hanging on my door!
I would put this by my bed on my nightstand to help me relax and fall asleep. These are adorable.
These are just adorable! Yes, I would probably keep them & use them in our bedroom.
This would make a perfect gift for a friend! She has 3 boys and is always complaining about the smell of her boys room. This would be perfect- she could discretly keep them somewhere to freshen up the room.
I would love one for myself for the car...not only are the colors beautiful, but I love a clean smelling car!
So cute!
I would put one in my bedroom beside the bed and then put one in my hubby's suitcase when he leaves for a month to work.:( then it would remind him of home.
If I won, I would use them as gifts for stocking stuffers! Have a great day!!
Wow...what pretty fabrics! I would def keep them for myself!
Those are so fun! I would be selfish and keep it for sure. I think I would hang it on my closet door.
I think I would have to be greddy and keep for myself :) They are just too adorable!!! Heading over to her etsy store now!
I would like it for myself but I think I may just give it to my sister as a thank you for rescuing my family.
Oh wow!
If I won these I would give one to my mom and keep one for me!
I think I would have to keep it all to myself! They're just so cute! In our master bedroom maybe, a relaxing scent to help me drift off to sleep???
I would want to keep this but have a friend who LOVES lavendar so I might guilt myself into giving it to her. Thanks
I love the scent of lavender. I would leave them on our pillows during the day to enjoy the lovely, peaceful scent at night.
I must admit, I think I would have to keep these for myself. I usually hate smelly things (like lotions, sprays, etc), but I really love the smell of lavender and it would really freshen up our little apartment! Also, can you really give away something that cute? Seriously.
I would soooo keep them for myself! I loved the one that was hanging from a drawer. Very cute!! And I am very hooked on things that smell good!
Oooh, I love yummy smelling things. :) I would put them in a hatbox with my pillow cases. :)
Adorable! This time I'm keeping it for myself! Love the fleur de lis and the "love never fails" one!
I love all things Lavender, so this one I would have to keep for myself. I'd keep it near my bed to help me sleep at night!
Oh how cute they are! I would be selfish and keep them for myself, I am sure. :-) It would be so nice to put them into the walk in closet, where they could be seen, but still make the clothing and things in there smell lovely.
Okay I admit it I am totally selfish and would keep them for myself.
I would hang it in a bathroom, need I say more... ha!....
P.S. my cartridge I used for my chargers (I am making more today.. etsy) is lyrical letters!
MMMMM I love the smell of lavender! Soooo yummy, I would put it in the closet with all my bed sheets so they could smell yummy too!
So pretty! Love those! I would hang one on the bathroom door knob or maybe in the kitchen to freshen things up. :)
Those are too pretty! I'd put it in our closet to keep things smelling nice
I love them! I would give them to my daughter who lives very far away and doesn't have much money for little niceties like sachets.
Oh, I'd have to be selfish and keep them for myself! :)
Hi Amanda! Just wanted to let you know I shared your blog & your shop with my readers today! Merry Christmas!
I would keep the love one and display it in our bedroom! Super cute stuff!
I might have a really hard time giving such cute things away, so maybe I'd keep one and share the others with my friends :)
So cute..and I'm sure they smell wonderful! I'd like to keep these in my bedroom. tkcharlesworth@aol.com
I would keep them all to myself and put them in my drawer to make my clothes smell pretty!
I would keep them since I adore the smell of lavender. I think I would keep them near my bedside to help me relax.
I would give them as stocking stuffers! I think the ladies would love these ;)
oooh I would definetly put one in my car and one in my husbands (if he will let me!?) if not in the hubbys car then I will give one to my mom :)...great idea!
I love your lurkers comment. I know how you feel. Those are cute. I love your site.
Those are so cute! Those would make great gifts. What a fun giveaway!
Fun giveaway - these would go in my closet, which I'm trying to make a little haven for me.
I love these! I think I'd have to give them to my mom - without her, I don't know what I'd do. I have five kids (the oldest is my stepson who is 18, the youngest is my baby boy who is 9 months, so yeah, it's pretty chaotic around here!) and she helps me with them SO much! I'd love to win and make her Christmas a little more special =)
I love these! I would love to think I would give them away as gifts but would probably end up keeping them for myself. Too cute!
I love lavender. Since I'd get two of them, I'd put in near my pillow and one in my car. I'm going to check out her store now and I'm going to buy some. Oh yes, I am. I am. I am. Thanks for the giveaway!
I would keep one for myself and gift a dear friend the other.
Love the name of Kim's store---Okay, what would I do with the set of sachets if I won...hum...Since it is a set, I'd keep one for myself and give the other(s) as gifts...One would have to be given to the sweet lady who dogsits for our Lulu and Ritzy whenever we travel.
Hmmm, don't know! Would love to keep them, but it is the season of giving! Probably give them as a gift.
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