Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Clean Your House in Under 30 Minutes, and have a glass of this...

I have come to the conclusion that I am a slob and we live in filth. I used to be a clean freak. I couldn't even go to bed if there were dishes in the sink or toys on the floor. I was an out of control OCD fanatic. Not so much anymore. Where did that annoyingly obsessive girl go? I need her to come back and help a sister out! I just can't seem to get it together or keep up with the 9,478 things that need to be done around here on a daily basis. Hello? Where are you... my former obsessive compulsive uptight cleaning machine self?
You're being paged.

Well, since she's apparently NOT coming back...I had to find myself a little help. I need a schedule. But something that wouldn't overwhelm me to the point that I avoid said schedule and stop cleaning all together. I remembered reading about something like this in my Real Simple magazine, so I went on a search. I didn't find exactly what I was looking for, but I think this one is just as good. It is a daily quick cleaning checklist, just a basic plan to get your home neat in under 30 minutes a day. Ummmmm...yes, I think I can handle this! Here is the link if anyone is interested in printing out their own copy........

And OHMAGOSH......I found the yummiest drink on the planet..... Diet Pomegranate 7up. It is DELISH. It's only carried at the holidays, so I better stock up now. I usually cannot stand sprite or 7up..eeeewwwwww, gross. But this stuff is so yummy, with that tart little kick of pomegranate. And, p.s.........it is on sale at Walmart right now for 78 cents for the 2 liter. Shamefully, I am on my 3rd 2 liter since Saturday night. And I'm the only one who drinks it in this house. Sad, I know.

Oh, and I just have to give a little shout out to my new bestie, Lou. She is having a fabulous giveaway on her blog right now that you definitely do not want to miss. See that picture up there? That is her beautiful master bedroom, with a gorgeous vinyl monogram that she framed above the bed. Stunning. Well, if you'd like to win a big 'ol monogram of your own, hop on over to The Life of Lou Lou, and enter her very first giveaway! Thanks Lou...love you girlie.


  1. Thank you for the 30 minute daily cleaning schedule. Looks like just what I need. My OCD self disappeared also. I can't find her at all. I was laying it off to old age...lol! Maybe this schedule will help me out. The diet soda looks great. I will check it out. ~Karen

  2. Great links and as usual you make me smile. Love the fact that you are paging your "old self". I'd like to page my pre-twin pregnancy stomach if she is at all available :) or at least tell her to appreciate the fact that there is still some muscle underneath that chub. :)

  3. You read my mind... I am a recovering OCD gal too andn ow I cannot see mto get anythang accomplished!!!! Maybe we are supposed to slow down as we mature but the dust bunnies are taking over 'round here!!
    I am going to try that drink too as I need to lose some of this dill dallying weight!!!
    Have a wonderful week!

  4. I'm going to have to look for that 7-Up. Not only does it look tasty, but it would look so pretty in a clear glass.

  5. Sometimes when you're busy or have a lot going on, it's okay for cleaning to move to the bottom of the list. I'm not saying let it head the way of squalor, but the vacuuming can hold off. That soda sounds delicious! I'm not a soda drinker myself, but I do love pomegranate. I had started drinking the juice {it's supposed to be very good for you}.

  6. Boy do I ever hear ya sister! I use to have a great before bed routine to get everything done and ready for the next day. I didn't like to go to bed with the kitchen a mess, now I'm lucky to get the dishes in the sink! Thanks for the checklist! Perfect timing with the holidays upon us. I'm having a coffee group over on Friday, so I better go get busy!!!

  7. i think you mentioned you did flylady before, i did too. i think her best tip was the morning and evening routines. Real Simple's list is very close to the suggested morning routine, but sometimes you've gotta add an item or two for some of your family's quirks (mine will remain a secret)

  8. I haven't seen it out yet this year... you lucky girl! I wish they had it year round. I did stock up last year and savor it through out the year ;)... I LOVE it!

  9. I am asked often "How do you keep your house so clean?" One I AM OCD clean freak, but two... I without a doubt have to keep up on it. OR it will look like a hurricane blew threw. I don't have a cleaning day, but what I do is in my HEAD, HA! I tell myself today you will dust the furniture clean the kids bathroom and make sure the dishes are done and a load of laundry is put in the wash. The next day I pick something else, clean your bathroom etc. It works, and I don't have a huge list that overwhelms me. ANYHOO, maybe your
    7-UP will help! I need to try that. I totally entered that louLou giveaway. Hope all is well! Jenn

  10. Girl, when you have 17 kids like we do, it's so hard to keep your teeth brushed much less your house clean!!! I am working on it though....It's a full time job, and I WILL be looking at your new schedule...We COULD always call my vaccuum cleaner salesman back from yesterday and have him vaccuum both our houses while we sit and have coffee?? :) Thanks for the shout out, sista.
    love you!!!!

  11. I love the Diet Pomagranite 7-up. I drank a lot if last year.

  12. Thanks for the info! I went and checked it out. I hope it helps me. LOL. With the holidays coming, I really want my house to be clean and tidy. Ususally I am so exhausted at the end of the day that I am lucky to get food on the table and make sure that homework is done, dogs fed, etc. Maybe that 7-up will help! LOL

    Lee Laurie

  13. I need to apply that 30 minute checklist everyday. I like that 7-UP too. Also there is a cranberry Sierra Mist out, I think it's Sierra Mist. That's really good too.

  14. That was sooo me too. I was still doing good after child #1 but by the time I got to child #3 it was like I had forgotten how to clean! LOL The bad thing is, clutter and dirt still make me crazy but finding the time and energy to keep up with it is another story.

    Cut yourself a break though, with your hubby gone for awhile, it's just you and you're going to need to make some time for yourself to de-stress. Are any of your kids old enough to help with chores??
    We often do a 5 minute "walk through" at bedtime. Everyone runs through the house and finds everything of theirs that is laying out and puts it away. Even just that is helpful!

    I'm not a white sode drinker either but that looks yummy!

  15. What a fun giveaway! I want one of those!

    And it's so funny that you posted about this today. You should see my house. It is like a bomb went off. I have been neglecting it for so long...


  16. Tell you what. . . if you find that OCD Amanda, could you send her over here for a little while?

    I'm with you on the Pomegranate 7Up. Cheers!

  17. I went over to check out the check list.. I can totally do that!
    There's a clean freak inside me but she only works until the 'new' wears off... too bad the new wears off something really fast!!:)

  18. Girl, please don't let yourself get yourself down. ;) If you could see my house at this exact moment, you would not want to be my friend anymore!! I am SO checking out the link for the quick cleaning, and I already looked at the blog--so cute! Love ya! :)

  19. You had me at "clean your house in under 30mins"!!!!! (ala Jerry Maguire) I feel as if I could've written this post myself, well, minus the part about the 7up 'cause I've not tasted it. :) Note to self...

  20. I feel your pain. 3 toddlers and a house that is always a mess! Funny thing about the 7up my hubby brought it home last night to cheer me up after a not-so great day! It was SO good! We drank the whole 2 liter last night! We also love Sierra Mist cranberry.

    Best wishes,

  21. I've been a little behind on my blog reading so when I saw the picture of the bedroom I thought it was your bedroom reveal!! And the first thing that caught my eye WAS the monogram! I've never heard of the Pomegranate 7Up so I will have to check it out!

  22. I love your blog. Everything is so cute and you are so inspiring!

  23. My house looks as though a cat 5 hurricane just came through every day! I try to keep it up but it's so hard. There is really no time during the week. By the time I get home from work I have to make dinner and then on the weekends I do not want to clean on my only days off...so I am with ya!

    That soda sounds yummy! I may have to try that.

  24. Thanks for the cleaning list! I printed it out and plan on using it now. My house turned in to a pit while I was sick. An absolute pit. Bless DH and his attempt to help me keep up with it all but it wasn't the same.

    I hadn't heard of that type of 7up either. I'm so buying some today!

  25. I wish my OCD mini-me would show up again. I think she gave up because the mess never ends. She is tired.

    And now my youngest shadows me and I cannot get anything done. So I blog.

  26. Welcome to the land of clutter. I feel ya sister... I rush to clean the house on Thursday nights before my husband comes home so he doesnt see how we REALLY live during the week :)

    I'm going to try that pop this week.. sounds delish! :)


  27. I love the idea of cleaning my house in 30 minutes! Thank you so much for sharing!

  28. I knew there was a reason we were good blog buds...I'll clean your house if you clean mine. :)

  29. I will give the seven up a try...Lee

  30. Thanks for the tips.
    Have you ever looked at Flylady.net? HIGHLY suggested! She has helped soooooo many perfectionists and others.

  31. Wish I could see a closeup of your bedroom.... it looks LOVELY!!!

  32. When you need the best house cleaners for your house you can visit cleaning company Ajax without any doubt as those maids always try to provide the best cleaning services just at a simple cost.

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