Thursday, November 19, 2009

Babysitters RAWK!

Tonight I am thankful for sweet friends who volunteer to babysit while I have a gilr's night out!!! I've had big plans with my gal pal, Jennifer, to see the midnight showing of New Moon for quite some time. However, with the hubbs gone, I knew it wasn't gonna happen. I told her to give my ticket away. Then a dear sweet friend called and offered her daughter as a babysitter. I am sooooo stinkin excited to see this movie. But more than that...I feel so lucky to have such wonderful friends who watch out for me and have my back! I am blessed.

Hello, beautiful. I get to see this for the next two hours!!!

Don't they just make the cutest vampire/werewolf/human love triangle EVER???

My ten year old son started reading the Twilight saga this week. He is already on the second book, and I think that might be his last. They get a little too grown up after the first two. It makes me laugh that he is reading the same books I am...and also a little sad, because he is growing up.

Enough with the chit chat...I gots to go! Sweet dreams everyone...I will be getting about 3 hours of sleep before I have to get the kiddos off to school. Sooooooo worth it!


  1. I hope you have a wonderful time - I am jealous!


  2. I'm going tonight with some girlfriends. Since my mom is sitting, I'm going to try and get there early so we can get semi-good seats and not have to sit in the front row. :s I hope you had fun!!!

  3. I hope you had a great girls night out! And yeah for great girlfriends! Good for you. Hope you can catch a nap today. :)

  4. What a great friend! I hope you ladies had a great time. I'll be going this weekend!!! I can't wait!

  5. Oh I wanted to go to the midnight showing too but it just did not work out.. although I promised my 10 year old that we will see it over Thanksgiving weekend. I like the fact that it is okay for our 10year olds and can still interest us too. Not many movies and books can keep it that clean nowadays!!!
    I hope you had a fabulous time out with your girlfriends!!!
    Let us know how it went!!

  6. Good for you. Good, good, good for you.

    Okay--I live under a rock, and I haven't read or seen any of the New Moon stuff. Should I?

  7. AMEN TO BABYSITTERS! I had a newly wed couple babysit our sleeping children during the premier! I made them a Basket Date Pack!
    Oh how grateful I was for them!
    How was the show? INCREDIBLE!!! I posted about my review on my blog.

  8. Richella doesn't know what New Moon is? Um, I might faint. ;)

    Very jealous. I have to work ALL weekend and wont see my other love, I mean Edward until next week.. sigh.. I hope you had fun! :)


  9. I went to the midnight show with a friend and the turned around and went with the hubby last night! It was so much better than Twilight! Hope you enjoyed it.


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