Monday, November 30, 2009

Countdown to Christmas Blocks

This is a fun and easy project and perfect for little kids to keep track of the days leading up to Christmas all on their own. They can flip the numbers to represent the day of the month and countdown to Christmas. You've got one day to get them get busy! Here is what you'll need :

Two wood block cubes and a wood base to sit them on. Both can be purchased at most craft stores such as Hobby Lobby, Micheals, etc.

I found a box of these wood cubes in a set of 9 on clearance at Hobby Lobby a while back. I've been waiting for the perfect project so that I could finally use them. I got a special order for these countdown blocks a couple weeks ago, and I got busy paper crafting!

The little base I found at hobby Lobby as well. They are 2/$1 and just the right size to hold two blocks.

I cut the paper squares to fit the sides of the wood cubes and mod podged them on. Then I used my cricut to cut out the numbers, but you could use stickers or rub-on numbers for this too. Then give all sides of the blocks a couple coats of mod podge to seal them and you're good to go. You can paint the base any color to match the papers you chose. You could also make these to use year round and use the colors of your decor...cute!

I wanted to let everyone know I have decided to extend my holiday sale on Etsy until this Saturday December 5th. The pictures above and below are just a few examples of some of the custom orders I've done lately. You can browse the current inventory in my shop, look at the sold orders section for past inventory, or if you have a special request...let me know...we'll work on creating a custom order together!

And just a customers will receive 15% off their order of $20 or more and returning customers will receive 10% off their order of $20 or more! That's a great deal. If you have any last minute gifts to buy or have someone to buy for who has everything is your chance. You have 5 days to order at this discounted price and just enough time to get it in time Christmas!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Dreaming of Ruffles

I'm dreaming of these pretty ruffles, because I am too dang tired to do anything else...and they make me there! I'm in my happy place, thinking of ruffled girly frillyness, drinking a refreshing diet pomegranate 7up, all 4 kids asleep in their beds, and trying not to think about my shopping trip at 4am this morning. It wasn't so bad...I just don't relish the thought of getting up at the butt crack of dawn. But, I did it and scored some killer deals. So I guess it was worth it. Maybe.

You know...I used to soooooooo not be a ruffle girl. In fact, I hated them. Anything ruffled, lacey, too thanks, not for me. But since having 2 girls of my own, after having 2 boys, I must say I am embracing the ruffles. Love super squeezy, love them!

My cute new ruffled purse from Old Navy. True love! And it basically makes any outfit look ten times cuter. Gotta love that, right?

I am so absolutely in love with this ruffled burlap tablecloth. Is it not THE cutest thing ever? The craftiest woman I know... Jen @ Tatertots and Jello, came up with this frilly goodness. I have a table just like hers and I NEED a ruffled burlap tablecloth. Too bad I can't even sew a straight line. Anyone want to volunteer to whip one up real quick for me???

And this is a preview of someone I will be featuring soon. She sews the most amazing outfits. They are like true works of art. My girlies will be lucky enough to wear some of her creations for Christmas. I'm so excited, I can hardly wait!

Hot pink, zebra, damask, ruffles...need I say more? Absolutely stinkin cutie pie patootie ADORABLE!

Update :
I am rolling with laughter that spellcheck recognized butt crack as a legitimate word. I stand corrected...I thought it was one word. Apparently, it's two!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Mini Feather Trees From Dollar Store Crap

Today I started pulling out those Christmas bins. I figure if I do it a little at a time, it won't be so much work. Plus, I just couldn't stand it anymore...I LOVE decorating for Christmas!!! I found these really fugly wire trees I got at the Dollar Tree last year, and wondered why in the world I would buy something so hideous. I considered throwing them into my garage sale pile for this weekend, but then I had a lightbulb moment. I can totally transform those sad little trees into something beautiful. It was such a quick and easy project. Perfect for this busy holiday season. Here is what I did...all 2 steps!

Start with a sad little cone tree from the dollar store, garage sale, thrift store, or trash pile.

Wrap a piece of paper around the cone. Trim it to fit, and tape it closed.

Then hot glue a feather boa around the tree to your little heart's content. And voila...super cute, easy breezy, mini feather trees! I have some more cone trees and I plan to make at least 3 more. I'm not sure I'll be able to stop at three...I kinda love them!

Did you notice my big apothecary jar filled with jumbo candy canes in the first picture? I found them at Dollar General 2 for $1. That is a fantastic deal. At Dollar Tree they are $1 each. I love the way they look. But those darn kids of mine are already begging to eat them. What...are you insane? Maybe in three or four weeks...sorry kiddos.

This post linked to Kimm's Trash to Treasure and Kimba's DIY Day

Sunday, November 22, 2009

My Knockoff Monogram

This weekend I worked on a project that I absolutely LOVE! It was so easy and super cheap, actually it was free...I am all about the free. I'll give you the details in a minute. For now, I'd like you to join me while I lovingly gaze upon my beautiful framed mongram. I can't seem to get enough of it. What do you think?

I shamelessly copied my bestie, Lou @ Welcome to the life of Loulou. She made this gorgeous framed vinyl monogram and I coveted it and just had to make my own version. Is that wrong? Lou, I hope you don't mind. Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, right? Right! Hers is beautiful, and pretty darn near perfect. I love the big oval surrounding her monogram, but my machine doesn't have anything like that on it. I used my Cricut to cut my own vinyl monogram and used a big swirly- do- flourish underneath it as an accent.

Oh...and she totally did hers the right way. She didn't leave the frame all open and unadorned. She put a nice fabric covered backing in the frame, and actually hung it on the wall. Dangit,'re making me look bad!

This is my frame before I took it all apart. I bought it about 6 or 7 years ago with the intention of framing a big picture of my boys. That was back in the day when we only had the boys...pre girl life. Ummm...yeah, that obviously didn't happen. It's been sitting in my closet all this time just waiting for the perfect use. What a happy surprise when I remembered I had it and didn't have to go out and buy a new frame for this project.

For now my big beautiful monogram temporarily sits propped up on my empty mantle... just waiting to be all Christmased up with glitz and glamour this week. My plan is to hang it in the hallway where it will be the first thing you see when you walk in my front door. I am even considering leaving the back open to let the wall color show through. It is a nice neutral tan and I think it will look fine. If not, I'll add some fabric to back it up. I purposely did not hang it so that when my sweet hubby comes home for Thanksgiving this week...he'll feel loved and needed! He usually dreads those honey-do's, but I think he'll enjoy this one. He is bored out of his mind and needs some projects. We're alot alike in that way... ALWAYS a project or twenty going on at once. I'm sure he'll be thrilled with my lovely list of honey do's that I've been saving up for him! (Insert sarcasm)

Oh, how I love that man and cannot wait for him to be home for a few days!!! Did I mention that today is our 12 year anniversary? A little sad not to have your honey to celebrate with, but a celebration just the same. Happy Anniversary babe...I love you! Only two days and counting......

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Babysitters RAWK!

Tonight I am thankful for sweet friends who volunteer to babysit while I have a gilr's night out!!! I've had big plans with my gal pal, Jennifer, to see the midnight showing of New Moon for quite some time. However, with the hubbs gone, I knew it wasn't gonna happen. I told her to give my ticket away. Then a dear sweet friend called and offered her daughter as a babysitter. I am sooooo stinkin excited to see this movie. But more than that...I feel so lucky to have such wonderful friends who watch out for me and have my back! I am blessed.

Hello, beautiful. I get to see this for the next two hours!!!

Don't they just make the cutest vampire/werewolf/human love triangle EVER???

My ten year old son started reading the Twilight saga this week. He is already on the second book, and I think that might be his last. They get a little too grown up after the first two. It makes me laugh that he is reading the same books I am...and also a little sad, because he is growing up.

Enough with the chit chat...I gots to go! Sweet dreams everyone...I will be getting about 3 hours of sleep before I have to get the kiddos off to school. Sooooooo worth it!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Clean Your House in Under 30 Minutes, and have a glass of this...

I have come to the conclusion that I am a slob and we live in filth. I used to be a clean freak. I couldn't even go to bed if there were dishes in the sink or toys on the floor. I was an out of control OCD fanatic. Not so much anymore. Where did that annoyingly obsessive girl go? I need her to come back and help a sister out! I just can't seem to get it together or keep up with the 9,478 things that need to be done around here on a daily basis. Hello? Where are you... my former obsessive compulsive uptight cleaning machine self?
You're being paged.

Well, since she's apparently NOT coming back...I had to find myself a little help. I need a schedule. But something that wouldn't overwhelm me to the point that I avoid said schedule and stop cleaning all together. I remembered reading about something like this in my Real Simple magazine, so I went on a search. I didn't find exactly what I was looking for, but I think this one is just as good. It is a daily quick cleaning checklist, just a basic plan to get your home neat in under 30 minutes a day. Ummmmm...yes, I think I can handle this! Here is the link if anyone is interested in printing out their own copy........

And OHMAGOSH......I found the yummiest drink on the planet..... Diet Pomegranate 7up. It is DELISH. It's only carried at the holidays, so I better stock up now. I usually cannot stand sprite or 7up..eeeewwwwww, gross. But this stuff is so yummy, with that tart little kick of pomegranate. And, is on sale at Walmart right now for 78 cents for the 2 liter. Shamefully, I am on my 3rd 2 liter since Saturday night. And I'm the only one who drinks it in this house. Sad, I know.

Oh, and I just have to give a little shout out to my new bestie, Lou. She is having a fabulous giveaway on her blog right now that you definitely do not want to miss. See that picture up there? That is her beautiful master bedroom, with a gorgeous vinyl monogram that she framed above the bed. Stunning. Well, if you'd like to win a big 'ol monogram of your own, hop on over to The Life of Lou Lou, and enter her very first giveaway! Thanks you girlie.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fabric covered Letters and a .......WINNER!!!

I could be really mean and make y'all wait through this entire post to find out the winner of the giveaway.......but I won't. I love giveaways and I'm too excited to announce the winner, and way too impatient to hold out! generated the winning number, and the winner is.........

Comment #67


This weekend I got to work on a custom order for a baby's nursery. My friend wanted the letters covered in a coordinating fabric to the crib bedding. She special ordered the fabric and had it sent to me. Ummmm...stress! Did I mention that I've never covered letters in fabric, only paper??? For the life of me I could not figure out how to get the fabric on there without fraying. All of you seamstresses out there...please don't laugh! I don't sew....AT.ALL. My sewing consists of hem tape and hot glue. It's sad, but true.

I went to Hobby Lobby looking for Wonder Under, but found this stuff instead and decided to give it a try. It came with 5 sheets of double stick fusible web. Love, love, love it! It was so easy to use and worked beautifully.

I had these gingham letters I bought years ago for super cheap that just didn't match anything! They've been one of the many projects on my list that I've never gotten around to. I just flipped the letter and traced it the wrong way onto the paper.

Iron the protective paper and webbing onto the fabric.

Cut out the letter and peel the protective paper off (absolutely no fraying whatsoever).

It has the webbing on the back of the fabric now, but it is still repositionable.
Love that. Makes it much easier to work with because you can move it around on the letter until you get it just right!

Then I literally just ironed it right onto the letter. I was nervous to try this, but it worked perfectly. I was amazed. So quick, so easy, and really fun!

I made these to go over the upholstered headboard I made for the girls' room. But, I ran out before I could finish. I still have 4 more letters to do and I can't wait till Hobby Lobby opens in the morning.

These are part of the custom order I'm working on. Isn't that the sweetest fabric? You know I am loving that pink and green plaid! I hope they send me a picture of the letters in the room. I would love to see what it looks like all put together. With colors and fabric that know it'll be fabulous!

Friday, November 13, 2009

My Father's Gift

My Dad has a gift...actually he has many. But the one I'm talking about today is his gift for creating beauty out of something ordinary. He turns old stumps, scrap wood, and salvaged wood into these absolutely breathtaking pieces of art. He is a self taught man. When he gets an idea in his mind...he will find a way to make it happen. He's good like that. Literally, he can do anything! He has taught himself so many things, it really amazes me. Let's see...he built a barn, added a huge room onto the house, taught himself the art of woodworking, photography, handcrafted the most beautiful mantle from scratch for me, built numerous pieces of furniture, married a perfect woman, raised 5 imperfect kids, he's a teacher, a giver, a father, and a friend. I love him so much and feel so blessed to have him as my dad. And each time I look at one of the bowls he's made...I feel that love ten fold! He takes great care to craft these one of a kind pieces of art and spends hours working on each one. There is a lot of love in these bowls. That's just like my dad. He is full of love...and selflessness. He is one of a kind, just like these bowls!

This is my absolute favorite. The imperfections really speak to me.

So beautiful.

Every so often he'll say...ok, everybody pick a bowl. And we all scramble like little kids to get in line. It is such a thrill every time he wants to share them with us. We feel privileged. I treasure each and every one that he's given me. This is my collection so far.

He writes or carves on the bottom of each piece what type of wood he used, the year, and his name.


This one reads..."cedar mantle piece & 2x scrap"
This is the popcorn bowl he made for my Grandpa...his Dad. And how honored am I to have it now? A real family heirloom.

I love and admire my Dad so very much. I am grateful that he passed his love for reading writing, and the creative arts on to me. He never pushed anything on us kids, but encouraged us to be ourselves. And always with unconditional love. I hope that I can be half the parent to my kids that he's been to me and my siblings. As I make this uncertain (and thankfully temporary) journey into single parenthood, I will look to his and my mother's example. They were and still are the most loving, kind, and genuine examples of what a parent should be. And I am so blessed to be their daughter!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Little Pick Me Up...and a Giveaway!

Hey friends! I am so sorry that I have been absent the last week. We had some unexpected family circumstances come up, and full attention was needed by my family. They are my first priority, and I need them to know that! To briefly let you know what's going on, I'll try the edited version. My husband has been reassigned to an Army medical facility, where he will stay for the next 6 months to a year...10 hours away...without his family. He got the call Monday afternoon that he was to report the next morning, so he threw his stuff in the truck and had to hit the road. It all happened extremely fast and unexpectedly and we are still reeling. At least, I am! It has been a rough week adjusting to some major changes in our lives, but we are making it. I keep reminding myself that things could always be worse...because I know that's true. I am thankful that we are all healthy and happy (for the most part), and that is a blessing!

In the midst of my meltdown, I received a package in the mail. I had forgotten about the cutie patootie vintage fan I ordered from Etsy last week. It was a much needed pick me up when I really needed it the most. My friend, Kate...Centsational Girl, opened her etsy shop recently and I absolutely fell head over heals in love with this little fan. As soon as I saw that it was my signature color... I knew it had to be mine!

And because I am a loser and didn't even realize my 1 year Bloggiversary came and went...I'm having a giveaway to celebrate...a month late! It's a great little package full of some of my favorite things. The most ginormous nest you've ever laid eyes on. The BEST Martha Stewart book...Crafts and Keepsakes for the Holidays (hardcover). A sweet little apron made with the most adorable Amy Butler fabric and pom pom fringe! And a personalized Christmas ornament made by ME for YOU.

Look at these precious stockings made with old sweaters...buttons, collars, and all! This is one of my favorite craft ideas from the book. It is absolutely full of wonderful ideas. Martha never disappoints!

Seriously? Isn't this the cutest thing ever?

It has chandeliers on the fabric...adorable!

To enter to win, just leave a comment on this post...nothing more, nothing less. Easy peasy. I will leave the giveaway open until Sunday November 15 at noon, and announce the winner Sunday night.

I just want to say thank you to all of my wonderful readers, who I feel, are also my friends! I am so glad that I started this blogging journey, and never could have imagined what it had in store for me. I've met some lifelong friends who I treasure and look forward to meeting many more! I am truly blessed to be a part of something so special. So...thank you...for reading, commenting, coming back every day even when I'm not here, being my friend, and sticking with me! For that I am grateful!


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Holiday Sale on Etsy!

From now until the end of November I am running a special holiday sale in my Etsy shop. First time customers will recieve 15% off any order over $20 and returning customers will receive 10% off. Now is the time to get some Christmas shopping done before the stress and craziness of the season sets in! I don't know about you, but for me, December becomes a blur of last minute shopping, decorating, baking, and family gatherings. So take advantage of this November sales event and get that shopping done! I have lots of new items I've been working on the last few weeks and will be listing new items frequently throughout the month. Here is just a sampling of some of the things you'll see.....

Personalized Christmas most favorite item of the season!

This adorable elf stocking in all it's whimsical glory is just too stinkin cute. It even has hot pink pom pom it!

Large retro ornament on canvas...simple and cute.

Whimsical tree ...precious.

More retro ornaments.

Adorable chandelier...can be customized with any colors!

And who doesn't love a crown? For the queen in us all!

These personalized ornaments really make a great gift for teachers, friends, baby's first Christmas, just about anyone. How fun would these be made to match school colors, your favorite football team, a child's room, or a fun themed tree? They can be completely customized to suit your needs, and come packaged in a cute little box, ready for gift giving!

If you see anything you are interested in, but would like a different color or pattern...just let me know. I am happy to work with you in creating that perfect gift...just for you!