Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Life Happens!

Sometimes "life" happens and you just have to roll with it. I had such good intentions and high hopes to get that night stand done and linked up to the Roadkill Rescue Party. Ummmm yeah, that didn't happen...obviously. The kiddos got sick last night so I had to abandon the project halfway through. But stay tuned for the before and after reveal. I'm not making any promises of what day it will be done, but it WILL get done. Just let me finish cleaning poop and vomit first.
Nice, huh?

In the midst of all the craziness, I had to run an errand to my mom's house. And what did she have on her table? A beautiful fall arrangement.... a bundle of wheat and some gorgeous pumpkins and gourds. On August 31st people! Let me just tell you...I love this woman who birthed me. Everything good and creative and beautiful that is in me, came from her! And apparently I get my early holiday decorating enthusiasm from her. I come by it honestly. So, as soon as I got home I had to add a few fall touches to my decor. I only put out 2 of my 23 white pumpkins. I didn't want to go overboard or anything...you know?

Inside my birdcage I put a vintage glass cake stand with a pumpkin, a furry green pinecone, and some gorgeous shells my dad gave me. Next to the birdcage is a ceramic pumpkin that I found at the thrift store last week. And since it is September the first and I am a crazy holiday decorating fool...I will continue to put out my fall decor this week. Next up is my front door wreath. I made it last year, but I have more little goodies to add to it. Look for it later this week. Squash, and feathers, and pumpkins...oh my!


  1. Hooray! Thank you for full-posting your RSS feed! :)

  2. Oh, no! Hope your kiddos are on the mend soon. The poop/vomit thing is NO fun!!! :(

    I don't blame you one bit for wanting your Fall decor out. The second Natalie starts school, I'll start. I don't normally have a lot of Fall stuff, but I want to do more this year.

    I'm ready to say good-bye to summer. What better way than with squash and pumpkins and feathers? ;)

  3. Sorry to hear your kiddos are sick; hope they're much better very soon! Moms just seem to have iron stomachs, don't we...we can clean up just about anything! hahaha

    Can't wait to see your fall decor! Your wreath sounds amazing! I love fall and everything that goes along with it...the decor, the crisp air, the leaves changing colors...yep, it's my favorite time of the year!

    Hang in there, Amanda!

    ~Michelle :)

  4. Cute! I luv the white pumpkins too! Now I'm gonna go set something fallish out.

  5. Now the the days are not ALWAYS in the 100s down here in TX, I'm getting the fall decor itch too..... I don't know how long I can hold out!

  6. Sorry your kids are sick! That's not fun. I'm getting so excited about decorating for fall. It has been so cool here the past couple of days. It really gets me in the mood to decorate. :)

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog for Mod Podge Mania!

    I'm putting my fall stuff out TODAY! Who cares that it's still 95 degrees out. If I wait for it to get cooler, it will be Christmas! SO Sept. 1 is the day I do it every year.

  8. LOVE IT, can't wait to see the night stand too.

    I too, am so anxious to decorate for fall aka halloween. I actually will decorate for halloween like that last two weeks of Sept. I am going to try really hard this time to just do fall decor and then add halloweeen stuff in Oct. Love your white pumpkins, I may have to get me some.

  9. Hope the kids are feeling better! It has been unseasonably cool here lately in Nebraska... making it so easy to think FALL!! :)

  10. I think that you can officially do fall things now.

  11. OK...if you are doing it I am doing it! Fall decorating...here I come!

  12. I am going to get my halloween decorations out this weekend. I want them out so I can enjoy them. I can't wait to see what else you do!!!

  13. Sorry to hear that your little ones are sick. I woke up sick this morning too. Sore throat and burning eyes. My body hurts too. What is so weird is that I sprayed everything with Lysol just 2 days ago. At work and at home...and look now I'm sick. LOL

  14. Yay! I woke up this morning wondering if it was too early to decorate for fall!! I guess if you can do it in Mississippi, then I can do it in Ohio!

  15. Fall is in the air here to. If you subscribe to Country Living Magazine, you'll be happy!! It has some great fall ideas.
    Have a good day.

  16. Hope the kids are well soon. I too am SO thrilled for Fall although I don't know if I have more than a couple of things for decor. I guess I need to get on that. This is the first year since the twins were born that I even have a second to think about it!

  17. Hope everyone starts feeling better soon. I love the bird cage with the blue plates - GORGEOUS!

  18. I hope your kids are feeling better! My mom is exactly the same way -a decorating machine!

    I love that white arrangement with the turquoise plates - they are FABULOUS!!!


  19. My mom is the same way. She already has a few scarecrows out that she bought at a yard sale Saturday. We both love to decorate for the seasons/holidays! Hope your kids are better!

  20. I'm so sorry you have sick kiddos! I hope they're better soon!

    I can't wait to see the reveal! I too am a crazy holiday decorating fool! I'm so ready for fall decor!

  21. Hi Amanda, I'm a newbie, My name is Rosie @ Rosycheeks @http://hotlittlenana.blogspot.com/.
    I have been following you & think you are a wonderfully creative gal. I have decided that I would like to "grow up" to be like you....it might be too late as I am almost a 1/2 a decade, he-he, anyhow, I wanted you to know I used your AWESOME suggestion for your "White painted pumpkins" as one of my halloween projects to do list. I gave your site the credit for the suggestion AND wanted you to know about it. Please feel free to check out my site AND hope you don't get bored. Thanks for inspiring AND sharing. Rosie

  22. Oh Yuck...hope those kids are feeling better soon. When I returned from vacation my kids already pulled out the Halloween stuff.

  23. Come over to the "Ideas Needed Decorators Challenge!"

  24. Hope your kiddos feel better. Funny how the rest of life as you know if comes to a screeching halt when they get sick. The birdhouse looks pretty. And I am with your Mom, I have the itch to get the fall decorating on the road!


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