this not the CUTEST thing on the planet? I had no idea my love for white pumpkins ran so deep till I spied this adorable Cinderella carriage crafted from them.
Dreamy, right? I mean...look at those details. The colors, the silver buckles and frames, the swirly finial. I will have one of these grace my mantel for Halloween. (And yes, I am fully aware that today is August 4th and not October 4th...a girl can dream right?)

Decorating for fall is one of my absolute favorite things to do. And I look forward to it every year. The smells, the colors, the flavors, the weather. Although, in the south that cooler weather we all long for rarely shows up on time. Usually it makes an appearance closer to November or December. So unfortunately I have a much longer wait than most of you...which is so tragic since I LOVE the cold. Weird preference for a southern girl, right? Love the south...hate the weather. Now I'm sure y'all are wondering where all this talk of fall is coming from. Let me tell ya girlfriends...the air here is so thick and steamy that you can hardly breathe. Today it was only 99 degrees, but the heat index made it feel like 199 degrees! Within minutes of walking out the door, I am drenched in a man. Yes, I sweat like no woman should. I am a big sweaty pig of a man. I feel sure I have some glandular problem. Even the $10 clinical strength deodorant doesn't help. And now that I've re-read what I just typed, I see that I have given WAY too much information. Serious overshare...sorry!
On to less disgusting about something pretty?
Ahhhhh yes, much better. What could be better than a beautiful display of fresh pumpkins?Polka Dots!
So simple, yet so elegant. Really makes for a striking display. Don't you think?
Last year I went a little monogram happy. I used my scrapbooking rub-on letters to create personalized pumpkins.
I can hardly wait to get my white pumpkins out of storage and put up some fun little vignettes like this one. Last week while in the dollar store I spotted a basket full of assorted pumpkins. I got all giddy just imagining that there might be some white ones thrown in there. So I went to digging and found 5 (like the medium one pictured above). And guess what? I'm giving away 3 of them to one lucky reader. That's right...leave a comment on this post to be entered to win a treat bag full of white pumpkin goodness. I will draw a winner this weekend and announce the winner Sunday night.
Aren't random Halloween giveaways in August fun?
That's what I thought too.
Good Luck!
Yes I am a "lurker". Love your blog and love your white pumpkins.
Cute pumpkins! I can't wait to pull out my glitter pumpkins that I made last year!
I am in no hurry for October to come...heck we're still waiting for summer to arrive!...I am trying my darndest to enjoy our cold rainy summer that we are having. Please send some of that hot weather our Ontario, Canada!! I do love pumpkins....white ones especially.
Those are too caa-ute! Love your monogram idea. I am all about some monograms. I can NOT wait for fall to get here. Summers in the south last much too long!
Those are wonderful! I made that first one last year. It turned out really cute!
I love those black and white dots ones. Awesome! Thanks for getting us in the fall mood! Hope things are going well for you!
Love your ideas and I have seen the Cinderella one before.Too cute!
Fall is by far my fav. time of year! Natalie,
I don't usually do fall decoration, but I might after seeing all these!
Fall is my favorite time of the year as well, and I LOVE Fall decorating!! I would love to have some white pretty!!
Lisa B.
Hi my name is Rachel and I'm a
Pumpkin-a-Holic.... :) Great giveaway and I have really enjoyed reading your blog.
:)Rachel aka... Pumpkin girl
I'm a fellow pumpkin lover! We have a few months to plan before it is time to get our pumpkins out for fall. Love what you did with your dollar store pumpkins last year!
LOVE....LOVE....LOVE all your white pumkins. That made me ready for fall after all :=)
Fall is THE BEST season without a doubt! I can't wait for it. I'm in MD so it usually gets here on time. I love to decorate for it and if you were to go through my archives from last fall, it would be nothing but white pumpkins everywhere. And yes, I need more of them!
Thanks for the giveaway!! :)
Sign me up for this random Halloween Fally August giveaway! :) Love white pumpkins, but I don't have any fake ones. And I can guar-an-tee that I will be copying some of your ideas this year. ;)
I don't normally do a LOT of Fall decorating, but I am adding a little more each year. I think the girls will like it. :)
Wishing you a sweat-free day in the deep South! Love from nice, 90ish Virginia! ;)
I just laughed out loud and was thankful that I didn't have a mouthful of soda when I read that about sweating like a man--some say TMI, but I say thanks for the honesty! Love the monogram vignette--rub-ons are great!
I am so with you girl! I sweat like a pig too, maybe it has something to do with our hormones after children. I too, LOVE Halloween and can hardly wait to spruce up my house and make it all festive, turn on my wax melter smellin of pumpkin spice etc. I love the semi spooky cinderella carriage. I love your white pumpkins too! enter me PLEASE!
Lurker here too but love to read your blog. Love the white pumpkins and the Cinderella carriage.
I *heart* fall so much!!! And I just love pumpkins of all shapes, sizes, and colors!!!
Of course, I am a born and bred New England girl through and through so that could have something to do with my fall addiction!!! ;-)
Everything you create is so beautiful!!! I may have to copy some of these ideas for my fall decorating this year!!!
How fun! I hope I win. I was just trying to decide when I should put up all my fall decorations!
Hey, I thought I loved the cold too until I moved up north. Now, I can't stand it. Don't get me wrong, I've loved that I have been able to keep my windows opened most of the summer, but I think the body can adapt to warmer temperatures much easier than colder temperatures.
Plus, I could probably match/beat you in a sweating competition......hey, look white pumpkins!!!
(Just going to distract you with that comment.)
I love the white pumpkins. Gorgeous displays.
I LOVE fall decorating! And the Cinderella pumpkin? I must have one!
Oh me, oh me! Pick me! I love the pumpkins and am flat broke this year with no extra spending $$ (like the rest of the world... ;) Know what you mean about the man sweat...SD is pretty yucky right now, too. Cute post. Love pumpkins in August.
I am addicted to white pumpkins. I fell in love with those cute babies last year and cannot have enough of them.
I love fall decorations.
Even with a heat index of 110.
I am loving the white pumpkins and the polka dot ones are ridiculous. I will have to try that out this year!!
Just started reading your blog recently and got some fabulous ideas! Thanks for the inspiration! Fall is by far my favorite season and I have already started buying/looking! Love the white pumpkin ideas!
I told my husband I was getting excited about decorating, and he just kind of shrugged at me. *lol* I've been hitting up garage sales and finding misc. Christmas stuff and putting it up (this will be our 3rd Christmas with stuff up, out of 5, so I'm putting up 2 big trees and 3 smaller ones that taper down, lol) for later. I get excited about stuff like this, especially since we live in FL and family is in TX. Ah, the holidays! :)
Love the black and white; looks like something even I could accomplish!
I have recently discovered that my Halloween and Thanksgiving decor is sadly lacking. These would be great to kick start my collection of decor. I won your Christmas tree giveaway in December and got more compliments on the cute little trees. Thanks for the great blog and the great giveaway.
P.S. We have the same last initial so it is great to see everything you do with the letter S.
I love that first photo. I've had it saved for forever and have never done something like it. Perhaps this year I'll finally get off my butt and go do that
Ahhhh a girl after my own heart. I love anything to do with pumpkins. October is my favorite month of the year. I love that little Cinderella carriage. Too cute! Enter me in the giveaway. Please! :)
I love pumpkins!
Love all your pumpkin pics! Now I'm getting excited for fall!
I love those white pumpkins, too! Yours are so cute...thanks for sharing. And enter me in the drawing, please!
How fun! I remember your polka dot pumpking from last year but I don't remember your monogramed ones. I love those! I must have missed that post. Great idea!
I absolutely *LOVE* fall!! My favorite season... can't wait for the crisp fall weather. Your pumpkins are beautiful... thank you for sharing them with us!!
okay-i think we could be twins. i love halloween, it's my favorite to decorate for. i've even been using my michael's coupons to buy halloween decor. not that i need it. and i don't care that i was doing this in july. i live in the south and love it. my name is amanda. you wouldn't happen to be mormon too would you? anyway, i love your blog and can't wait to be inspired by all your halloween decor. thanks
Oh I love white pumpkins!! I am a huge fan of fall as well and started thinking about it and wanting it to be here in JULY...The weather is quite cool though even for Indiana!
I'm so glad I found your blog - it seems like we grew up together! I love, love fall... live in the South where it won't be fall for ages... love the smells and almost got out my Harvest Yankee Candle over the weekend. ;) I can't wait to try the monogramming ideas for this year's pumpkins!
Oh, and Big Sis picked a cinderella pumpkin at the punkin farm last year.. she'd flip over that cinderella coach! Gotta save this post!!! :)
Oooh, and I'd love to win some white punkin greatness..
Oh, and is there a trick to punching out the holes on those polka dot pumpkins? Pls share!
I love all of those pumpkins! Even if I don't win, I have some fantastic ideas for this fall! Love your blog, keep up the good work!
I love fall decorating too but I DON'T like the cold!! I am like you though and can't wait to decorate for fall!! I usually begin September 1 whether the weather cooperates or not!!
Who would think with the fantastic weather here in LA I could be inspired to long for fall. Your pumpkin creativity is over-the-top - thank you!
So cute! I just got a few orange ones at a garagle sale for $.50! But i have a new house now so I will have more room for decorating! Also you are a blog that I love reading. I just started one and would be honored for you to check it out! Thanks!
Ooooh, love all your fall adorable! I'm looking forward to being able to decorate this coming fall (so sick last year from cancer treatment)...thanks for sharing the cute pics :)
Hope your week is going well!
The polka dot ones are just so whimsical!
I am in no hurry for October, that means that I will be a year older! I do love to decorate for fall though.
Okay so I thought it was only me ... I just bought 3 adorable white ceramic pumpkins from the dollar tree!
I can't wait
Cute ideas!!! I've been so hooked on Christmas decor that I've kinda forgotten about Halloween these last few years. I'm excited to try some of that for Halloween!
I have seen your house at Halloween--and it makes me excited too! I loved the polka dot pumpkins...and I am thinking of a dreamy fall/winter wedding for two cutie pies.......
OOOOHHH it is NEVAH too early to think about fall decorations! i want in!!
I've always loved white pumpkins too - to match them up with black . . . so classic! and I...we're like~this! (now I am crossing my fingers, lol) I so love this with the white pumpkins! I have wanted to do an idea like the cinderella coach for a while...your inspiring me...maybe this fall?!! Again...I adore you!!
Hugs and love friend,
Love the white pumpkins and the black and white one are awesome....thanks for sharing....Pat H
Oh. my. gosh. I HAVE to have one of those pumpkins. Polka dots and monograms, oh my. Are you accepting bribes, my dear?
I was just at the Dollar Tree the other day, and was SO hoping to find white pumpkins, or even orange ones to paint and they had NOTHING.
I'm a FALL lover too, but it has just as much to do with Buckeye Football season than the pumpkins!
Autumn is my favorite season, but I am in no hurry. I did eye white pumpkins last year, however I showed great restraint for the sake of the budget.
If you happen to get three comments from me it's because my computer is freaking out.. :) I love all your ideas and love love the polka dot pumpkins! I can't WAIT to do that!!!!
Oh I love me some white pumpkins! My next wedding (only my 2nd) will be done in sparkly white pumpkins! I have to use the clinical strength deodorant and I don't even live in the south! So don't feel bad :)
Love the white pumpkins! I don't have any white ones - yet...
You are truly amazing. I just want to live in your house. And, you're right; it is about time to start thinking about autumn decor. You've inspired me to throw out everything I've ever used and try to get really creative. Thanks
I can't believe you have me lusting over pumpkins when I should be thinking about "back to school" shopping. I love the polka dot and monogram pumpkins. What a simple but creative idea.
oh me, oh my those white pumpkins are just so cute!!! pick me, pick me PLLLLEEEAAASEE
Yes, they are fun. I'm with you: ready for autumn. August in the South is TOO HOT.
Tell you what, though: you should regard your ability to perspire with thankfulness. It's your body's built-in air conditioning system! Southern Mississippi might be a little too hot for someone who didn't sweat!
HI I am new to your blog and I love it! So funny, I was feeling the same way about fall today! Can't wait for it! I love your pumpkins! I'll have to make some!
Love the "sweating"! Ever tried Certain Dry? You put it on at night and it stops you from sweating under your arms! Life saver!
I am in love with fall too! im so excited to do my annual Harvest party at my barn! Next month I am going to start posting photos of last years party!come see me sometime! love your blog!
I think that you should "randomly" pick me cause you love me and you think that it is so cool that you have a spiky haired stalker that lives in utah! :) (how is that for a run on sentance)
I too am a lover of fall decor. I love the scents, the colors and the temps! I also love that my honey locust trees turn yellow and orange and funky pea pod things turn black. Really-very spooky looking! The best part-I didn't even do it on purpose. I will just take the credit!!
Yes I love white pumpkins too. One year I glued red beans and star anise in an intricate pattern - I kept it around until the thing was totally rotten because I just loved it so much.
I love the little pumpkins on the candleholders! I will have to try that this year.
White Pumpkins?? I never even thought of it before. See? That's why I love bloggers. They share. Here's to hoping that white pumpkins will be coming my way.
P.s Where in the south? I'm near Dallas and Girl, you're right. It's darn HOT!!
Grrrrrrrrllll....I love me some pumpkins! I've already been thinking about my fall decor and have been reading Christmas magazines lately. I'm all too excited for the upcoming season and let me tell you, this post just did it for me!
Hi! I've been reading your blog for about a month now. LOVE IT! And the pumpkins are SO CUTE!
I love Halloween and pumpkins for that matter. I was just druling over some darling Halloween fabric and cute, cute projects for it today!!
So not ready for fall - having too much swimming. But. . . a bag of cute white pumpkins might convince me otherwise.
LOVE that Cinderella pumpkin omgsh! I don't want it to be Fall yet because the year went by SO fast! lol. Cute pictures! Nice giveaway :)
All the best,
I am with you all the way.
Come on Fall!
The tee-niney mice make the carriage even better.
Another Southerner here sweating like a dang pig! I hate it and can't wait for fall, either!
I'd love to win the pumpkins - I also love me some white pumpkins =) Thanks for the giveaway!!!
Love white pumpkins! The thought of fall makes me all excited too!!
I love the white pumpkins too, and especially decorating for the holidays!
Im glad to know Im not the only person thinking about Halloween already :)
I am also a southern girl who loves cold weather and hates the heat! I got so excited last week in hobby lobby to see all the fall things out. I would love to win the white pumpkins, love to decorate for fall!
Wait, the dollar store has fall decor out already??? Where is the year going? Man, I feel so behind!
This post got me really excited for Halloween! I love all the beautiful photos you posted here.
I've been reading your blog for a while now, but I knew we were kindred spirits when I saw that cinderella coach pumpkin! Your new desk area looks great too!
I saw this craft and immediately thought of your white pumpkins!
Maybe you could mummify one and hide it amongst the others. :)
OH MY GOODNESS! How do I get one of the Cinderella Carriages? I need one.
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