Update : this post is linked to Thrifty Decor Chick's Before and After Party.
I couldn't bear to start my post off with the before picture of my desk. All the ugly cords and wires that my hubby has told me for way too long that he would take care of...but never did, it was all too much for me to stand to look at anymore. And I couldn't put my dear readers through the pain of that ugly pic coming first!
So, I give you the after.....
YIKES...and here's the before. The whole awful truth and nothing but the awful truth.
I have a tiny confession that I'm ashamed to admit...it has been like this for over 2 years. I know... absolutely shameful!
Why have I not done anything about this eyesore until now? I have no clue! All I can say in my defense is now it's done and the ugly is out of sight. Thank heavens!
I just so happened to have a couple new drop cloths sitting in my closet not being used. You know, cause I have absolutely nothing to paint (hahaha). I thought they'd be a perfect no cost solution to my little problem. And they worked beautifully. Except for the fact that I completely forgot that I'd intended to put in a fake inverted pleat in the front. It really would have looked so much better and much more polished. But that's what I get for working on my projects until 2:00 in the morning. I wasn't functioning on all cylinders.

I love the look of this nail head trim! It is not perfect or straight, but I can live with it. I have been looking for the kind that comes on a roll, but haven't been able to find it anywhere. So I sucked it up and used the box of upholstery tacks I already had. Only problem...I had to measure and hammer in every single last one, which was close to 100 upholstery tacks. It really was not hard, just a little time consuming because I wanted them to look as even as possible. I measured each one 1 inch apart and hammered them in as I went. I am pleased with the way it turned out, but think it looks a bit plain. What do ya'll think about adding a big monogram to the front? Maybe a big "S" with an oval around it...what do ya think? I'd love some suggestions or if you think I should leave it as is.
How timely! I just posted an award for you on my blog. :)
LOVE it!!! The skirt is adorable, and I like the idea of adding something to the front. I am wishing now I'd made my fleur de lis patterns bigger on mine.
I can give you an idea of why you didn't get your desk done earlier...you're a MOM. ;) Don't know how you get all your awesome projects done. I only have 2 kids, and I barely accomplish anything. ;)
Love ya!
Wow! The difference is amazing. I really need you to come and redo my whole house.
That looks so polished! Great job:)
The monogram would be nice or maybe a fabric border around the bottom of the skirt in a dark color?
You know what? I do the exact same thing! I let some funky things just SIT, until it's midnight and I have a really important test, and then I decide to tackle it. Needless to say, during midterms, I get a lot done. :)
Such a difference!!
Oh your cord prob has noting on mine. Mine were up front and ugly for 4 years. We had family in town a few months ago and I just couldn’t stand it anymore. I leaned a big dry erase board we had in a closet against the desk to hide them. Doesn’t look great but it covers the mess up…for now at least. I love the transformation. Not only does it hide the cords it fancies up the space!
I love this! I think I may have to do something similar to my own desk area. The underside is just fug
That looks great. I LOVE nail heads too. I have them on my sofa. Drop by, I am taking ya'll on a mini vacation...
Amanda this is pure genius and it's gorgeous!
The chocolate brown walls and that cool chunky finial are awesome!
Where did you find the finial if you don't mind me asking?
~Blessings, ~Melissa :)
I love this idea! I like it plain but it would also look good with a monogram! It looks great against the chocolate walls.
Very clever solution. I love the nail heads, they look terrific.
The After looks great! I love the upholstery tacks, they really add a lot. I think putting a big monogram on the front is a fantastic idea! It would really give it a polished look.
This is such a great idea!! Just the solution I need to cover up an old table that houses game systems, dvd player, and all the cords that come with them! Thanks!!
I think it looks great and a big monogram sounds awesome!
Looks great! Isn't it funny how you live years with something you don't like and then you finally fix it the way you want and you think "I can't believe I waited THIS long to do it!"
Wow, you did a fantastic job with tacks and a drop cloth! Those two items really should be on every DIYer's top ten list of must haves. Not only does the drop cloth hide the cords, it makes the whole area look sooooo classy! I think adding a monogram would look beautiful.
Now that all the measuring and tacking work is done, if you're still looking for the tacks on a roll I've seen them at JoAnns.
What a great, sharp look! Love it. How did you get it to fall nicely in the corners?
I love it! Those upholstery nails are so cool! What a great idea!
Hope you have a great weekend!
LOVE this look! So simply understated & functional. Looks great!
I personally like the look of the nailheads without the backing- they look more authentic- and girl, I commend you for measuring and tacking into the middle of the night! Your desk looks great with this cover-up, and adding a monogram will only enhance it more. Did you sew any raw edges or use stitch witchery, at all?
:-) Sue
I love it! Unfortunately, we have the same problem. Except our computer desk is in the master bedroom. It is the last place I wanted it to go, but the only room that had the space.
I love the way the cloth really softens the space. Thanks for the great inspiration! Also, you can never go wrong with a monogram, right?
Your desk looks great! I really like the idea to use a drop cloth. The nailhead trim gives the edges a finished look. I think a monogram in the front would really make a statement and would look perfect for this.
Love it! My little tidbit of advice. Get the tower under there too! Unless you are constantly changing CDs or something most of us don't use the tower all that much.
If you are going to do a Monogram on there, let me know. I bought the coolest book of Victorian Decorative Initials and I can make you a copy of one.... it would be awesome painted on there in your wall color. Hmmmmmmmmm...
great idea on the monogram!
I will nominate for the Nobel Prize the person who invents a way for all cords associated with a computer workstation to be retractable! I have such a tangle of wires and cords you wouldn't believe! www.satisfiedsole.com
I love any thing that hides hideous power cords...and your solution looks fantastic!! I would either add dark brown ribbon around the bottom or do a monogram...maybe even both.
this looks great! we do this in my kindergarten class, but i've never thought about doing it at home! very clever!
LOVE this! It looks so great! I have a terrible space in my family room with cords everywhere, and yet I have been unmotivated to fix it. I need to get on that. About the monogram, I think a big S in an oval would be fantastic, but where would you put the desk chair? Just hate to see you do all that extra work if it is gonna be blocked by the chair. Keep up the good work girlfriend!
Well you did a good job1! As for suggestions for the front: is that glass on top? If it is, an easy solution for spiffing it up would be something like laying a table runner across the top underneath the glass and hanging down in front.
Love the nail head idea!!! Thanks for the inspiration.
I love your transformation! and what good timing, I just posted about something similar on my blog! I made a skirt for an old desk and turned it into a sofa table. Great decor minds think alike!
What a wonderful idea. You did a great job. I am going to have to hire you to come fix all of my problems in my house!!!
I love the look - nailheads are perfect and I love the idea of a monogram! Beautiful.
great idea! i may have to do that to my desk as well.
I love how easy and flawless it looks! Great cord coverage too! I mean how it covers your cords - right!
Now that's quite a transformation. Great job and I love nailhead trim. I think a monogram would be beautiful.
Amanda, this looks wonderful! I'm going to tell you the truth here: I think the individually-nailed nails look better than the connected-together kind. I know it would have saved you a lot of time if you could have found the other, but this looks oh-so-good.
Yes, I'm sure a monogram would look wonderful. Or just some grosgrain ribbon trimming out the bottom. Or--oh, I'm sure you have plenty of ideas in that creative brain of yours. I'm so proud of you for getting this done! What counts is not how long it took you to get it done; what counts is that it's done now and it inspires all of us!
Amanda!! It's awesome! I found the nailhead trim on the roll at Joann's -- have you looked there?
This is such a great idea!!!I think it looks great....your solution looks fantastic!!!!how much difference...fantastic idea thanks for sharing..
Are you scared to be alone at home need security
Amanda~I love this cover-up! I love it's simple goodness just as is :)
It looks fantastic! Wow, what a great idea!
that looks much better! i am still in search for fabric for my problem area but I am inspired to finish it up very soon!!
looks fabulous!! Great idea!
~Andy @ poppiesatplay.blogspot.com
Amanda! That is gorgeous! I have to put a link to this on my blog. What a great way to use drop cloths. If you craft ladies aren't careful, the home improvement stores are going to get wise and raise the price of these suckers!
This is fantastic! I love the look of the skirted desk, but I really love that you used a dropcloth to keep costs down - and the nailhead is such a nice detail. Beautiful!
Looks great!
Fantastic idea!!
It looks fabulous! I love the turquoise accents!
That's an awesome transformation!! I agree that the nail heads are great!
I love it! I've been wanting to do this with my vanity table and never thought of using the nail heads! That's a great idea! Looks fab - great job! :)
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