Sunday, April 19, 2009


Well, I finally finished loading all the inventory into my etsy shop...and it only took 3 weeks. I know...I'm amazingly on top of things! I am REALLLLLY excited to share this with very dear friends. To start things off right and show some love to my peeps, I am hosting a giveaway to celebrate the GRAND OPENING of my ETSY shop!!! The winner will win a $25 gift certificate to spend at my store ...

This is just a sampling of some of the beautiful items (if I do say so myself). Be sure and go to my shop to see the rest. There is a whole boat load of adorable things waiting for YOU!

To enter your name into the drawing, leave me a comment on this post. If you'd like to receive 5 more entries, you can do each of the following :

1. Visit my etsy shop, come back here and tell me your favorite item.

2.Blog about this giveaway and my new store.

3. Grab my button on the left sidebar and display it on your blog.

4. Become a follower.

5. Be one of the very first people to make an order from my shop!

In the comments section, please be sure and let me know which of these things you do so that I can enter your name the appropriate number of times.

This giveaway will end on Friday April 24th at 12:00 midnight. I will announce the winner on Saturday morning.

Girls....thank you so much for your friendship and support.
I LOVE ya'll.


Jodee said...

Amanda -- Congrats on your new Etsy store! I know it's going to be a huge success!

I think my favorite item is the HOME blocks! They are sooo cute! I am already a follower too!

Hope you have a great week! Happy crafting!

Stephanie said...

FUN!! You have been in my blog "favorite" folder for some time now.. nothing like a giveaway for me to come out of the closet!!
I love the little birdie magnet and notebook holder - tres cute! But I also love the pray blocks. I could use a few sets of those around my house!!

Thrifty Decor Chick said...

Congrats Amanda!! Count me in!

Thrifty Decor Chick said...

Oh, I love the coral Home letters, so pretty!!

Kristina P. said...

How exciting, Amanda!

And I love the Family wall hanging.

Ruth Ann said...

Congratulations on your store! Now I wish I could get busy and create new and exciting items for my store as well! Everything looks great! Hope you make a ton of sales! Have a wonderful week!
-Ruth Ann

3LittleByrds said...

Congrats. What cute stuff.

Lori said...

Hi! Just checked out your etsy store and I adore all of the baby girl wall plaques. I am hosting a shower in June and would love to give these to the mom to be!

Tami said...

you are so talented! Count me in, I want to win!

Tami said...

sorry, not sure if I was supposed to do each entry seperate, so I did! I am now a follower, even though I have been looking for a while now;)

Tami said...

its me again. It is all so cute, you are too talented, but I think the Home blocks have to be my fav

Unknown said...

Congrats on the new Etsy store!

I really like the SHHH...Door Hanger with Giraffe.

I follow you on Google Reader.

Staci said...

OOOOh OOOOh, pick me! pick me! I know just what I will buy. I've had my eye of some of your stuff! And I am a follower, so count me in as many times as I can count!

Xazmin said...

Congratulations! It's so exciting that your store is up and running!

I'm going over to visit right now, and I'll be blogging about you this week!

Xazmin said...

I LOVE the "imagine" wall letters.

I'm already a follower, and am grabbing your button right now!

Jen @ said...

Good luck with your shop! Everything is so cute!


PS - I'm a follower too!

jennifer said...

i'm a follower!

i like the home and pray letters!

Heather said...

Best of luck with your etsy shop!


Heather said...

And I love any of the HOME blocks. Perfecto!


Krissa said...

Congrats on the new store I love it!!!!
I really love the Faith blocks...I would love to win!

Krissa said...

I am also a follower

Georgia Girl said...

Congrats...Lots of luck!

Georgia Girl said...

Me again...I follow you on google.

Shaam said...

Hi! Congrats on the store! I loved everything but really liked the pink and green paisley "home" blocks. I also blogged about your new store and giveaway and I added your button on that post so I don't know if that counts for #3? And I already am a follower LOL. Thanks so much for this giveaway it's a great way to celebrate!

All the best,

mub said...

What a cute shop! I really like your paper mache letters, I think I'd go for a custom order!

Anonymous said...

I love the crown hanging! Congrats on the new store. It looks great.

Holli said...

You make such BEAUTIFUL things!! My favorite would be the blue, green & brown "Pray" blocks. I have followed you for about a week now, & I LOVE your blog!!

Queen of the Misfits said...

I love everything, but if I have to pick just one thing, it would be the home blocks! I am already a follower and have blogged about your giveaway!

Kathi said...

I really love all of your wooden blocks. What a great idea! Yours are "perfectly beautiful!" Good luck with your Etsy store. I'm sure you'll do well!

Hopeful Housewife said...

Congratulations on your shop! I LOVE the Pray blocks!

Julie said...

I love the imagine wall letters - they are so whimsical! I'm already a follower and so excited for you about your new shop!

Unknown said...

I'm in love with the Pink & Black baby girl wall plaque! So cute. And well, I'm already a follower so that should count but I'll blog about this AND add your button right now... watch me go!

Kelly said...

How exciting!! I will have to go over and check your things out....I love everything on your blog so I know you will have an awesome etsy store. Congrats!

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

Good luck with your shop!

Stacy said...

great giveaway. Thanks for a chance to win.

My Precious Peanut Designs said...

Your shop looks beautiful! Congrats! I love the wooden Home blocks! I am a follower too!

Stacey said...

Cute! Cute! Cute! I have my eyes on a few things....just have to recover my shopping trip last week first. You are VERY talented...keep the items coming!

Shannon said...

Yea! Congrats on your new etsy store! Everything you make is so cute!

Ken and Meag said...

Alright, tough to pick a favorite, but I'd have to say the "Shhh..." door hangings were my favorite.
Enter me five times, I'd love to get something for our baby's nursery!! Way to go starting your shop, your stuff is wonderful!!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Congrats, Amanda on the new shop! I wish you the best & of course, enter me in the fab giveaway.

Anonymous said...

congratulations! Everything is beautiful! I love the big paper letters! I bookmarked you as a favorite seller and I wish you the best of luck!

Alice said...

Beautiful stuff.

Alice said...

I love the shh wall plaque.

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

Lovin' your blocks-- family, pray. I'm also a followers. Thanks for the great giveaway and best of luck with your store.

Jess said...

They are all so cute it's to hard to decide! I would love the ones that spell "Home".

And, I've been a follower for a while now. Your blog was one of the first I ever found when I stumbled into blogland.

Katie said...

Congrats on your new store! Your items are darling!

Princessliak said...

Wonderful store and I love the layout of the website!!

Tiffany said...

Congrats on your Grand opening!
I'm headed over to your store now to check out all your goodies.
I'll be back to let you know what I can't live without!

Tiffany said...

So, I'm back from the store. I LOVE the Faith blocks and the Home blocks. I have just the place for both of them.

I'm a follower, now, too.

FranklyBecca said...

I'm excited that your Etsy store is officially open!

Now, is it fair if I have 2 blogs and I enter 5 times on each of them? Both of my blogs follow you, they both have a button prominently featured on them. So, if they both count then that would be 4. Then, I went to your Etsy shop & I would like to say that I love it all. but I think my favorite is the Paper Mache Dream word. So Cute! Oh and also, I have ordered a frou frou frame from you so does that count?


Love You! and Good Luck!

Tammy said...

Congratulations on your new shop! Good for you. I'm off to check out your items.

Tammy said...

I love the items in your shop. They're all great. I especially love the HOME blocks.

I'm now a follower. You were in my favorites already. :)

I am off to post about your blog on my blog:

And I'm getting your button and putting it on my blog.

Thanks for the fun giveaway. Good luck on your shop!

Michelle Bebe said...

HOME Blocks
in coral!

became a follower!

grabbed a button!

is that four entries! WOOT WOOT!

Kim Pigue said...

Beautiful items ! I am a follower of your blog, Good Luck!
Kim Pigue

Laurie said...

How exciting! Sign me up girl! Gonna go check out all your items on Etsy!

Laurie said...

As an Etsy shop owner too, I added your shop to my faves! My fave items are still pray and home blocks! Love em!

{amy k.} said...

Yay! How fun! Congrats!

Love the "pray" blocks- all of it is too cute!

Cassie said...

Cute things! Can't wait to check out the shop.

Juanita said...

Count me in, please!

Juanita said...

I love the SWEET Wall Plaque! Good luck with your great store,

Amy Jo said...

Congrats on your new store! I hope you get some great results!

Melissa said...

Amanda~I became a follower! Sorry I wasn't before, I was subscribing to your feed, but trying to get caught up on the whole "follow" thing. :) Congrats on the new shop~I love your birdie magnet clips. I'm so glad you're out of the blogging slump~a good day at Target can do wonders!


My favorite is the home blocks

annemarie said...

Congrats - oh how I love your home blocks.

Shauna said...

YAHOO!! Please count me in :)

Southerner said...

I love the Home or Pray letters. Congratulations on your new shop.

Anonymous said...

Yippie! I am SOOO happy you have everything done for you store.. now you can come help me with mine. lol..

Anonymous said...

okay.. I love the cutie blocks! NO OH MY GOSH.. I want the baby bird door hanger.. with PINK birdies.. oh please please. I need it for Emmie Lou!

kristal said...

Here’s my comment…..enter me!!!!
Ok that’s one.
Two…I ordered a birdie from your shop. So cute. Cannot wait to get an Amanda original.
Three…my fave (this was hard) has to be the home blocks. They would match my living room décor PERFECTLY and I just love them.
I am now officially a follower. How was I not before this? Weird. Number four.
I will be posting about you on my blog as soon as I post this. Number five.
Let’s just go over the top and put a button on my blog too. I want that certificate bad. Six entries for me please:)

Jessica Jane said...

I am so in! What a great giveaway!

Jessica Jane said...

I'm following . . .

Jessica Jane said...

. . . and my favorite thing in your shop is the blocks that say home and family. Too cute!

Jenny said...

I want in and I love the family blocks!!Thanks for the giveaway!

Cherry Blossoms said...

You have a gorgeous shop! Congrats on the GRAND OPENING!

CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail dot com

Cherry Blossoms said...

I follow your blog!

CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail dot com

Cherry Blossoms said...

My favorite item from your shop is definitely the "Family" Blocks! They are gorgeous!

CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail dot com

(be sure to come enter my giveaway on my blog:

Pam said...

I like the pink Shhh plaque and the Cutie blocks. I'm following you too.

melacan at hotmail dot com

Jessica said...

Thanks for the chance to win! Congrats on getting started!

Jessica said...

My favorite thing: CUSTOM ORDER WALL LETTERS. Those are adorable!

Simona Walters said...

I love the giraffe on the plaque! It would be so unique!

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

holy cow girl...87 people already - whew...we all just love you.

I have been following your for foreva! And I am here...what else am I supposed to put. I think that's it. :)

rubymoon said...

Love the Pray blocks. the blue, green and brown color scheme is really nice.

espressogurl at hotmail dot com

Jenny said...

I am a rabid follower.....I love the giraffe hanging plaque. Don't forget Thursday--the gang---and crawfish! See you soon!

Darcy said...

Congratulations on your new store - how exciting!

Darcy said...

My favorite items are the custom wall letters!

Holly Blocker said...

Such a cute blog! Congrats on your etsy store! Thanks for an opportunity to win something great from your store! Love it!

Mrs. Drummond said...

I love the custom order wall letters! Such beautiful and creative items.

Indnbuterfli72 said...

I love the Home and Pray blocks...they are beautiful...thank u for the great giveaways..

Marcia said...

I am having a grandaughter in July and the "cutie" blocks would be SO appropriate!! Thank you!

Suze said...

I love the Shhh sign! It'd be great for us to put on the door so when the in-laws so up they won't wake my little girl! :)

darbishar said...

Giveaways are the best! I love the birdie magnets and note holders, I have such a problem with papers and magnets on my fridge! Love your stuff, followed your giveaway from gratefultulips blog :)

Em said...

Congrats on getting your shop filled up :) I love your things especially the PRAY and the Shhh... I hope you sell out fast!

Becky @ Our Sweet Peas said...

I love the pray and the faith blocks oh and the birdy magnets. Your shop is great. I am also a follower. Thanks for the give away I am crossing my fingers!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Congrats on your new Etsy store!!! :) How did I miss this post?! My favorite item in your shop are the "Home" blocks in brown and aqua...sooooo pretty!!

Melissa Miller said...

Hi Amanda,
I am new to your inspiring blog. I love it here!

I am now officially your BFF, love the "SWEET" sign the best and am about to snag it. I'm also grabbing your precious button to display!
That makes four entries for me I believe right?

I hope you can come to visit mine as well.
You're always welcome!

Have a wonderful and blessed week my friend.
~Warmly, Melissa :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, really cute stuff. My favoprites are the Wall letters, and then the Faith Blocks.
Good luck on your store. I have your button, and I follow.

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

It's really 29. Ssssh....don't tell!!

Celeste said...

Awesome giveaway!! Congrats on the shop!

contact me at:

Celeste said...

Fave item:
Pray blocks


contact me at:

Celeste said...

Just put your button on my blog!

contact me at:

Amy Sp said...

I'm Amy. I love the baby elephant door hanger in your store! I also blogged about the giveaway ( and put your button in the post :)

Shaunna said...

Oh Yay!! I Heart Etsy, and I can already tell that I HEART your store too! All of your items are fabulously cute! Love it, Love it, Love it!!! Keeping my fingers crossed that I'm the winne;]

I'm a blog follower too!

Kerri said...

i'd love to win!! what fun and creative items for the home!!

Kerri said...

just got back from your shop, and my fav. item is the home blocks!!

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Your shop looks great, congratulations! Hard decision here, but I'm loving the "PRAY" letters. I also became a "follower"! Good luck.

Unknown said...

I love your Etsy store. It looks great!

Nicole ~ said...

Congratulations, I am so excited for you! It is an awesome thing to do what you really like doing, and then make some extra money while doing it.

I love all of your signs, they are super cute!! I love each and every one of them, but I especially love the Home blocks.

I hope you have a wonderful week, Nicole

Lisalulu said...

cute cute cute, can't wait to see more! sign me up

Lisalulu said...

I love the crown wall hanging, perfect for my princess of a granddaughter!

lisa@littlesliceoflife said...

Congrats on the Etsy store! I hope it's a huge success!

Unknown said...

Congrats, you go girl! This shop is going to be a fabulous success, I just KNOW it.
I'm a follower and already have your cute button!

JHalmes said...

Love it all! Congratulations and good luck. I am now a follower, posted your giveway and button to my blog, and I have to say the Pray blocks are my favorite.

karen★ said...

Great stuff in your shop! My definite favorite is the giraffe wall hanging (although the E for Elephant comes in at a close second)! Congratulations on getting started and good luck!

Heather said...

I love the crown wall plaque

Morgan said...

Looks like a GREAT store! I love all of the Home, Family, and Faith items. I am now a follower, added your button to my blog, and blogged about your terrific giveaway! Hope I win!! GOOD LUCK to everyone!

Aaron and Melissa said...

Very cute stuff! I love the wood blocks!

Aaron and Melissa said...

I blogged about your giveaway on my blog. (

Aaron and Melissa said...

I am now a follower.

Lindsay said...

WOW! Look at you go girl, you have SO many comments! My favorite things in your store are the wooden blocks! SO cute! I love them! You will sell tons!

B said...

I love the brown, aqua and white "home" blocks. Cute!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

I blogged about your Giveaway today!!! ;)

Kimba said...

Hi Amanda! I love your shop! It's adorable. I really love that giraffe wall hanging. My son would go nuts for it.

Good luck! I hope sell a boatload!

Hannah said...

Congrats on your new store!

Hannah said...

I love the brown and aqua HOME blocks.

Hannah said...

I blogged about this on my sidebar

torinem said...

Wonderful giveaway and what a lovely shop!


torinem said...

I love the FAMILY Wall Hanging.


What's next said...

love the new shop

What's next said...

following you...

What's next said...

love the crown wall hanging!

Mandi Shandi said...

OOHHH Pick me Pick me!! I am standing here waving my hands in the air in case you didn't see me! HA! Congrats on the Etsy store. IF I ever get around to opening one I'll be looking for pointers. About your fabulous merchandise, and it is fabulous, I would have to have the faith blocks, and a magnet for my fridge. I could pick any one of them and be thrilled though. You are so talented. Congrats again.

Pam said...

Congrats on your Etsy shop! I love those Birdie magnets and note holders!!

Pam said...

Became a follower! :)

Nancy @ Live love laugh said...

I am very new to this wonderful blogging world! Where have I been?! I love your shop items esp. the family and home blocks and I am a follower. You are listed on my blog page, but I am having trouble trying to get a nice page going! I don't even know HOW to "grab a button!" You are all so talented!

shaka said...

you are so talented!

i love the FAMILY Wall Letters!

gatornic said...

What cute stuff! I love the boy giraffe "shhh" plaque...perfect for my friend Sarah who's due next month with her first boy. It's precious!

gatornic said...

What a fun way to open your etsy store. Congrats!

Julie said...

What cute thin! Good luck with your store. i checked it out and I really like th ewall plaques and the blocks. Love the desins and colors!

4torock said...

LoVe this blog and your etsy store-- too cute!! My pick would be the paper mache letters with my soon to be son - Briggs- 5 weeks left and we can't wait to meet him!! I am also going to become your follower- sounds kinda creepy when I put it like that! lol but will love to see all your new ideas and stuff in etsy store:) thanks so much!!

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Congratulations on opening your own Etsy shop! How exciting! I wish you all the best. I like the HOME blocks!


Made In The South said...

Look at all your entries, I thought I'd never get to the comment box. Congrads. on your new shop. I am already a your blog, MISSY

Anonymous said...

I enjoy following your blog. Congrats on your new store. Everything is adorable! I think my favorite one is the HOME letters in paper mache. Crossing my fingers!

Kim said...

Amanda - you are one talented lady! Love your store. So, I got the button, I'm a follower, I'll mention the giveaway, and my faves are the block letters and words. Great blog!! ~Kim

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

Hey girl! I love your etsy store! SO many colorful and wonderful things! K, so here are my enteries:

1. I'm leaving a comment. :)
2. I'm a follower
3. I love the HOME blue and brown blocks in your store. CUTE!

Thanks for the chance and good luck with your shop!

Unknown said...

Ooh Ooh, Pick Me Pick Me!!! :-)

I would love some spending $$$ for your shop!!

*Would you like me to add the Twilight pendant for you? I can make one for you and have it up today if you'd like. Just let me know! :)

The Nester said...

congrats on your shop--I hope you sell everything!

hotandcrafty said...

I just became a follower.

Anonymous said...

Aww, one of your little signs would make a great gift for my little sister who is about to have her first baby!

Mandy said...

Hey girlie - wanted to say congrats on the Etsy store opening - sign me up for the giveaway - i am a follower - i like the family wall hangings.

Paula said...

How cute! Please enter me. I'm a follower and I really like the "HOME" blocks.

The Petterssons said...

Congrats on your new store! You've got some great things!

Larissa said...

Congrats on the new store. Would love to be entered into the giveaway. Thanks.

Kathy said...

I've just recently discovered etsy and lurve it! Can't wait to visit your shop! (which I'm doing right after I post this) Please enter me for the give away. Thanks!

Kathy said...

Please enter me a few more times...

1. I just subscribed via email.
2. I visited your etsy shop--love the "Baby Girl" sign in pink and brown (I have a 5 wk. old baby girl).
3. Also loved the "HOME" block letters and couldn't resist ordering a set--Happy(early) Mother's Day to me!

Callie Ann said...

Dear Amanda,
I want to win your giveaway. I'm already a follower, and can't go to your store right this minute because I'm at work and we can only go to blogger's website, for some reason.

ANYWAY, MORAL OF THE STORY..Send me free shit.

Ashley said...

Congrats on the grand opening! I love the 'Pray' blocks, the colors are beautiful!

Nancy @ Live love laugh said...

Now I figured out how to be a follower! So yay, I am one!

Nancy @ Live love laugh said...

And now I figured out how to grab a gadget!!! Big night for me!! As I mentioned in my comment above, I love your items, esp. the family and home blocks...all colors!
thanks, Nancy

Lana said...

What a neat site...I plan on coming back! Thanks for the ideas!

Allison said...

I love the SHHH...door plaque with the giraffe on it. Really cute items!

Kim @ Everything Etsy said...

Oh, I love the "pray" boxes and the "home" ones. Really pretty stuff! You're going to do great with your shop. I hope I'll see you more around EE! Good luck on the giveaway!


Stacia Howard said...

Congrats on your new store!

I love all of your cute stuff! I really like the crown wall hanging, it's perfect for my Layla!

Good luck with the store!

Stacia Howard said...

Just wanted to say I will be back since I am now following you. ;)

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