I'mmmmmmm Baaaaaaaaack.
Ok, first off let me tell you what a colossal waste of time Saturday was. The craft fair was an absolute joke. Yes...I'm actually laughing right now as I type this. Not in a haha funny kind of way, but in a lesson learned kind of way. I guess it wasn't a complete waste, because now I have enough inventory to fully stock my etsy shop. Whoo-hoo! I think we made enough to cover our booth fees and a subway lunch. But in all honesty, I feel pretty positive about the whole experience. We learned alot about what to do and what not to do. And the best part was being able to spend a gorgeous day outside in the park with my best friend and sister. I am so lucky to have her. If she wasn't a mom to 5 kids, she would be a stand up comedian...that's her other calling in life...to make people laugh. Hysterically. Till they pee. We had a great day together. You know, I'd probably feel much worse about the whole situation if the other vendors had fared better, but they didn't. Nobody really sold anything. It was a bust for everyone...YAH! Now that I think of it, there was this one booth that stayed busy all day long. Who knew "Fantasy Faces" would be such a big hit. Personally, I was a little creaped out by all the children running around sporting a full on animal face or a spry water nymph fairy. They were very detailed, and a little disturbing. All day long we wondered as to where all the patrons were. I mean, there were 564 kids running around, but not a parent in site. By the end of the afternoon we had it all figured out. The parents of those creepy fairies and animal creatures were actually the other vendors. Mystery solved.
Throughout the day my hubby called to check on us and see how things were going. I must have sounded pathetic, because when I got home I received this.....
Let's make a toast...
"Here's to husbands who are fixers by nature"
I will be having a grand opening giveaway for my new etsy shop later this week. I'm still in the process of adding new items.
Be sure and check back!
Well, I wish things would have gone better at the "show". Creepy painted-face weirdos and all. Congrats on the new laptop. Don't think for a second you won't be blogging from bed. I said the same thing... wait I have to adjust my pillow... there that's better. What was I talking about? Never mind, I am comfortable now... IN MY BED. Ah, the comforts of wireless internet connection!
HAte to hear the show was a bust, but from what I understand those can be hit and miss. I bet your Etsy shop will do fabulous!
My hubby is also a fixer. Lucky us! I hope you get to use that laptop in bed every.single.morning. I am more of a "laptop in the big overstuffed chair" kind of gal. You'll love it, once you figure out the little mouse and everything. Looking forward to your Etsy store opening!
Sorry to hear the craft fair was a complete flop! I wish you could set up shop at one of our craft fairs. They are always soooo busy here!
What a fabulous thing for your hubby to do too! Hope you have a great week!
ohh congrats on the laptop....I need a new one soon so let us know how you like it.
Sorry it was a bust. That stinks. :( I wish you could have a booth at our fall craft show. Can't wait for the giveaway! Congrats on the new laptop! :)
I did the craft show thing too last year. Total waste of time too.. My friend didn't even sell anything and my mother and I sold enough to cover the booth fee. Thats it. We didn't even get lunch! lol :)
Stock up that shop on etsy.. what is your etsy shop so I can check it out :)
Aww, I feel for ya that it didn't go well. I know how hard you worked for it!
But what a hubby you have! WOW, enjoy your new toy!
Sorry to hear the craft fair didn't go so well. But everything happens for a reason so perhaps on down the line you will learn you why you were there. Or perhaps it is just the fact that your etsy is going to be bombarded with happy buyers and you are in luck that you have so much in inventory. =)
Yeah! On the new laptop. That is awesome!
Sorry about the show! Good Luck selling in your etsy store. I am sure you will do great in there. Could be people are just scared to spend money with the way things are. I know I am watching my pennies...times are really bad for some folks...thank goodness we are ok.
Just give it time and you will rake the benefits of all your hard work soon.
Ooops you did rake the rewards...a laptop from hubby! How sweet!
I'm sorry the show was a bust...but your new laptop sounds great!!
~ Sarah
So GLAD you're back! I wish you would have had more success, just goes to show you, some people have no TASTE!
Can't wait for the Etsy grand opening.
Congrats on the laptop, I'm not a "bed blogger", but a "recliner blogger" maybe!
Glad your back, I love reading your posts! I am so sorry it didn't go the way you had hoped for, but on the bright side, you do have new inventory for your Etsy, so now you can take a little break! :) It also sounds like you did have a great day with your sister, that is priceless time you can spend! I hope you enjoy your new laptop, My husband thinks I use my computer in my office too much already, I am sure he doesn't want me taking one to bed with us! lol. I can see how it could be handy though! Have a great week!
Hugs to you,
What a bummer! I'm so sorry things didn't work out the way you hoped.
i'm sorry to hear the craft show was a bust! i had a similar experience and ended up coming out of it in the red ~ the table cost me $15 and i only sold $6 worth of crafts! but it's great that you have inventory for your shop ~ your stuff is adorable and i'm sure will be a big hit on etsy!
Well, I guess we all learn and you've got a great attitude. By the way, I never let me kids paint their face - it creeps me out.
Sorry it didn't go well. What a sweet hubby to get you a laptop to cheer you up.
Sucks!! But that laptop rocks! Yes, you will blog in bed. It's awesome.
Oh, I'm so sorry that your craft fair didn't turn out better. Anad after all of the trouble you went through!
Your hubby is sweet! I got one and love it!!!
I wish it would have gone better for you, but like you said, now you have stuff for your Etsy shop and you did get a laptop out of it!!
That is just too freakin awesome!!
...and your stuff is just adorable!!!
Missed your posts, but so glad you are back in business, so to speak. ;) I feel for you at that craft show--nothing sucks worse than wasted time! :( Do you think your hubby and mine were talking b/c it sounds suspciously close to how my laptop showed up on my kitchen table. ;) Isn't it the best???! Can't wait to read what else you have in store!
Sorry to hear the show was a bust but your attitude is SO great. You can really only laugh and smile about it....what ELSE is there to do. And you are SO right...you'll have a fully Etsy stock!
And what a sweetheart your hubby is...that was a VERY NICE surprise! Glad you could make lemonade out of lemons AND you got to spend precious time with the comedic sister!!!!
wish i couldn't say "i know how you feel", but man...i do. our fair was a complete bust as well. i also took solace in the fact that even the "experienced" crafters at the show weren't selling anything so it wasn't just me, right? also-i learned some valuable info from other crafters and got a few tips on some shows coming up. all was not lost.
yey for the computer and etsy store!!! woohoo!! i'm very excited on both fronts cuz the laptop means more wonderful posts from you and the store means access to all the lovlies you've been working on! i'm so happy:)
and....just like you told me. you MAY NOT think of quitting. your stuff is way too beautiful not to share with the world.
I wish it had been a better expeience for you guys. I know how hard you guys worked preparing for the fair. Don't give up, though. The next one may be a huge success!
Did you have any idea that you were going to receive a laptop?!! That is so fun! Go Davey. And trust me, you will blog in bed.
I am sorry it did not turn out better for you. But, you did get time to spend with your sister & you came home to a great suprise. I wish I had a laptop, but if I did, I do not think I would get out of bed!!
Sorry about the show! But loving the laptop how great is that!
I'm sorry to hear that it wasn't what you were hoping, but thank goodness for sisters! I had to laugh at imagining all the kids running around with their creepy faces :) Such a sweet husband~have fun with the new laptop!!
If I could have gone I would have bought your cute stuff! What a nice husband you have. Every now and then they do something sweet and suprise us :). I can't wait to see your ESTY store. Love ya girl!
Been there and done that too! I set up a booth in a Christmas Open House one time and only sold one thing! I felt like I had wasted my whole day and I could've been Christmas shopping! I actually ended up buying some things from the other vendors because I felt sorry for them! LOL
Well at least you have plenty of inventory for your Etsy shop!
I love your new laptop! I do most of my blogging in bed! (LOL That sounds so funny!) I blog in bed in the mornings before work while drinking my morning coffee. You are gonna love it!
Wish the craft show had gone better for you, but like you said your etsy shop is fully stocked and I am sure that you will sell quickly. Let me know how your new laptop works out. I just got accepted to grad school and will need a laptop, I was thinking about a macbook, but not sure yet.
Oh! I'm sorry to hear it didn't go so well! I did a few bridal shows when I was a florist and I would be lucky to get ONE wedding in the first 6 months from it to cover booth costs. Then later on the calls would start coming in - but still. Those things are a LOT of work!! (Nice laptop by the way!)
Aw, what a bummer girl! I feel your pain on a smaller scale-- we had a yardsale this weekend tht was a complete and total bust. After hours spent washing and hanging outgrown children's clothing and everything!
...But what a wonderful pick me up from your husband!! :)
Sorry bout the craft fair! But way to be positive. The stuff you made is really cute!
Bummer about the sale. At least you had fun w/your sister.
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