Ok, I'm just gonna put it out there...I heart snuggies. I know you've seen them on tv. Don't tell me you haven't. Well, my neice
Becca @
Frankly My Dearest bought one Saturday night at Walgreens and brought it to our Sunday family dinner to share. Seriously, "Snuggiefest 2009" was the perfect ending to a perfectly crappy week! It could not have ended on a happier note. Who knew the Snuggie was so versatile. Let's take a peek see at all the things you can do while wearing a snuggie...
Thank you Becca.
Thank you.
If you'd like to see some seriously hilarious snuggie pictures and posts, hop on over to Kristina @
Pulsipher Predilections. She is my newest obsession. I love her and want to be her. That's not creepy at all, right?
THIS IS HILARIOUS!! My boys watch CBS cartoons on Sat. am and they do some serious snuggie advertising. Lon and I laugh out loud at the commercial, but this is even better! Talk about figure flattering, and one size for all!
You look so cute in your snuggie :) My husband bought me a version of one for Christmas. I keep forgetting to use it.
Have a great day!
what a great advertisement for the snuggie! you should be on their payroll:) i'm really glad to hear your week ended on a happier note. you brought lots of happies to bloggyland with these pictures!
This post is hilarious! I better run right out and buy one since my son has been begging me for one all winter!
I saw that your little bird project was featured on Thrifty Decor Chick - congrats!
Hahaha! Love it!
My aunt gave me a Snuggie for Christmas...I seriously love it! lol It's so warm and, well... snuggley! ;)
I WANT ONE! Do you think I could get away with wearing it out to Target? I dunno....Seriously, I could spend all day between your blog and the awesome ones you posted on your Blog Roll. You picked some good ones, girl! Thanks for adding to my ever-growing reading list. ;)
Snuggies rock! I received one for Christmas this year and then I also one a kids sized one on a blog giveaway! They are the best!
I love these snuggie pictures!
This warms my Snuggie loving heart so much!!! Thanks for the shout out.
I took my Snuggie to a tea room this weekend for my Snuggie picture of the week. Snuggies really do make things better.
First off I just gotta say I think you made me scare my 3 yearold I started to laugh and I couldn't stop! Now thats out of the way I also wanted to let you know that I really enjoy reading your blog, and that I have made you one of my top 10 blogs of the week! Thank you so much for sharing the beautiful things you create!
This was such a hit I regret talking Becca out of her followup ShamWow purchase.
You look adorable! My sister wants one SO BAD. Has for months. I'll have to tell her they are at Walgreens!! Yippee!
How funny! I think I need one of those!!!
Have a great Monday!
Every time my kids see the commercial, they reassure me that the Snuggie is a necessity in life!
Looks like they might be right.
Oh my gosh~ this is a hoot!!!
What a funny post! Love it. I have seen the snuggies on TV but have yet to try one. They look warm and comfy!
You are too funny!
Thanks for all the great ideas. I'm working on my little birdies from Michaels right now. Keep us updated as to what you do with them. I'd love to see.
BTW - I'm starting a new blog that is all things domestic! Check it out if you have a minute. It's brand new, but I'm going to be doing a monogram giveaway this week!
I am so getting one for the ballfield!
by the way I borrowed one of the snuggie photos of me and put it as my facebook photo, and I've already gotten TONS of comments on how hilarious it is, but really is it hilarious? or practical.
Also, I about pee'd my pants reading my father's comment. The ShamWow / Bumpit will be my next as seen on TV purchase.
LOL...I have seen these things in the store...cute post!
I got a Snuggie for V-Day and I LOVE it!!
That is so funny, but what on earth is a snuggie, and what is its purpose??? lol =) Thank you for sharing. You crack me up.
Love it, you guys look like monks!
Love it, too funny! I've never seen a snugglie in person before! That blue is SO your color!
ooh I think I need one. how much are they?
Oh this is a riot!! I laugh every time the snuggies commercial comes on tv. I love the shot of the kids at the piano- snuggie for two!
Your pictures make a WAY better commercial than the actual one. I might not have giggled so much if I'd seen this instead :).
It's not Creepy At All that you and I stalk Kristina at Pulsipher...
I'm gonna win her Snuggie and we'll start a Club.
3xBFF is better than none, right?
those Snuggie infomercials draw in my attention like a magnet, though i haven't gotten the point of actually buying one yet
Every time I see the Snuggie commercial I want one. My bil does the funniest thing pretending like he's trapped in a Snuggie. So fun to actually see your family in one.
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