So, I guess this is what my kitchen is going to look like for the next 3 weeks. AHHHHHHH...I'm going crazy with all this clutter. We worked like ding dang dogs the last two weeks getting ready for this stupid show and then they went and cancelled it due to bad weather. It did not rain until about 5:00 this afternoon. Better safe than sorry, I guess. I know I should be excited that we have more time to make more stuff...but I am seriously bummed. It's such a let down after having worked so hard to get everything ready. I'm having a little pity party right now, so bear with me. I'll be over it soon. The other problem I have is that I have zero space left to store this stuff. I do not live in a mcmansion. My family of 6 barely fits in our 1800 sq. foot home. We don't have many inches to spare for bulk craft items and crafting gear! I'll need to be creative. I'm thinking I might have to rework my mantel to house said crafts. The kitchen buffet over-floweth. Any brilliant ideas?
I'm working on setting up my etsy shop, but I'm having issues. I think I might go ahead and list most of what I've made and if it sells I'll just remake it. What do ya'll think? See anything you'd like me to list? Let me know and give me your feedback.
Oooh! I am in L-O-V-E with the zebra letters I see! They would perfect-o in my daughter's room!!
Sorry the show was cancelled. I know you were working your tail off. What a bummer!
BUMMER!!! So sorry the show was cancelled. :(
You could always do what I do and just use the dining room table/floor to house all of your crafties! Nobody really needs to eat anyway, right? It's hard to store stuff like that. You can't exactly put it in one of those vacuum space saver bags, can you?
Hey! I linked to your blog on mine today. I linked back to that covered journal tutorial. I made one - you'll have to check it out and see if you approve! :-)
Your kitchen looks like a cute little shop!
i'm really sorry to hear it was cancelled after all of your hard work. that is awful!
Holy moly! Your stuff turned out soooo cute! You are one talented Joe!
Sorry to hear the show got cancelled. Can you store your stuff in a big Rubbermaid somewhere? I can totally relate. We are sooooo out of room in our house too! I think it would be much cuter displayed on your mantel though!
L-A-M-E!!! i specifically checked your blog this morning to see how the show went and i'm so bummed! i cannot imagine the disappointment you're feeling. not to mention the feeling of walls closing in on you. i'm so sorry amanda. the stuff you made is wonderful and at least it won't spoil in the next few weeks. you just have to resist the urge to throw it out the window for invading your space:)
as for etsy...list it all sister! as long as you can remake it...i say list it!
I don't live in a neighborhood, but if you do, throw a little sale of your own. I'd go if someone in our little rural community did something like that.
I to have a small house, and so I know where you're coming from regarding space. At the Dollar Tree, they have cardboard under your bed storage boxes. I USE THOSE ALOT! I put canning jars in them, and slide them under the bed.
You do have some great things.
Amanda, that sucks but this stuff is beautiful!! I say list it in your own shop and then remake them! So cute!!!
Bummer, but look at it this way you will be very prepared for the next show.
Awww what a downer!! You've been working so hard! I say, make some oreo truffles and forget all about it till Monday. :).
And I have a feeling if you list it all in your Etsy store, you won't have to worry too much about clutter around your house!!! It looks fabuloso!
How soon will the show be rescheduled? If you'll have enough time to remake all the pretties you worked so hard on, then I say sell 'em now! You did a great job! :)
Bummer about the show. That would definitely put me in a sour mood after working so hard! I agree that you should go ahead and list things on etsy!
Well, if it is any consolation your buffet is beautiful!!!
Sorry about the show but look at the bright side now you are all ready for the next one. Love all the stuff!
Oh NO! That's terrible about the show! Ya'll worked so hard! I love the Zebra print. Adorable!
What a bummer about it being cancelled. Have they rescheduled the date yet??
I am so sorry about the show, I know you must be terribly disappointed. It is OK to be disappointed, do not apologize for that. We are here to listen to you!
Do you have any space under your bed to store your cute stuff? What about a plastic container to put in your garage?
Girl, you have some stinkin' cute items on that buffet of yours. I want so many of them! Too excited that you are setting up an etsy shop. I just signed up for mine yesterday. I'm all to excited to make my wares. Have a great weekend chick!
OH, I'm so sorry that you're disappointed. I say list everything on Etsy and we'll buy it all up to help you feel better!!! Well, not just to help you, I would LOVE to get my hands on something you made! ;)
I'm so sorry your show was canceled! You have done so much work. Are they going to reschedule - I hope so!!!
If not, list all of it on your blog. I am sure people would love to buy it! If you do, I will post about it on mine to let more people know about it!
suitcases under the bed? dresser drawers? the trunk of your car? attic? a neighbor's house?? haha I understand creatively trying to store crafting stuff...not fun. Cute projects though :)
It is ok to have a pitty party.The weather here has been so yucky as well.I think I have gained five pounds just this weekend.You should have an Etsy shop.I would be LOVE to do a post on your Etsy Shop opening.
What a bummer!!! At least you are going to be extra prepared for the next show!
Sorry to hear your show was canceled. A few questions for you though..
1. Is that an oval cut out from the dollar store? I got some and my holes were so crooked. Did you run into that problem?
2. Does your Dollar Store have the newer cutouts (there's flower shapes, stars, circles, and squares at mine)?
Everything is super cute!! I love all the letter blocks! you should list everything on your blog!! I have never been on etsy but I need to check it out!! good luck!! I want prices!!! so cute!!
Just curious...what size is your baby in? =)
Bummer about your show getting cancelled!! I love LOVE what you made. So stinking cute.
I love your plates! And how you said that people are too nice to comment on you hanging plastic plates. I think that is a great idea!
Sorry the show was dumped but I think you should list it all in Etsy! The listing is so cheap and I am sure it will all sell! Good luck!
Hey Amanda! Sorry to hear that the show was cancelled. I know how hard you guys have worked on everything, and from what I can tell, that hard work has paid off.
Yes, absolutely list some of that stuff on etsy... right away!!!
Everything you have done is absolutely beautiful!
What is this about a show...?!
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