Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My New Mission Statement

Before ya'll start thinking I'm some kind of super freak who has nothing on her fridge...let me clarify. I use the SIDE now. Yes, I still have appointment reminders, featured kid's art of the week, note pad, magnetic pencil holder, and a fridge farm. Seriously people, I have four children. I would forget to feed them if I didn't have a running grocery list right in front of me. I would be lost without my post its and reminders. But at least it is contained to one small area, and it is not the first thing that greets people when they walk in the kitchen.
A few weeks ago I taught a class on organizing and decluttering to our women's group at church. In my preparations I found this quote that I instantly fell in love with.
"An uncluttered house looks cleaner than a clean house that's cluttered."
So true, so true. And definitely something I need to work on. I used to be such a neat freak, and completely ocd about every little thing. Yeah...not so much anymore. I have so many rooms and closets that need to be cleaned out. It can be a bit overwhelming at times. And I know you must be asking yourselves why they would ask ME to teach this class. Well, I'm asking myself the same thing. I've learned that sometimes the things we're asked to do are not always to benefit others, but more for ourselves. With that being said, I decided to let this quote be my constant reminder and my mantra.
Instead of doing all those things that really need to be done, I cleaned off the front of my fridge, except for this sign. The minute I did this, I felt a tiny weight lifted off. Such a small thing, but such a big impact. You gotta start somewhere, right?
Baby steps steps.
By the way, does anyone know of a special paint I could use for the handles on my fridge? They were yellow like that when we bought the house. What is up with that? So hideous.


Kristina P. said...

The fridge is my archnemesis. I put all reminders up there, because if I don't, I forget, and it gets so cluttered!

Jen @ said...

That's so true! I find if I look at it as a little piece instead of the whole thing I can deal. So - yay for you for cleaning off the front of your fridge. It looks great!

Have a super day!


Callie Ann said...

I LOOOOOVE to de-clutter.
Let me de-clutter your house, and I'll let you decorate mine. ;)

Unknown said...

I think this is the topic of the day! I have to declutter everyday!

Unknown said...

Is that supposed to be a tongue twister, 'cuz my tongue is seriously twisted! :)
(p.s. try Mr. Clean magic eraser on your fridge handles, it really helped mine)

OH MY #6 said...

but, what did you do with all the darn magnets everyone gives you?


queenbee said...

I really need to declutter, its on my longgg list of things to do. Like Kim said the magic eraser works wonders.

Jess said...

This time of the year always makes me want to just banish all the clutter!!! Clutter that seems to be able to reproduce offspring of more clutter during the cold months! is a favorite site of mine. Her mantra is "You CAN'T organize clutter." So true.

For your fridge...My mom's did that too and Mr. Clean magic eraser worked for her.

Jenn said...

They have paint specifically for appliances. I don't think a magic eraser will work on that (but I don't think it would hurt either).

Congrats on the de-cluttering. The fridge looks clean. Ahhhh....

Amanda@Imperfectly Beautiful said...

Magic eraser...tried it many times...didn't work. I think maybe the fridge came that way. Maybe a defect cheapo clearance item? I might have to try the appliance paint. Any more ideas? I know someone out there has the answer I'm looking for!

Nora said...

So true. I love that comment. It's sometimes so hard to part with clutter...I need to purge :)

Jennifer said...

Love the quote! For the fridge handles, what about the Krylon spray paint that is for plastics?

Jodee said...

This quote is soooo true! I declutter daily at our house!

kristal said...

profound, amanda. love that you started with a baby step with such big impact. may it fuel you onto the next baby step! maybe we should all watch what about bob again:)

Laurie said...

I love that quote! I am baby steppin' too! My plan is after Spring Break when the kids are back in school, I will concentrate on one room a week and just declutter, purge and organize--slowly, but surely!

hannahshirley said...

Are you a part of mormon mommy blogs? Love you!

Erica said...

Random, I just took everything off of the front of my fridge today too! I love the difference it makes.
I dont know about painting firdges, but, a magic eraser works miracles on my fridge.
Or maybe the guys at a paint store would know. good luck!

Shaam said...

I wish I could de-clutter *sigh*. I hang on to things though lol. I like that mantra and I am going to try and think of it the next time I am tempted to buy some trinket!

All the best,

Mandi Shandi said...

Just catching up on some of my blog reading, and girl you have been posting your little heart out! I LOVE all the stuff for your craft fair, and it really stinks it got cancelled. You did a wonderful job and stuff that cute is gonna be gone in flash.

And about this post in particular, oh how I long for the days when all the dinosaur magnets will be gone from my fridge for a cleaner look. I may have to steal your mantra and put it around the house for inspiration.

Amanda said...

It's so amazing how much better de-cluttering makes a house look. Why do I have such a hard time KEEPING it that way? I can de-clutter and the next day it's back to the way it was. Can you teach US a class on it please???

Shannon said...

Keeping the front of my fridge clean feels so good. It does help that it is not magnetic since it is stainless. :) Are those handles just plastic? Just pop them off and spray paint it with that paint that you can spray your outdoor plastic furniture with. Or if they are metal they make spray paint for metal too.

mary said...

I just found your blog and I LOVE it. My small house is always cluttered and my brain is always a mess because of it!! I look forward to reading more.

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

I am not sure about paint but I do know if it is not too old of a model you can order replacement handles from the manufacturer.

{Rebecca Fellows} said...

That has been my motto for years! Glad to know I'm not alone. :)

Melissa said...

Great motto, Amanda! They have appliance spray paint, maybe try that? I love the look of a clean outside of the fridge. Then, people automatically assume the inside is clean also... :)

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Love the motto, love the sign for your fridge. I cringed b/c as I was reading your blog, I glanced at the front of my fridge, which is covered with about 467867 kiddie "fridge farm"/princess/Noah's ark/alphabet magnets and a whole bunch of other *stuff.* I desperately need to declutter. :)

Tanya said...

It's so true, less is more. I love the clean, uncluttered look. A clean fridge is the perfect way to start!

Happy Spring!

Unknown said...

Hi! :-)

You've just received the Lemonade award. Stop by my blog to pick it up and show some bloggy love. :)

BTW, I added this to my fridge too. :-)

Stacey said...

Hi Amanda! Here are the instructions I used to make the silhouettes. It is super duper easy! If I can do it ...ANYONE can! Be sure to let me know when you make yours! Also, check out the DYI section of her blog. She has TONS of great ideas.

The Soladay Family said...

Thanks for the comment on my letters! I don't think you need any pointers!!!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Awww, I am feeling the love, girl! ;) Almost fell off of my chair when I read your comment...FUNNY! Wish we loved down the street from each other-our kids could destroy our houses while we drink coffee and chat about crafty stuff and shopping. ;)

Our Complete Family said...

I love the front of my fridge empty, too! But, I have some stuff on the side still~ great minds think alike!
I had a bit of catching up to do on your blog...loved the birdcage. Super cute and such a perfect thing to have out for spring time. Yea for that!
Sorry your show was cancelled. Any word on when a makeup will be held maybe???
Happy weekend ahead wishes hun~ Les

Life with the Lees said...

I love this motto! I hope you don't mind, but I put it up on my fridge too! Clutter is the one thing that I truly struggle with, and if I have a constant reminder around, maybe it will help!

AndreaLeigh said...

you've given me some much needed inspiration. I spent saturday cleaning and decluttering my kitchen. thanks girlie!

Debi said...

I think that the part on your fridge handle that yellowed in plastic right? Krylon makes a wonderful spray paint for plastic... It goes on so smooth and adheres great too!

I have used this on the exterior plastic parts on our RV that had become yellowed from the heat and they look professionally will love it .

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