First of all, let me say that I love all of you so much and miss you terribly when I am away from blogging. I seriously have the BEST bloggy friends EVAH! This last week was basically one of the busiest, most stressful, sob filled, meltdown inducing weeks of my life...thus the absence of blog posts from yours truly. Do you know what got me through this wicked crappy week? First and foremost...looking forward to getting back to my comfy little corner of the blogosphere. And secondly...gifts, presents, happies...as my dear sweet southern belle Mom would say. As if they knew what was going on in my life, I randomly received a few packages in the mail this week from some super sweet, if not intuitive ladies! See that cutie patootie sign up there that reads INSPIRE? Well, that beauty came from a new blogging friend,
Kristal. She has a great little etsy store that just introduced some brand new items. Be sure to stop by her
blog and check out her store...
Grateful Tulip.
Kristal also sent this cute beribboned hairtie for Emma and a personalized bag tag for Ava. How sweet is she???
My friend
Megan at
Little Bella Bean sent these awesome hairclips for the girls too. She even included extra of the teeny tiny clippies because I mentioned that I could not find them anywhere. Again...how sweet is she??? I cannot wait to get a headband to clip that ginormous flower onto so that Ava can wear it. Tomorrow she will be sporting the little flower clippie at church. So. Stinkin. Cute. She also has a PRECIOUS etsy store that you absolutely have to go see. Click
here to go straight there!
And last...but surely not least, I received this beautifully handcrafted tassel from my friend
Mandi. I. Love. It. I mean, come on...it's got all of my favorite things wrapped into one cute package. Birds. Ribbon. Chocolate Brown. Aqua. Furry Trim. She doesn't have an etsy store, but she SHOULD (hint, hint Mandi). My old outdated camera does not do this lovely tassel justice. It is absolutely stunning in real life.
Thank you my dear, sweet, lovely, kind, caring friends...thank you. You seriously made this whole week of utter insanity worth it!
For those of you waiting on pins and needles for that product review of the Shark Steam Mop...give me a couple more days. I am definitely keeping it, which seemed to be the general consensus, but I have yet to get it out of the box. Crazy week people...crazy week.
I finally found out what the mystery gift from hubbs is going to be. The good news is that he actually listened this time and is getting me a laptop. The bad news is that it's on temporary hold, due to the fact that we had to shell out $450 big ones for a brake job on my car this week. Such is life. But, can I tell you how excited ( and lazy) I am to be able to blog while curled up in my bed? Super excited!
You got some great stuff, what wonderful friends you have. That tassel is so, so cute!! I hope you have a better week.
What great gifts! You've got some really great friends!!!
I hope this week will be a better one for you!!!
Girl! I made that tassel especially for you, but I had no idea where you would hang it, and it is PERFECT there! I am so sorry you had a bad week, but so glad your gifts gave you a lift. I love the other gifts you got. Makes me long for those little girls I'll never have. How would a flower look on Connor? :)
so glad your spirits were lifted! your 'happies' are beautiful. (my mom calls them that too:) been one of those weeks here too, hope this next week is just boring, for us both.
such cute gifts! I love the birdie tassel, and the big flower clippie. ADORABLE!
Hi, there, "other" Amanda! ;) Hope your weekend is ending on a good note. We've all had those weeks...I know I have, anyways. That's so exciting about your new laptop. I love being "mobile" in my house. I can check my email one (or twelve) times while the girls play. ;) Love the featured items in today's post!
You got some wonderful things! I hope this week is much better!
Yay for the laptop!
i was wondering where you were all week! i'm so glad you didn't fall off the face of the earth (even if it might've felt like you did:) and that your BACK! very glad all of us "sensed" your need for a little "happy" and that you felt loved. cuz you are.
I'm so glad you back! ANd I love our laptop. It's so great to blog and watch TV!
Well am I glad you're back! Great gifts from people! How nice! I'll be counting the minutes 'til that Shark review. I'm literally off to mop my floors right now--on my hands and knees. :(
What sweet & adorable gifts! I hope this week is much better for you! And how sweet of your hubby to get you a laptop! So sweet!
What beautiful surprises! It should be no surprise that you've got great bloggy friends, because you're such a great bloggy friend yourself!
I got my laptop for Mother's Day last year, and I'm kind of ashamed to admit it, but it's, like, the best present I EVER got. Have fun!!
I'm so sorry you had a bad week! I hope this one is a better one. What cute gifts you got! Love ya girl!
oh my - what great bloggy friends. I am in awe. That is one of the hard things about blogging in my opinion. Someone is gone, and we don't know why, but if I'm a good friend, I should know...but there's no way "to know." Ya know? :)
So sorry your week was so difficult. We're glad that you were encouraged by people who had no idea, but it's those little things that are the big things....loved that - even thru my jealousy. :)
awesome gifts! sorry to hear you've had a hard week. look forward to seeing you post again!
YAY! I like presents too! I am sorry your week was a pill. Eww for having to spend money on the car.
I am so glad you loved the flower and clippies!!! I snagged the type of clips I REALLY wanted to use the other day. Wish I would have had them before I sent yours off! Your will still work of course, it's just easier for the baby to remove! =)
Take care, I hope things improve soon. I'll be praying for you!!!
I hope your week is a better one. Spectacular gifts I must say.
Whoo hoo for a laptop that will be making its way to you one day in the near future!
And, I'm lovin' all the loot you got in the mail this week~ awesome things!
I hope this week is waaaaay better than your last week was!
Happy week ahead wishes~ Les
I am glad things are better for you. A laptop? How awesome! But bummer about the brakes.
We were over at my parents house last night for dinner and we kept talking about the Snuggie! hehehe.
Sorry you had a bad week but glad so many friends thought of you to help your week be not as bad as you think it was.
Love the tassel! I stumbled across your blog and am enjoying it...I grew up in South Miss....I am so needing a trip home right now!
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