Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Big Beautiful Birdcage

So, yesterday was one of those days where you feel like putting your children on e-bay. For cheap! Yes, it was day 1 of our Spring Break. We definitely did not start out on a good note. When my hubby called on his way home from work, he got an ear full. That sweet man came in the door, wrangled all the kids, handed me the check card, and told me to get lost. Never had I heard kinder words! And yes, ladies, I high tailed it out the door before he could change his mind. First stop...Sonic for some much needed caffeine. Second stop...Dollar Tree, where I found some fun new shapes of the wall plaques. Third stop...Hobby Lobby. I LOVE Hob Lob. I went in looking for plate hangers (which I totally forgot to buy). And do you know why I forgot? Because I stumbled upon this baby....
Hello, lover!
And then I saw the sign beneath it that said 50% off. YES, YES, YES (not the When Harry Met Sally Kind of yes, yes, yes...but close)! To top it all off, I had a birthday gift card from my sister burning a hole in my wallet. She knows me so well. Sisters are the greatest!
Now the problem is where to put it. I love it on the piano, but I also hate it. The scale is right, but the colors just don't jive. The stark white with all the browns...not so good. I don't know...maybe it's just me.

So I cleared off the mantle because I thought it would look better with all the white. Ummmm....nope, not so much.

Maybe on top of the armoire? Uh-uh, that's not it either. I'm getting desperate here. I'm starting to convince myself it would look good on the back of the potty, because the colors are perfect in there.
Any suggestions?


Kristina P. said...

You have a lot of cool spots for it. I agree with what you said about it on the piano. What about maybe painting it so it would fit in there with the colors?

Megan said...

what the...your husband handed you the credit card and told you to get lost? wow amazing! i'm a little jealous. love the birdcage

Christine said...

Oh, I can *SO* totally relate! I sure do wish I had've gone shopping with you! Yesterday was also one of those days for me. Several times the allure of going back to work full-time and signing my girls up for daycare crossed my mind! Fleeting thoughts, but still. Luckily, my hubby was a gem as well. He came in, kid-wrangled, and I got to take a shower. alone. Ah, sweet relief! It's amazing how just being clean can change your countenance!

Love the birdcage. If you are really loving it on the piano, why don't you just spray paint it?

Hope you have a super-happy day with the kiddos tomorrow!

Cyndi said...

Very cute bird cage...I love hobby lobby too!! I think it looks great in all three places...Try removing everthing first and then add a few things around it. I know you will make it work.

Shaam said...

Your husband is so nice! You are so lucky! That is a great find! I would just paint it if it really didn't work anywhere.

All the best,

Victoria Hayden said...

I love that birdcage! I might have to go see if there are any left at our Hobby Lobby! I agree that you could paint it, or I think because it is a substantially bigger piece it would look good on your armoire. I like the plate with it, I think you just need some other bigger pieces and layer them. Maybe some kind of sign on the wall behind it? Some big books beneath it to raise it up? I like the blues with it. Add some moss inside the cage and some cute eggs. I even like other elements of wrought iron layered behind. On my blog there is a picture with wrought iron layered behind other items, it adds just enough of a different texture with out it being to heavy. Just some of my thoughts, can't wait to see what you do with it. As for the kids and the first day of Spring Break, ours starts Thursday and the only good thing is I can break away before my husband gets home...my daughter babysits!! Yay for older kids!! I will be at that breaking point in no time though...I have 4 boys! Sending you good wishes and hugs!!


Oh, here is the link for the picture on my blog.


Melissa said...

Hey Amanda~I loved the plates you got at Target~mine were all gone before they even went to 30% off~you scored! I love your bird cage too~I like it on top of the armoire, I think it just needs some different accessories. I love this arrangment that Katie at Harringon house did on top of hers~I put it in my inspiration folder and thought maybe you'd like it: http://harringtonhouse.typepad.com/my_weblog/2008/11/hydrangeas-for-fall.html
Good luck~can't wait to see what you do!

Jess said...

First of all, what a great husband! It's the little things that mean the most right? Secondly, what a great birdcage! I am SURE you will make it work. You're a great inspiration. I couldn't come up with half of the ideas you have!

I am saving up for a steam mop and now I MUST GO to Hobby Lobby THIS weekend.

Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

I have been eyeing those birdcages at Hobby Lobby for weeks! Is it too small to set on the hearth of your fireplace? That was the first idea that came to mind for me.

Also, I love the ribbons on your lamp shades. :)

Kristin said...

I like it between the vases and lamps...my suggestion is to paint it so it will flow better! Love it!

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

Ok - I have three bird cages like that and don't know where to put them either. I have them way up high on my hutch, but when your readers figure out where you should put yours, I'll copy. :)

SarahJarnagin said...

What a cute birdcage! Love it! I agree it looks good on top of the armoir - just needs some accessories.

Sounds like you have a gem of a husband!

Amanda said...

Girl - I feel your pain! What a great hubby you have! And sonic and hobby lobby are the perfect way to fix a terrible day.

I'm having the same prob with white birdcage I just got. I thought I'd put it on my piano, but I'm not sure about the white with the brown. Anyway, I love your new one - it's adorable. And really, I think it looks great on the piano! Maybe I'll go try mine there again.

BTW, I got my speckled eggs at Hob Lob in the easter section. Totally shocked that you don't have some already!

Shannon said...

I think it looks GREAT on the armoire! I love it there.

Unknown said...

I love the bird cage!

Shelly said...

I just spray painted a creamy white birdcage black. I had used it white for years, and had just grown tired of it. I was about to send it to my yardsale pile when I thought about spraying it black. Within 20 minutes of that thought, I had a new treasure! I love it all over again! Get out the spray paint!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

You hit the jackpot, girlie! Love love love that birdcage. I wish we had Hobby Lobby in Virginia, but I always have to wait for our Texas visits to indulge...they have great home decor stuff! Those plates are fabulous, and what a great idea to put those fun things on display on the wall. :)

Thrifty Decor Chick said...

I like the idea of painting it black! I would soooo do that!! I like it on top of the armoire -- and you know what? I think the back of the potty would be cute!! :) Once you throw some moss in there, it'll be golden anywhere.

Nora said...

I so wish we had hobby lobby around here. So sad we don't because everyone always talks about how amazing it is. I love the birdcage. I like it on the piano. If all else fails and that's where it is meant to be you could always spray paint it. If you get tired of that color, just paint white over it again.

lisa@littlesliceoflife said...

I like it on the piano but you're right about the color. What if you painted it a gold-ish color that goes with the ribbon on the lamps?

Anonymous said...

i too like it on the armoire! however, if you would like to change the color up some to go on the piano what about adding a wash? maybe chocolate brown?

Unknown said...

I think it would look great in all of those places, just add some other white to lighten up the accessories! Or paint it a darker color to blend in with what you have. Have fun!

Mandi Shandi said...

I love it, but that is exactly what has stopped me from buying one in the past. I can't figure out where to put it. Keep us posted. I'm sure it will be great when you finish!

A Southern Rose said...

I laughed when I read about you going to Sonic for a caffiene fix! That is totally me and Sonic has the best cokes and sweet tea! My favorite thrift store is just a couple of blocks away from Sonic so thats where I head to next! Thats my 'special' time. I even turn my cellphone on silent so that I can shop in peace! LOL

We don't have a Hobby Lobby here, but when I go to Hattiesburg or Hammond, La. that is one of my 'have to' stops! They have great stuff! My other favorite store is Tj Max! I love that store!

I like your birdcage on top of your armoire. Just keep changing it with different accessories and I'm sure that you will get it just like you want it.

Lee Laurie

Stacey said...

LOVE the birdcage! As you would say...caaaute! I have a birdcage on top of my cabinets in the kitchen. Would that work for you? Let us know where you end up putting it!

Unknown said...

I LOVE the giant bows on your lamps! Did you do those yourself? I think that's just what my tired old lamps need! Thanks for sharing! I like the birdcage on the piano.


CandiShack said...

Hey I just came across your blog! Great ideas... I'm not sure I have suggestions for your birdcage, but I know I'm going to have to go get one myself. :) Question, though... where did you get your lamps from in that first picture with the birdcage? They are adorable! And just the style I'm looking for - for my bedroom. Anyway, if you have time, send me a note. Thanks!
A new fan,

anna said...

i l.o.v.e. the lamps on your piano!!! (i accidently typed piana!) anyway...i'm new to your blog. did you "make" these yourself, or did you find them somewhere?

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