Thursday, February 19, 2009

Oreo Truffle Recipe

(This recipe originally came from my friend Andrealeigh at My Chihuahua Bites! Last night when I posted it I could not remember where I had gotten it from. I was so tired I took the lazy route and hit copy and paste from the original text she used that I had saved to my computer. Sorry for the confusion. Let's give credit where credit is due. I could kiss her face for giving me this recipe. My butt, on the other hand...does not say thank you!)
Since so many of you requested the oreo truffle recipe, I thought I'd put it up for anyone and everyone who might be interested. They are not hard, just a little time consuming. Believe me when I tell you they are worth every single second of effort you put in!!! I'm making a double batch on Saturday for my sister's baby her request. I can hardly wait. I have been craving them since I ran out last Sunday. YUMMO!

Oreo truffles

One package oreos
One bar cream cheese
Chocolate chips

Place the oreos in your food processor and grind them until they they are a fine powder. Add in your cream cheese and let the food processor do the mixing for you. You should mix until you can no longer see any white. Of course, if you don't have a food processor, you can do this by hand. Just place your oreos into a zip lock bag and smash them to bits. Add in the cream cheese and mix by hand.

Roll the mixture into small balls and place in the fridge for one hour.
Melt one package of chocolate (I recommend ghiardelli brand) with 2 tablespoons crisco. I use the microwave, melting in 20 second increments.

Place a toothpick in your balls, and dip quickly into the chocolate. You can also use a fork to roll the ball around, then pick it up and let the chocolate drizzle off before placing it on your baking sheet lined with waxed paper. (Did I skip that part? Line your baking sheet with waxed paper - step 1.) Dipping is an art. The first 15 I did were horrendously ugly, but it just got better after that.Place the dipped balls into the fridge for one hour, and then store. Voila!


  1. You are right about the time consuming. Super, super easy, but the dipping takes a while, and mine always have these super huge bottoms. Sort of like me!

  2. Where were those truffles when I needed them tonight? I was scrounging around looking for something sweet. I ended up settling for hard, Valentine conversation hearts. How is there no chocolate in this house - 4 days after Valentines????



  3. Yum, these are so good! I do have one piece of advice for anyone trying these, DON'T USE DOUBLE STUFF OREOS. The added cream makes them very gooey and harder to work with. Still taste great, though!

  4. I've never had these but *everyone* says they're to die for! I'm afraid to make them...I'd end up eating the whole batch by myself, I'm sure!

  5. Yum! I just might need to go buy some oreos today. I have a serious problem with oreos, they have been banned from my home in the recent past.

  6. Oh I was hoping for this! thank you!


  7. Thanks for the daughter has talked about these before and wanted to make them. We will try them out.

  8. hey girl... i can't find an email for you on your page so feel free to delete this after you read it. did you by chance get the directions from my blog? if so, could you link me? I just ask because the directions are word for word what I wrote here:

    sorry to be a pain... i certainly didn't create the recipe, I know, but that is my text, so....

    hope you understand! andrea

  9. Can't find a email on your blog. SO I will have to leave a comment. Hope that is not too lame!
    YOU WON!!! You won my giveaway!
    HOw excited are you. My 4 picked you out of all the rest! It was very scientific-I put numbers on papers and put them in a jar. YEs-I am that lame!
    Either way-you won! Yea!
    Just shoot me an email
    with your address and info and I will get this shipped out as soon as I can!
    Have a happy day!

  10. These are so good. We have them at almost every baby shower our connection group has! :)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Your blog is KILLIN' my diet as of late! No, seriously it all looks DELICIOUS. Thanks for sharing!

  13. I can't wait to try them, my lips will thank you but my hips...well, that's another story!

  14. Anytime you have oreos, chocolate & crisco in a recipe you know it's gonna be YUMMY!

  15. My sister did this same post today. Those lil darlings rock! Not that she ever brought me any,darn it!
    I bought that pineapple years ago at a garden center....thanks~

  16. no worries, chica! thanks for the link.

  17. I actually thought this recipe was fast and easy! It's been all over blog-land for years! :) Lovely though, isn't it? :)

  18. Just found you and the oreo Truffles... can't wait to try them.. Daughter is having an op next week and this might just be a good pick me upper.. Thanks !


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