Sunday, February 22, 2009

I'm a Horrible Wife!

Ok, I'm just gonna put it out there. I had little to no confidence in my hubby that he would pony up a gift for my birthday today. Let's just say...we've had a rough week. So, last night as I was perusing the endcaps at my beloved Tar-Jay and contemplating the 90% off valentine's stuff I needed none of...What did I spy with my little eye?

The Shark Steam Mop

I believe I professed my love for this wonder of all wonders a while back. I have been daydreaming about it for quite some time. But, alas, it's a little spendy for me and my frugal self. So I said...self, let's live on the edge...let's make a total impulse purchase and not feel bad about it...whattayathink? Self gave me her permission and in no time flat I had purchased this baby and we were feeling NO guilt.

That is, until today. I'm having a wee bit of buyer's remorse. I have yet to take it out of the box, for fear of ruining my chances of returning it. And to top it all off, the hubbs pulled through. At least I think he did. He ordered me something. Something that I apparently asked for and wanted real bad. I have no clue what it could be, but he seems pretty excited about it. This man doesn't get real excited about much, so I am totally on pins and needles. problem is this : I feel bad for spending all that green on myself thinking that I was being all big and bad and buying myself my own stinkin birthday present 'cause I was having a pity party. I doubted the MAN. And he knows it. I told him I was going to take back the steam mop. He laughed, and hugged me, and told me to keep it and enjoy my sanitized floors. I still feel bad.

What should I do? Help a girl out....


  1. Keep it!!! How often do you do an impulse buy?! It's ok every once in a while!

  2. Girlfriend keep it!!! It's not like it's something that isn't for the whole house right??? lol...KEEP IT!!! And HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    P.S. I'd love to hear how much you LOVE it once you've used it. I want one as well1 :)

  3. I say keep it and enjoy your super clean floors! ;)

  4. If you want it, you don't usually do this and you don't have to eat top ramen for a month to pay for it, keep it!

    Or if you really can't talk yourself into keeping it, take it back and put a little bit of the money you get from it away in a jar. Do the same thing every week until you can buy it guilt free with the money in your jar!

  5. Happy Birthday to you!!!!!! I got this a while back for our hard floors and hated it -- it left streaks everywhere and DROVE ME NUTS. If you are using it on tile or linoleum (sp?) it should work great so KEEP IT. :)

  6. I say keep it! It's already in your house. C'mon - you know you want to! And Happy Birthday!

  7. Keep it! It's something you will use for your family.

  8. If he told you to keep it - KEEP IT!!! Happy Birthday Amanda! Love you!

  9. Happy Birthday! Keep it! My mom bought one and loves it!

  10. You keep it and don't feel bad!! A cleaning tool you use for the house is NOT a gift for YOU. It's a necessary item the whole family benefits from. Phooey on making it a birthday gift!!

  11. I've met this man of few words--and if he said keep it--then it looks like you are the proud new owner of a Shark Steam mop. Can I borrow it sometime? Happy birthday!!

  12. yey! happy birthday!! if your hubby said to keep it, i would. of course you could review it for all of us in blogland and it would be a business expense:)

  13. If you discussed it with him and he said keep it, keep it! As long as it fits in your finances, why not? It isn't a totally impractical purchase... it's a mop! Useful!

    Although I will be a bit of a bummer and tell you I hate mine. I just don't find it cleans as well as a traditional mop, in my opinion. If you are on the fence, maybe you could take it back and get some shoes!!

  14. Happy Birthday. Oh...I did about the same thing a couple weeks ago, and bought a SLICE. It was way more than I ususally spend on self, and it doesn't even work!!!
    HOWEVER...I do have a "Monster" steam floor cleaner, and I love it.
    If your husband says it's fine, then it just might be that....
    Have a good day.

  15. Today is a very big day in the Where’s Wenda? Contest. I am visiting all of the SITS followers. Can I do it? There are around 1000 followers. Oh my! Better grab my cup of coffee and get on my way. Be sure to visit Hot Chocolate Caramel Mocha and Three Bay B Chicks as part of your contest entry.


  16. Keep it! Now I want one too!

    Hope you have a Happy Birthday!

  17. Keep it for sure! It's not like it's a gift that's just for YOU, right? It's a household gift :)

    Happy Birthday to you!

  18. Happy Birthday Girl! Are you 21 now :) Whatever the age you look great! About the mop, I know the scenario. Just give it away on your blog, but don't tell anyone else and I will win it because I have been wanting one of those fabulous steam mops since Christmas. Okay, nuff teasing. KEEP IT! You will use it, if your kids are anything like mine, and your wonderful hubby said it was okay so forget the remorse. It is really for the whole family anyway. Everyone will enjoy those clean floors.

  19. Oh, I am SO with ya, girl. My husband isn't too good at the gift thing either. I end up telling him exactly what to buy me, or just go and buy it myself. I say keep it the mop! I'm sure that you don't spend money on yourself very often, and it's not like you bought some diamond earrings or something, it's a MOP for goodness sake! That benefits everyone! :)

  20. Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY my blog friend! I wish I could take you out for lunch IRL. I think we'd have a blast.

  21. Sounds like he is fine with you keeping it so go for it. When is/was your b-day? If I missed it Happy B-day if you told us what it was in this post sorry, I am tired :)

    On a side note: While my sis was on bedrest I helped her clean and she has one. It worked well on her hard wood. I saw that a previous poster didn't think that it did so maybe it depends on the type of wood or something but I thought it was great.

  22. Happy Birthday! I agree with everyone else!
    keep it!!! I'd like to know too if you love it. I'm seriously contemplating getting one, my floors are killing me!

  23. Happy Birthday!

    You have to keep it! Consider it blog research. You must keep it and use it so that you may share your review with your wonderful readers and we can then make an executive decision and buy one ourselves! :-)
    All in the name of blogging I tell you!! :)

  24. Keep it! Especially if he told you too. :)

    I can't wait to see what he bought you!

  25. Keep it, it really benefits everyone right?? ;)

    Happy Birthday!!!

  26. Since the Man is good with it, I'd keep it.

    Happy Birthday, I can't wait to see what your real present is.

  27. Keep it! Who says you can't get a present form your hubby *and* from yourself?!

  28. Awww my birthday was last week. My hubby is also not one I'd expect a gift from. He's an amazing husband in every other aspect and a rockin father so I can't complain ... but I will and I definitely threw a pity party the night before ... LOL ... I've definitely bought my own gifts and gone overboard (um, grudge much? hahaha)but this year he pulled through too! Anyway, I'd say keep it. It's for the house and you already bought it ... so go mop those floors to perfection. It's okay!!! (You're doing your family a favor! heehee) Us moms are too hard on ourselves.

  29. Happy Birthday!!!

    I would hold onto it for a week without opening and then re-evaluate if you really want it or not. I do that all the time and end up taking back about half of everything.

  30. First off let me say...Happy Late Birthday! are so darn cute! Oh how we other wife's can relate!
    Keep your mop! Think of how clean you can keep your house and keep your family from getting sick..therefore saving money on doctor bills and medicine.

    I will give you some advice on the mop. Take the Target one back and go buy one at Sear's and buy the protection agreement with it. I think it is like an extra $15 or so. I purchased one from Sears and didn't buy the protection agreement and BROKE it. I think I pushed down too hard on it and being that it is made of plastic it snapped in two. My DH was nice enough to let me buy another (because I LOVE my mop) but this time I bought the protection agreement and if it breaks I get another one for free. I have had this second one for about a year now and have not had any problems with it.
    Can't wait to hear what your DH is doing for you! =)

  31. Happy Birthday. I wsay, if he told you to keep it, and it's not something he's going to hold over you. Enjoy it!

  32. I don't know how many times I have done something like that before. I say keep it, especially if your hubby says it's ok. I would love one of those too!

  33. Well, I have one and love it! I bought mine at Sams for the same price, but it also included the handheld steamer too. Just a heads up.

  34. Go ahead & keep it! He said it was okay. Happy Birthday! (btw, hubby sounds like a nice guy)

  35. Happy Birthday to you:) Of course you keep it, it's not a birthday gift, but a household cleaning tool. No justification needed!!! Did you get hubby's gift yet? We're dying to know!!! P.S. Doesn't buyers remorse SUCK!!

  36. Nice to meet you too!

    Hehehehe. I feel the same way that we are punished when they are grounded. My daughter just got off from being grounded for 3 weeks. I thought I was the one that was going to go insane from it.

    On the mop, go to Target's website and print off what they have on there, make sure your print out includes the model number and price. Sear's will price match it if theirs is higher. =)

  37. Well now, that sounds a little bit like my life! :) I'm with everyone else and I say keep it. If your husband is anything like mine he would prefer to get you a "practical" gift anyway. And what could be more practical than a cleaning tool! Happy B-Day. :)

  38. I do the same thing! I say keep it! It's not like it is a totally selfish present. It is something you can use to clean the house. So everyone benefits from it!

    Your hubby sounds like a great guy. I bet he won't mind!


  39. I say keep it for sure! I used my friends and I thought it was great! So easy to use and you would not believe the dirt this picks up off of your floor! And I thought mine wasn't that bad!

  40. Just to prove how selfish I am, I say keep it because I want to know how much you love/hate it!! It's your birthday; you deserve it!!! NOW, go give us a product review on it! :)

  41. Ironic, since I just sent my hubby to BB&B to pick up The Shark. I've been wanting one for a while, and just had to get it after a girlfriend raved about it the other day. She said she no longer minds mopping b/c The Shark makes it so darn easy. So I say KEEP IT! :) Cute blog, BTW.

  42. Package it up and send it to me. :) I want one of those bad boys sooooooo bad. Hehe, if you don't want to do that, I'd keep it. Really. Just enjoy it. And girl, Happy Belated Birthday!!!!!!

  43. Girlfriend, if he said keep it I would enjoy my nice clean floors. By the way my mom has this steam mop and lovesssss it.

  44. You and I must be kindred spirits with our doubt of our husbands and our visions of Wal-Mart and all. ;) I say keep it! It will help you with your housework, which the hubs will then get to's a win win situation, really. Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day. I added you to my blog roll so I can keep up with all the creativity going on at your place--I need all the help I can get! ;)

  45. You and I must be kindred spirits with our doubt of our husbands and our visions of Wal-Mart and all. ;) I say keep it! It will help you with your housework, which the hubs will then get to's a win win situation, really. Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day. I added you to my blog roll so I can keep up with all the creativity going on at your place--I need all the help I can get! ;)

  46. I would so keep it and enjoy both birthday presents. Enjoyed you blog~

  47. ok-did you really need to even ask? Every woman who comments on here is going to tell you to keep it. Who's floors are you cleaning? The real present would be if someone else would use the thing to make your floors shine! Right?
    Keep it babe-you deserve it!
    Happy Birthday! Wish I lived closer-I would come and get you and we would do lunch!

  48. After looking what Sarah has to say I would suggest you return and save that money for something more special.

  49. KEEP IT!! I just got one a couple of weeks ago and I LOVE it! You will not regret it. It makes mopping fun (if that is even possible). Enjoy!

  50. I can't be rational here...I want the Shark too!!!!

    M ^..^

  51. Keep it. and he better come through with the present.

    Happy Birthday! a little late.


  52. I say keep the mop! You wouldn't want your family walking around on unsanitized floors would you??? That is sweet that he came through though, sometimes men (husbands) are so unpredictable!

  53. You are so funny girl!
    If you do keep it, let us know how it works on hardwood if that is part of where you'll use it. I've been wondering and you might could be my guinea pig?!? ;)
    Happy bday!!! Les

  54. ok - I have been chuckling about this all week and want to know what you decided...come on! :)

  55. Keep the darn thing and enjoy it. First of all, it has a cord. No gifts with a cord unless specifically asked for. Isn't that the first thing they teach them in "Husband 101"? Don't think of it as a gift for yourself. It is a household cleaning tool. Just like buying a new broom or mop. Something that yes, will make your JOB a little easier. I can't wait to hear what your hubby came up with.

  56. Hey Manda!
    It's Bethronica ;) Just stoppping by to let you see my new blog addy. come by and show me some love! and continue to share those pointers with me!

  57. I've got to be one the ball with blogging, I made the resolve to blog for Lent, and by golly, I have to do it. Especially when my old bishops wife is calling me on it, sheesh.

  58. Keep it I say! It belongs to the upkeep of the house for future value...just think of it that way. See no problem then!

  59. Love your blog...I just stumbled upon it! Keep the supplies do not count as birthday presents! The way I see it, you were trying to regain your title of Best Wife by giving him some clean floors!

    P.S. I don't have a shark, but I do have a steam cleaner and you WON'T regret it! The floors actually feel clean, not like they have cleaner residue on them! Enjoy!

  60. Keep it! It does an awesome job. I wouldn't go without one now.


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