Oh, how I love winter! Sweaters, scarves, boots, gloves, snuggling by the fire, and hot cocoa! The temperatures have definitely dropped here in south Mississippi, and I am one happy girl...I LOVE it! Plus, I can get out my "cocoa motion" machine and have hot cocoa on hand all day long. My nine year old son has been begging me to make him some for at least 2 months. I just couldn't bring myself to break out the hot cocoa till it was at least a little cold. Last night it got down to about 28 degrees, so I felt fairly comfortable getting it out. See that cute silver tin of mint hot chocolate? I got about 12 of them last year at Target for 32 cents. Having paid almost $4 all season long, I had to buy all they had. I wish I had 20 cans of it....mmmmmm, so good!
So, I've seen a lot of variations on the hairbow holder out there in blogland. I thought I'd try one myself. The wood plaque was 1.97 at Wal-Mart, the butterfly 47 cents, the ribbon 2.97, and the paint 67 cents. All I did was give the little board 2 or 3 coats of apple green, hot glue the butterfly and the ribbon on .....and whala, a cute bow holder. I obviously didn't make my ribbon strands long enough because I have a whole gallon size ziploc full of more bows. I have 2 girls, you can never have too may bows! Hey, it's a good excuse to make another one.
I like it, but somethings missing...I'm not sure what. My next one will be way cuter, maybe an initial instead of a board. What do ya'll think?
p.s. With the leftover ribbon I tied bows around the lampshades on my buffet...precious! And around two red candles. I HEART ribbon. Like the snowman obsession, I think I have an unhealthy attachment to ribbon. I have bags, yes bags, of it. It's not just for hairbows. I use it to wrap presents, wrap candles, wrap lampshades, as a runner on a tablecloth, on bulletin boards, on curtains...the list could go on and on. I think all of my quirks are being made very apparent on this blog. It's quite liberating just givin' it all up and laying it out on the table for everyone to see! Love it or leave it...that's me!
Cute idea for ribbon organizing. We have a cocoa motion too. They are the best!
I think the bow holder is perfect. Really cute!
I NEED a cocoa motion... be still my heart!
Very cute bow holder!!
I like it! What if when you do the next one, you do three rows of ribbon and the middle be pink? Very cute!
That is adorable! I guess if you think something is missing, I'd add some kind of pink to it. Maybe either to do a pink border to make it look like a frame or maybe pink polka dots around the butterfly.
Initials are cute, I've seen those done before. My daughter has a big flower one with one strand of ribbon. She also has a Bambino Ballerina holder, but we don't use it for bows. She uses it for a wall decoration.
super cute!
i love ribbon too. i put it everywhere... buttons are my current obsession, though!
i'm wondering if you could mod podge some cute paper to the background for one in the future.. that would be so cute.
Amanda - thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving such a heart felt comment!
I am so in need of the cocoa motion machine. I have googled and couldn't find one. It has not become my quest, hot chocolate ALL DAY LONG! whew, if that isn't something to give thanks for I don't know what is!
Love the bow make your made! fabulous idea and oh so cute! I look forward to following along here!
I love the ribbon holder and oh, that hot chocolate machine is super fabulous. Too bad I live in California and it is too hot for anything of the sort! Your christmas stuff has me in the mood to decorate!!
Great idea for the bow holder! I have one that I bought, but have way too many bows for it. I need to make new ones. Thanks for the instructions! As for it needing something...I would work on more contrast between the background and the figure. The paper idea from the previous commenter would be good. Or you could paint a lighter color (white, pink, etc.) and use the green for a border or polka dots or something like that.
I love the idea of the cocoa machine. Where do you find those???
I heart coco also. I love the ribbion holder! So cute. I was thining some rhinestones would be ultra cute in a polka dot fashion on the green backing. I like it just the way it is though.
Cute, cute, cute blog site! I love your decorating style and can get a lot of great ideas from you. Happy HolidayS!!!!! LOL!
I just stumbled across your blog, and I wanted to tell you that I LOVE your "about me" paragraph. My blog is based on the same idea - trying to rid myself of perfectionism. :)
By the way, your ribbon holder is cute too.
Thank you for all the lovely comments and super ideas to spice up the bow holder. Many of you want to know where to get the cocoa machine. I got mine from Bed, Bath, and Beyond last year, but I'm pretty sure they still have them. I think they are now called Cocoa Lattes, but some are called Cocoa Motions. They're 39.99, but you gotta use a 20% off coupon that comes in the mail ALL the time. Soooooooo worth every penny of my sister's money. She got my name for Christmas last year, and gave me THE best present evah! Addicting, I tell ya. I even took it on our anniversary trip this past weekend. Hot cocoa on demand.....mmmmmmmm!
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