Friday, August 27, 2010

Laundry Room Mini Makeover

You know how right before a party or get together at your home, you're scrambling to clean and make everything look just so? Well, if you're a crazy person like me, you're also finding absolutely unneccessary things to do as well! Like give your tiny inconsequential laundry room a mini makeover minutes before your guests arrive. Yeah, that would be me! First I cleared off all the crap that was covering every single surface of my dryer, so I could start with a nice clean slate. Already I could breathe easier. Then I asked myself....."Self, why didn't you do this ages ago?"

My goal was to use things I already had on hand.....nothing new. I remembered this mirror I'd found at Ross months ago for less than $7. It wasn't exactly the right color, but I knew I could fix that. Unfortunately it's been sitting in the closet, until now, waiting to be given a makeover.The glossy white paint really transformed it.....I love it!

I stuck it on top of my $3 yard sale cabinet. Then I added a giant vinyl monogram to the front.

Here's another item that's been sitting un-used in the closet. I bought this giant glass jar at Walmart ages ago and never really used it. Now I know it's the perfect size to hold my extra large box of laundry detergent. The little white melamine cup was from my Grandma's kitchen and I think of her everytime I do laundry now. I put dryer sheets in the other glass jar and covered some old books with scrapbook paper for a bit of pattern. The acrylic lamp I found at Goodwill. Yet again another thing I love that has sat useless. I'm so glad I decided to makeover my laundry room on the fly so that I could give all of these things I love a good home with a purpose!

The cabinets above the washer and dryer get to hold some of my thrift store/yard sale treasures. And I hung some pocket files on the wall to hold incoming and outgoing paperwork. For zero dollars I'm pretty happy with the way this tiny room turned out. I actually smile when I go in there to do laundry now. It is such a change from how it was before.....cluttered and chaotic. Now it feels calm and serene. My neice came over the other night and the first thing she said when she saw it was........."Now THIS is the only way laundry should be done!" She is so right, I have to agree with her on this one. Thanks Hannah......that made my day.


Kristina P. said...

Your laundry room is nicer than any of the other rooms in my house!

All That Glitters said...

Looks gorgeous! So fresh and clean!!! I kind alike it when people come to my house! That means I really clean it GOOD! lol!

Jen @ said...

So cute!! I am in the middle of my laundry room makeover and it is taking forever!

I love those plates on top of your cabinets - such a good idea. And the sunburst and big letter are so cute!

Good job my cute friend!


Paula@SweetPea said...

I'd love to have a pretty laundry area like yours. Mine is straight out of the 1970's! Your sunburst mirror looks great over your monogrammed cabinet. I also love your white pieces on top of your cabinet.

Suburban Stitcher said...

beautiful! You did a fantastic job.

Brooke said...

It looks great! I do the exact same thing when I'm having company- I'll organize a closet or something...makes me feel better? Ha! My husband laughs about it:) Now, you are making me want to put a lamp in my laundry room!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

The price is right, girl. ;) I love that you did this adorable makeover by using what you had at home. The cup for measuring detergent is so cute! How cool that it also has special significance. :) Great job!

Christine said...

Your laundry room is fabulous!

the thrifty ba said...

makes me actually want to do laundry!

Anonymous said...

no, I'm not weird but I love pulling your blog page and seeing something new. I work so many long hours so when I'm home I love to "re-decorate" my husband just watches me :)....keep up with your great ideas :)

Heather Henderson said...

hey whatever gets you motivated - it looks amazing!

Katie said...

Almost too beautiful to do dirty laundry in!! And I just love that container for the detergent -- much prettier than the ugly cartons!

Michelle said...

Your laundry room is AWESOME and I just love it! I'm really struggling with what to do with our laundry "area" in the basement...I absolutely hate it (as well as the dreadful chore of actually doing laundry)! I've always had laundry rooms before moving to this house so I've got to get really creative with this basement challenge :)

Unknown said...

I do the same thing when I have people coming over. I always say I should have people over once a month and my house would stay really clean. Your laundry looks great, sometimes we just need that little motivation.

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

When I put the laundry room on my list of rooms to clean weekly, it made the biggest difference. Why didn't I think of that so long ago? Now it doesn't get cluttered and I don't always have to shut the door. Your room looks great!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Great ideas! I totally agree with you. When we redid the part of our house that included the laundry room I made sure to make it pretty from the start.

Anonymous said...

wow, such great ideas for home decor, i just liked them too much - this is what i believe true home decor is, i really liked the cabinet styles and designs

Jill said...

Love love love it! Promise us all next time you do a room makeover that you'll take a before photo and post that too!
You'll be happy to know that I hung a sheer swag above my soaking tub this morning while doing my hair at the same time, with about 10 minutes of total time to get ready.

I am so guilty of redecorating when I have zero time to do it.

Carol said...

This room makes doing laundry look GOOD!


Mel said...

So nice! This is the prettiest laundry room I have seen!
Mine is such a disaster right now. Something to aspire to...
Thanks for sharing.

Kathy@DandelionsandDustBunnies said...

I wish I even had a laundry room to make over, but yours looks fantastic. I love that great big "S" you put on your cupboard. Easy personalization. Love the starbust too. Very inspiring.

heather {WhipperBerry} said...

So fun, I love it!!

Heather @ WhipperBerry

Amy R. said...

Okay, now I am inspired to declutter mine. I have been meaning to go through that "junk" for months! Looks great and serene!

nina@themissadventuresofnina said...

I'm loving this mirror. The entire place looks awesom. I would have done a photo shoot with me on top of the washer..."yeah, baby" LOL

Nicole said...

Looks great! I so wish I had a laundry room! I have a laundry closet...

Cara@TheSheetBoutique said...

Ooh La La... this inspires me to tackle my laundry room! Yours is lovely.

Jana said...

This is so clever! Sounds like something I would do. I love redecorating before company comes. I even venture out to fix the landscaping!

Karie said...

Your laundry room is darling. I can't believe all you gals that have such cute laundry room. Thanks for sharing.

Rebecca said...

LOVE IT. Lady- you have a gift!

hannahshirley said...

You have perfected so many things.
You are the epitome of a beautiful woman. I'm bringing my laundry over. Love yah skank.

Nikki Painter said...

check out this fabric!

Julie said...

I'm just jeleous that you have a laundry looks amazing too!

One day I will have one:)

Jami said...

I would go in THAT room to relax! It's gorgeous! Nice job!

Anonymous said...

I so do these kinds of projects before people come over! Haha! But, I think yours turned out cuter than any of mine! :) I LOVE the idea of using that big jar for laundry detergent! It actually makes the detergent look beautiful :) I love everything you did here! I'm so glad I found your blog!

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

This is beautiful. I love a laundry room makeover. Great job!!

Stephanie said...

Amanda, I don't know how I missed this! It is really inspiring to see how you shopped your house and made such a nice inviting space. I love the cup of your grandmothers, that is so sweet.

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Just wanted to let you know that I featured your post today for Weekend Bloggy Reading. :)

Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

CA-UTE! Love the sunburst mirror. I wish my laundry room could be this cute but alas it's in my dungeon.

Unknown said...

Oh My now this is a nice makeover and a budget of $0...well that is awesome! Now I think I might have to go see what I can do to mine. Thanks for sharing. I'm looking forward to delving deeper into your blog!

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