Monday, February 1, 2010

Trapped in My Own Home!

This afternoon started out innocently enough. A school project sprung on me at the last minute, a quick trip to Grandma and Gramp's house for supplies, and a drive thru dinner. I thought we could do all this, zip home, get all the crap out of the car, throw the girls in bed, and get to work on the project. And hopefully leave myself enough time to blog about a quick project of my own. Easy problem.....or so I thought. After making at least 5 trips in and out of the house unloading the car, we locked it, shut the doors, and came in to get the girls ready for bed. My middle son went to look for my phone to call a friend from his class to get some more info on the project that's due tomorrow. He yelled down the hall that he couldn't find it anywhere. Well,'s where it always my purse, in the laundry room. No mom, it's not there. Well of course it has to be! Guess what? It wasn't there. No purse. No keys. No phone. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Breathe I told myself, don't freak out self. So I calmly put the girls to bed and did a lot of deep breathing and counting. It didn't help much, by the way, but I did it just the same. Finished that task, went to the neighbors to use their phone, called my insurance for a locksmith, and waited. But not for long, because then they call and tell me my debit card expired today and it won't go through. Did I mention that the extra key is in Georgia 10 hours away with my husband??? Yeah...lovely!

This is the story of my life. Have you ever been so overwhelmed and distracted that you do the silliest things that turn out to be the hugest hassle ever? Or is it just me? Here's hoping for a good night's sleep, a better day tomorrow, and hopefully a solution to my problem. Oh...and thank goodness my kids ride the school bus or we'd be up crap creek (even deeper than we already are)!


  1. Oh my gosh Amanda!

    This happened to me like 2 weeks ago! My husband was in Toronto, I got home to get my kids for piano lessons, the car locked and the keys were inside!

    I am so sorry! I had to have the locksmith come out to get my keys and purse out too. That is no fun. I hope you have a better day tomorrow!


  2. I thought I was having a bad day. One with stomach flu, me starting to feel the same way, over 2000 spam comments on my blog (taking hours to get off) and all the kids to the dentist. But yours was way worse. I'm so sorry. Here's to a better day tomorrow for the both of us.

  3. Oh no! I hope your kids don't miss the bus tomorrow! Hoping tomorrow is a better day for you!

  4. sorry to hear that...what a hassle.

  5. I hope today is a better day! I also hope that the locksmith doesn't charge you an arm and a leg to open your car.

  6. the good thing it-it can only get better!
    best wishes to you!

  7. Oh no! I hope things get straightened out this morning!

  8. Bless Your Heart! Don't feel bad. We've all been there. I was putting my little one in the car one time (she was 2) and she grabbed my keys and was playing with them. I shut the door to go around to get in and she locked the door with the alarm on. So, here we sit in Target parking lot with her locked in the car IN HER CARSEAT and me freakin' out in the parking lot. UGH!

    I'm sure today will be a good day Amanda!

  9. Since I have become a mother things like this happen ALL to often!! Just last week I tried to take the kids to a museum..spent 2 hours walking around trying to find it! When I did the kids were wet and tired so I passed on it in return losing my cell phone there! A big mess I cried then I laugh now

  10. Oh boy! One of those days. If you can do it, the best thing is to hide somewhere until it's over. If you can't do that, then avoid handling sharp objects or anything else that might cause harm to you or others!

  11. i'm so sorry, I hope you are able to find a way into your car!!

  12. Oh Amanda, my prayers are with you that your week unravels itself & keep you sane. Blessings!

  13. All. the. time. Sending hugs, from one frazzled mama to another. :)

  14. Uh, yes. I sat down over the weekend to get our tax stuff together for the accountant (we're self employed). I was sure I had everything in the computer, but couldn't find what I needed. Guess what? I had not put in a single solitary item for tax purposes for all of last year! And I had end of month to do yesterday! I can't tell you how flat my rear is from sitting in front of the computer all day--and I get to do it again today!

  15. oh wow!
    i sure hope today is much better for you!
    many blessings!

  16. Just when you think you have your day perfectly planned out. It's got to be hard too, not having hubby available. Hope you get it unlocked today.

  17. YES!!! Story of my life! But then, you'd know that by almost ANY post on my blog. ;) Nothing is simple... even with all the semi-homemade living we do!
    Hugs, girly! Thanks for your great blog - I love reading it, it's such a pick up!

  18. So, obviously, by now you've figured out that you are not alone! When I am overwhelmed and totally stressed to the brink (and usually when I haven't figured that out yet) is when I do some of the dumbest things that have the biggest consequences that send me right over the proverbial edge!

    I need to learn to live more simply and in the moment - instead of always rushing to the next moment. Hope you got everything figured out! Simply

  19. Been there, done that.

    Locked the keys in the car when my daughter was a baby. With her IN the car. In the middle of summer. Talk about a panic attack! Fortunately I'd left the window down about 2" and some kind soul, surely an angel in disguise, was able to jimmy the lock open.

    Here's hoping things improve and you can look back on this and laugh one day!

  20. Bless your heart. Bless your sweet little heart.

    You are feeling overwhelmed, and I am so sorry. I know you must be exhausted. But you are not actually overwhelmed. You are making it--by the grace of God and sometimes by the skin of your teeth, but you are making it. I admire you for how well you're coping.

    You're my hero! You're amazing! You're Imperfectly Beautiful. :)

  21. Yep. When my two year old is having a whine about everything day, I seriously can't keep it together!

    Does counting really help anyone? I still try it anyway, too.

  22. "Have you ever been so overwhelmed and distracted that you do the silliest things that turn out to be the hugest hassle ever?"

    Um, yes. Every. Single. Day. Working full time while juggling 3 kids and a husband always makes the smallest snafus into huge hassles. Somedays I think I could use a Xanax or five! Thankfully my husband is considerably less high strung than me, so it works out!

  23. story of my life! so I guess no chick fil a???!! ;)

  24. Unbelievable. When you think nothing else can go wrong . . .

  25. WOWza, what a day! There's nothing worse than being trapped in the house!

  26. I've heard that if you have a second wireless unlocker-button, you can push it next to a cell phone, next to the car and it will unlock. The signal travels through the phone waves. If your hubby had the second remote!

  27. Bummer!! Go to walmart and have 5 keys made today!!

  28. I really am sorry you had a rough night, but I can't help but giggle for you...I mean, that is so something I would do!! As if we needed any help to remind us that we are human I hope today was much better for you.


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