Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Chalkboard Clipboards

This project combined some of my all time favorite things...chalkboard paint, a clipboard, my cricut, a sheet of vinyl, labels, and lists!

I took a 99 cent clipboard from Walmart and painted both front and back with chalkboard paint. I taped off the clip part so I wouldn't have to worry about getting paint on it. After letting it cure for a day, it was ready for showtime. I used my Cricut (home decor cartridge) to cut the cute label in white vinyl. Then I cut each child's name in black vinyl to put on the label. For now the plan is to have a clipboard each, for everyone's chores, schedules, reminders, homework, etc. Pretty much whatever purpose we need it to serve from day to day. And that's the beauty of a can erase it at the end of the day and start over. I think we'll take them in the car on long trips as busy boards. My little girls would love that!!! In fact, I'll probably have a hard time keeping this personalized chalkboard away from Emma. She is really into drawing and writing her name right now. When my boys were 4 they has absolutely no interest whatsoever in writing their name. This girl, on the other hand, asked me right before Christmas if she could learn to "draw" her name. My sister made her a book of personalized practice writing sheets and she promptly taught herself how to write her name! I was completely amazed, and felt slightly guilty that I'm not giving her enough stimulation. That little brain of hers is always working and apparently needs constant feeding! I'm gonna have to step it up, right?

Oh.....and by the way.....we're not trapped anymore. Thanks to all of you for your kind comments and understanding. It was so nice to know that I'm not the only on who does silly things like that! A friend of a friend of a friend sent her dad, who just happens to be a locksmith and lives right down the street, and he unlocked my car. He was so unbelievably kind. He knew my husband was in the military and asked about him and how we were doing. And he absolutely refused to take one penny from me. He was my angel yesterday. We will definitely be making some cookies to deliver! An hour after he unlocked my car, my boys got home from school. My middle son told me he'd been sick all day and begged me to take him to the doctor. So we loaded everybody up and went to the doctor. Turns out he has tonsillitis. One crisis averted.....on to the next! I was just glad I had a way to get him there. Focus on the positive, right?

When we got home last night, my sickie kid made me this little treasure. It's a napkin holder made out of could I not love this? In all the craziness and chaos that is our life, there are these moments. The moments that make me stop and smile. The moments that make me realize how blessed I am. The priceless moments that make it all worthwhile.


  1. What a great idea, I love that each child has their own chalkboard/clipboard.

    Love the Lego napking holder, how sweet is that? You are blessed.

  2. It even has wheels so you can slide it across the table if someone needs a napkin! ;) What a sweetheart! :)

  3. So cute Amanda! I love that idea. I definitely need help organizing all of the papers and things that come in for the kids.

    What a cute son you have! Is he the one that is sick? I hope he is feeling better! I'm glad you aren't trapped anymore!

    I almost locked my keys in the car again today. You would think I would learn!


  4. That is so stinkin' cute! I have got to get me some chalkboard paint and apparently I'm gonna need one of those Cricut thingees too.

    What a sweet boy you have. Sure hope he feels better soon!

  5. This is such a neat idea for your kids!


  6. Love the chalkboard idea. That paint must be very handy for so many things!

  7. Love your new and improved clipboard. What a great idea.

  8. I love this! I need to make one for my little boy! I want a cricut so badly.

    Lee Laurie

  9. It turned out great! I love the little vinyl sticker.

    I hope your little one is feeling better soon. Don't you love lego creations. We have them all over. :)


  10. I think your week turned around, Amanda! Love the chalkboard and I love the design you did on the label. Great idea to put the kids' names on them, too.

  11. I just got teary-eyed at the end. I love when God throws those wonderful Blessing into our lives, just as a reminder that He is there and He loves us!

    BTW, CUTE clip boards!

  12. I love your chalkboards! But I really love your napkin holder!! What a great guy you've got!

    And, girlfriend, I think you're doing a great job of providing stimulation for Emma. Seeing her mom create wonderful things is excellent food for her mind, if you ask me!

  13. I love this idea! I need to do it for my kids. I also love that your son made you the lego napkin holder, how precious!

  14. too cute. Love the clipboard chalkboard. I would have never thought of putting the two together. Very clever!




  16. Love the chalkboard idea! How old is your Emma? My Emma will be 3 next month and we started practicing her name this morning. She is really into it. She is young but LOVES to draw (just like her mom)!

    Your new napkin holder looks PERFECT in your kitchen. How sweet!

    Sorry I have been MIA lately. I have been by but have been rushed so I haven't left a note. Your bedroom is looking gorgeous, those pillows are perfection!

    Best wishes,

  17. Love the clipboard! I did some for my kids with mod podge and hand notes on them. :)

  18. That is a seriously cute clipboard. I'm totally going to have to steal the idea!

  19. Very nice, she's a lucky little girl. Looks like you have a mini reuser on your hands-nice napkin holder.

  20. Love the napkin holder! ...creativity runs in the family. It is the small things that make ya smile.

  21. You my friend, are a genius. Straight up genius. Chalkboard clipboards. Seriously, in awe.

  22. Amanda, my friend, your posts are so sweet and uplifting! You can see the positive in a situation, and that is a gift. Bless you girl!

  23. LOVE this idea. So many uses. And not just for kids. Great thinking! Thanks for sharing. I am going to post your blog to our Facebook, so that our followers can check out you great idea!!


    Jennifer from Saunders


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