Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Forgotten Piano Bench

This is the piano bench I would like to forget. It's a rickety, broken down, barely usable bench that came with my free hand me down piano. Now, don't get me wrong...I was over the moon about acquiring this piano. Not so much with it's condition. Each and every single key had the coordinating note written on it in black sharpie. Yes, you heard me right...BLACK SHARPIE. (who does that?) Anyway, thank the good Lord for Mr. Clean Magic Eraser...they really are magic!

Need a place to store your music? Nope...not here...sorry. I can't believe I have made my boys practice their piano while sitting on this death trap for 2 years. What kind of mother am I?

Well, apparently the kind that also forgets about that other piano bench that her friend gave her over a year ago.
In my defense, I knew it needed to recovered and I just didn't have the time or energy to do it (I was preggers at the time). Also, I think it was waiting for that "special" piece of fabric.

And now I have just that...thanks to my new blogging friend Richella! Only in blogland can you compliment a stranger's fabric project, and she ends up sending you her extra fabric. Seriously. I must say that Richella is one of the kindest, most sincere women I have ever had the privilege of "meeting". She is honest and real and beautiful...inside and out. I am blessed to call her my friend. Thank you Richella for being so sweet and for showing me such an example of true Christ-like love and random kindness.

Be sure and go by her blog and say hello @ Imparting Grace.

(And stay tuned for the reveal of the new piano bench. My staple gun stopped working tonight right in the middle of the project. That is so my life.)


Jess said...

What a sweetheart! Can't wait to see the results. I'm headin' over to check out her blog.

Thanks for great comment you left for me. We have the same favorites!!!!

Jodee said...

What a nice gal! I love the fabric too!

Dana said...

What a blessing! Can't wait to see the final outcome!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

I think your "assistant" in the first picture is adorable. I hope you pay her well. I have to pay mine in Cheez-its. ;)

I adore that fabric! How nice that she offered you her extras...what a sweetheart! :)

A Southern Rose said...

That was so sweet of her! I know that the piano bench is going to look beautiful when you get it all finished. The staple gun thing sounds just like something that would happen to me!

Sara said...

I love that fabric! The color combo is my favorite right now. Your little assistant is absolutely ADORABLE!! Love her little glasses.

SarahJarnagin said...

How sweet of her!!! I can't wait to see the finished product!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful fabric and just more confirmation that there are some great people in the world! Can't wait to see the finished bench...

Kristina P. said...

What a great friend! Can't wait to see the finished project. I really like the fabric.

Anonymous said...

Friends are true gifts from God. I love the fabric and can't wait to see the finished bench.


Unknown said...

Can't wait to see the finished bench!


Pam Walter said...

A piano bench is such a versatile piece of furniture; just the right size for a number of uses. I have mine at the foot of the bed as a sitting bench. The fabric you selected is beautiful!

Richella said...

Amanda! You are too kind. But I'm so glad you like the fabric. Can't wait to see what you do with it!

Gwen said...

She is a sweetheart and I can't wait to see the bench.

JennyMac said...

That photo with such a darling girl...precious!

Mandi Shandi said...

That fabric is SO YOU! Love it and can't wait to see how the bench turns out. I just know it is gonna be fabulous!

Unknown said...

I LOVE TO SEE WHAT you do! can't wait to see the finished job! P.S. love purses, and the purse stickers darling. What you did with them so cute they look like coasters, HOW FUN!

Christina said...

Look forward to seeing the finished product. Mine has been waiting for years for me to do something to it. I even have the fabric.

Love the red toile' napkins below too. I liked the before, but the after is even better! Great deal too.

Made In The South said...

Can't wait to see its new cover. on my way to go visit, love making new friends...

Made In The South said...

The little girl in the first photo is just the cutest her little smile.

Melissa Miller said...

Oh I can't wait to see! Love the pretty fabrics. :)

Shannon said...

How sweet of her! I can't wait to see it!

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

That is gorgeous fabric - you lucky girl!

Stacey said...

I gotta question for you. I thought I remembered you saying you distressed something that you spray painted. Last night I spray painted a frame black and then went over it with white. When I distressed it (which I did very lightly)it went down to the wood of the frame. What in the heck am I doing wrong? I wanted to the black to come through not the wood. Help a poor uncraftly girl out!!! HUGS!

Karen@CitySeed said...
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