Friday, July 9, 2010


See that adorable little banner up there? That's my cute neice Becca's blog. She posted some really great stuff this week and I just had to feature her today. I hope you'll take the time to stop by and tell her hi!

As soon as I walked in their door last weekend, this awesome beverage cart caught my eye. Especially since it's painted with my all time favorite spray paint...Krylon's Blue Ocean Breeze.

I cannot even believe she started with this! You absolutely must visit HERE to see how she transformed it from trash to a real treasure.

They are all about repurposing at their house, by turning seemingly ordinary things into something really unique and fun. Just to give you an idea....they have a collection of these great vintage glass soda bottles turned into dispensers for soap, oil & vinegar, and various other things. Not to mention that backsplash they created out of broken fiestaware. You gotta love that! Don't forget to say hi to Becca and tell her Manda sent ya!


  1. Blue Ocean Breeze is my favorite spray paint color, too. I recognized it before you even said that was what color the cart was. Also, your niece's blog is really cute.

  2. ok, i'm off for the visit now!

  3. The cart color is fab and I love what she did with the "Pop" bottles. Cute!


    I'm having a $40 giveaway at Popcorn, would you like to enter?

  4. I love how the cart turned out! I just refinished one very similar to it! Check it out!

  5. This cart is so cool! I love the color and the coke bottle idea.


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