Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Cozie-Palooza 2010

Just when you thought my posts couldn't get any worse, I'm back with more cozie love! My niece Becca and I got together this afternoon to make fabric covered can cozies...her idea that I totally copied. They were super duper easy and turned out wicked cute. Mine was a little plain, so I decided to use a shabby rosette and some ribbon to jazz it up a bit.

I absolutely love this graphic print I found in the clearance bin at Hobby Lobby.....perfection.

We simply measured a piece of fabric to fit around the cozie with about half an inch extra on each side for seam allowance. We used iron on stitch witchery to make our seams, but if you sew you could whip this up with your machine very quickly too.

We used hot glue around the top and bottom edges of the cozie to attach the fabric. For the long seam on the outside we overlapped the two edges and hot glued them down.

Becca made this adorable fabric applique with her initial and ironed it onto the paisley fabric with Heat and Bond before she attached it to the cozie. My sad little rosette pales in comparison. Hers turned out too stinkin cute!

I love how she layered two different colors of fabric for her applique. It definitely adds that extra special touch and makes it look more custom. In fact, similar cozies sell for $20 at a local boutique. But, I think hers is way cuter and it only cost about $2 to that's what I call thrifty chic!


  1. turned out super cute! love the monogram and the flower embellishments!

  2. These are so georgeous! Perhaps you should start selling them to your local boutique!!!

  3. Amanda, thanks for sharing these great stubbie cooler ideas. My husband uses his a lot and it's looking rather grubby, so I might just have to tizzy it up a bit for him. I might just do it on the sly too.

    Ky x

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. So, so cute!! Definitely a more sophisticated feel than a plain old cozie.

  6. Wow, and to think I was getting ready to throw away some of my coozies! Thanks for the hint! Have a great day. Sandi

  7. Who doesn't love a simple project. But I must say I've never bought one of these cozies. I also must admit I didn't even know they had a name. See what I leared today.

  8. I love her letter R! What a great font. And the fabric is way cute on hers and yours. I think your can looks great too. The rosette adds the perfect punch.

  9. This is a great idea! Fun way to add a little funk to a plain boring cozie. Or great way to breath new life into a freebie one with advertising on it. :) Thanks for the idea!

  10. How adorable!!! I love it!!! Just found you today! I am so glad! Am now following you. Can't wait to see what you create next! Have a great weekend!

  11. I think I'm gonna make some of these for my sis in law and nieces for this weekend at the lake - we'll be stylin'!

  12. I love them! What a great idea! I have seen them here with monogramming for about 20 bucks!


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