Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Quatrefoil Art Restyle

Last week over at The CSI Project, I introduced the theme for our current challenge....."Frames, Art, and Wall Decor". Since writing that post, it seems to be all I can think about. So in honor of our challenge, I decided to take the quatrefoil art I stenciled a few weeks back and kick it up a notch. I used my cricut and sure cuts alot to cut this fun little scene out of chocolate brown vinyl to match my walls.

It's a little whimsy and a bit quirky, but I really love the fun element it brings into the room.

The beauty of vinyl is that when I get tired of it and want something a bit more classic, I can simply peel it right off and I get a completely different look! It's nice to give yourself options and not label your style. It's ok to have fun with your decor. Go ahead and give yourself permission to relax, have some fun, and think outside the box!

What have you done lately to kick your decor up a notch???


  1. Cute! I just adore furniture silhouettes. And I haven't done anything to kick my decor up a notch. I can hardly keep the house clean lately. ;)

  2. You are TOO amazing. I LOVE it! Wow - awesome!!!!


  3. It does add a touch of whimsy. Whimsy is good! Me likey!

  4. It makes a great background for the vinyl, too! I love the designs you chose. Nice way to change it up!

  5. This is with your trusty Circuit isn't it? This is so neat, I love it!

  6. Ha ha! I like the first comment and agree - cleaning the house to start with would be a huge improvement.

  7. I am in love with it! I really need to get myself a cricut...

  8. Very cool! I've got my Silhouette out right now and about to make some cuts for projects I need to finish. I love this!

  9. Oh this is really cute!

  10. So fun...I still hate you because you have a cricut. :-) I love that you can change it out!

  11. Just found you! LOVE your blog! What have I done lately??? Finding some great architectural photos from past trips and using them as art around my house. I'm really loving this look - a contemporary edge to my traditional home. I'll have to post about that. Looking forward to reading more.


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