Friday, June 18, 2010

Are we sick to death of chalkboard paint yet???

I know, I know....chalkboard paint and chalkboards are everywhere lately. And just when I thought I was done with them....I found these cutie patootie flower shapes from Dollar Tree tucked away in my craft drawer. They were screaming to be made into chalkboards and I just couldn't resist....I had to do it!

I slapped on two coats of chalkboard paint, added an adorable ribbon hanger....and I think I might have the cutest chalkboards on the planet.

Wouldn't this be perfect on a shop door, posting their business hours?

I think I'll use this one on my bedroom door when I need some "quiet time". Although, I have a feeling it may not be too well recieved!

This one is going to hang to the side of my front door. We have some really sweet pre-teen girls in our neighborhood that like to come over and play with my little girls. They always seem to come at nap time though, and ring the doorbell 18 times or bang rather loudly. I'm hoping this will be a nice reminder for them.

This one is dedicated to my 9 and 11 year old boys who think they are way too old to still kiss their mom. Sorry're not getting off that easily. I expect kisses for the rest of my life. Deal with it!!


  1. I think it's so fun!

    And congrats on being featured on Becca's blog today. She's one of my very favorite people.

  2. So very cute! I love chalkboards so keep em coming!

    Hey sorry if I sent you an email by mistake. You and another gal both start with A so my mistake!

  3. I just got started with using chalkboard paint, and I love it! Super cute, and they serve a purpose as well!

  4. Sweet chalkboard projects!

    Also, I really like how you use the shutters as decoration. May I ask what are the things you are using to support the shutter on the wall? I picked up some shutters from a church yard sale and I'd like to put them on the walls like yours.


  5. again I'm in are so creative! I forward your posts to my Aunt & say the same thing - "wow"
    Thanks for sharing !

  6. I don't think we ever get tired of chalkboard projects...we all love them. I like your ideas...very usable. How about one by the toilet that reminds our little guys to put the lid down!
    Ok...I like your ideas!

  7. These are darling!!! I totally did that exact same thing, only a large board with the wholes and ribbon. Its in my kitchen.... FOR WHATS FOR DINNER... ;) HAVE A GOOD NIGHT, jENN

  8. Very cute - and I love the polka-dot ribbon.

  9. So sweet! I had to laugh b/c it seems like the UPS man always comes during naptime, or the guys who want to give free estimates, or sell you "great steaks" from the freezer in the back of their truck. Bleh.

  10. OMIGOSH these are the cutest things ever! I am TOTALLY using that "please knock baby sleeping" idea to the side of my front door. We are welcoming our second child (baby Lyla) in a couple weeks and I will definitely be needing a gentle reminder for the neighbors! Thanks for the adorable idea!!

  11. My first thought when I read the title, was nope, absolutely not! :)

  12. Those are so cute! Even though chalkboards are everywhere, I have yet to actually even crack open the chalkboard paint I have had forever, so thanks for the inspiration. I think those are the same dollar-tree plaques I made my "nest" wall signs out of that I posted for the dollar store challenge (different shapes, though).

    Anyway, they made me want to make a chalkboard for each one of my kid's room to leave them little happy notes on. Thanks for sharing!

  13. Those are sooo stinkin cute!! I really like the fact that it is mini! I just might have to get me some chalkboard paint after seeing these! Thanks for the great idea!!

  14. So fun! I still love chalkboard paint. I really wish I had a wall somewhere in my house that I could paint with it.

    Love ya my friend. Have a super weekend with your cute family!


  15. very cute! and, no we're not sick of chalkboard paint.. how could we with so many endless possibilites. Thanks for sharing!

  16. I am definitely not sick of chalkboard paint! One of these would be cute in my classroom!

  17. I am NOT sick of chalkboard paint at all! I love these--now I am wondering what I can use to make something similar!

  18. There are so many creative uses for chalkboard paint that it's impossible to get tired of it!!!

  19. These are great fun; and so versatile!

  20. Thanks for stopping by my blog & leaving such a sweet comment. I, of course, am LOVIN' the chalkboard flower. I'm following you now & can't wait to see more!

  21. Super cute! Where do you get your chalkboard paint? I have looked and looked with no luck.

  22. I happened upon your blog and am loving your whole mini chalkboard idea! What a wonderful way to leave gentle reminders and loving thoughts. I believe you have inspired me to try it, though I've never used the chalkboard paint. Thank you for the insiration!

    I'm participating in the Where Bloggers Create 2 party this weekend, if you would be at all interested in stopping by to look at my studio shots.

    You have a lovely blog. Thanks again for sharing...



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