Sunday, May 16, 2010

From Ugly Cute Bow Holder

This weekend I worked on some projects and little details for my girlie's bedroom makeover. I remembered this frame I had painted just the right shade of aqua blue a couple months ago. I loved the color, but didn't know what to do with it, so I put it in the closet. And there it sat until I had a light bulb moment Friday turn it into a hair bow holder. We have oodles of bows and unfortunately they are kept in a gallon size ziploc bag. Yeah...that is pretty pathetic. Now, they can be displayed on something pretty that will also compliment the new colors in the room.

This is what the frame looked like when I bought it for one dollar at a yard sale last year.....U.G.L.Y. I originally painted over the lovely picture with chalkboard paint, then painted and distressed the frame white. It was cute, but eventually I got tired of it and put it away. So, I guess this is it's third life!

I used a scrap of canvas drop cloth, wrapped it up like a present, and added some hot glue to hold it in place.

Then I added two pieces of pink ribbon down the front and hot glued it onto the back.

I popped it back into the frame and it was good to go.

Here it is adorned with all of our bows. Yes...we do have an abundance (this is just a few). After having two boys for so long, it was easy to go overboard when the girls came along!

All the colors and patterns started to make me a little crazy, so I had to take them off and try something else. I used those little swirly metal paper clips from my scrapbooking supplies to attach some pictures of the girls to the ribbon strips. Now I can either use it vertically as a bow holder or flip it this way and turn it into a fun little bulletin board. I love that it can serve dual purposes...way more bang for my buck that way!



  1. Love it! Beautiful colors. Love this idea. May have to try it myself. I love you ability to see past what is and see what could be!

  2. That's a great frame, especially that color!!

  3. very cute!

    i've been meaning to ask... do you sell just vinyl in your shop? i have two projects I want to put vinyl monograms on but I'm not sure who to contact to get what I need made.

  4. Your blue makes my heart go pitter pat. I adore it.

  5. I LOVE it! Girl, you think you have a bow problem?? We have 3 bow holders, and still have bows all over the place! I Love love love the frame! and love you!

  6. A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E. and I totally heart that color of blue!

  7. I NEED to know what color that is!! Thanks!

  8. Another fantastic project - I ♥ the blue paint color, too!

  9. Love it!! And that color of frame is amazing--*swoon*

  10. I have one of these in the works for Big Sis's new room! Just gotta figure out the 'look'... and then we're off to finish!

  11. Very cute and practical.

  12. That is soooo cute! what a great idea. Love it cute girl!


  13. How did I miss this??! I love the chic look you gave that frame. I have a plain ribbon bow holder, but I LOVE this idea. Trés Trés cute!!

  14. You got it for only 1 dollar? What a steal!

  15. I love this! I too made one, but added little cup hooks at the bottom to hold my baby girl's headbands. Great color and what a good idea with the pics!

  16. Great idea!

    I used the same fine picture, to make this:


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